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You know you should go to bed when you realise the you technically turned 17 the same day as Naruto and start feling inadequate...
@ Rina
Oh, come on! I didn't even mention the whole Glenn crawls under a dumpster without getting bitten thing ;)
Ep. 1: They could have just buried him a few steps outside in the woods. No need to put people in danger for that...
And the shop thing, you're right, the zombies got out of the quarry too early but why wait that long in the first place? Like I said they all stood in front of that shop when Rick was showing the group the route they would take. At that moment they still had all the time in the world so it makes no sense at all to say: We'll just do that later. 'cause by now they should well know that nothing ever goes according to plan...
"Leave the potential danger for later, I'll show you around a bit more“ Yeah, right...
Ep. 3: True, but there was no rain that day.
Rick left the group to distract part of the herd. But Michonne and Glenn led the others to a shop and they hid there for an eternity! They even killed one or two walkers INSIDE that shop. So that would have been the perfect opportunity: take your time to cover yourselves within that shop and then let us get out! But they didn't even mention that.
They leave that shop the moment the herd arrives and the woman gets eaten immediately.
Ep. 8: Rick tells Deanna to hide, Deanna replies that „they“ should hike (meaning that he should do it too) and just runs after him. There was no immediate danger. She only tries to help him later on but gets injured immediately. Lame way to get rid of such a great character. She was one of the best...
Ep. 9: I know the impact that scene is supposed to hold. But Ricks whole behavior in that moment was plain stupid. And even if you say that Rick was traumatized then what about Michonne? She didn't even lift a finger when the zombies SLOWLY arrived to eat Sam. But the moment Carl gets shot she immediately kills Ron without flinching...
They just stood there and watched Sam crying when Rick could have just grabbed him, tell him to close his eyes and carried him out of there!
No, let's just watch them all get eaten and THEN we can fight our way out... o_O
At one point they mentioned that there are about 40 something people in Alexandria plus Ricks group. Some where families staying together, so they needed even less space and they mentioned at one point that there weren't enough houses for everyone... that's why they wanted to expand the wall... that place really is small. Not talking about the real life town, talking about the town and how they portrayed it in that show.
Stupid writing is a great flaw to me. Since it makes me lose interest.
It's great if you don't mind stuff like that, hell, I wish I could too! I would have a lot more fun like that. But when it keeps happening again and again... it just doesn't make things any better for me...
You're probably right, we should stop here.
I just wanted to show you why I didn't really like that season...
I really hope that the writers will show their real potential again with season 7
For the record, if anyone actually enjoyed reading my long posts, do take a gander over my Tumblr blog, I do thoughts post on stuff Im watching almost every week ^ ○ ^
last edited at Sep 14, 2016 3:25PM
@ Utoptia
Like the dark-haired girl on Galich new-old avi
… what series is that pic from exactly...? I realize I never asked...
You know you should go to bed when you realise the you technically turned 17 the same day as Naruto and start feling inadequate...
So your birthday is on October the 10th...? ^^
Good to know... ;)
It's from Mismatch Girls. It's NSFW
but it's very cute and the art is nice.
hey, you are back, you lurking goddess!! xD
Hello! Glad to see that someone still cares about good ol' Galich.
I feel very flatered now V:
… what series is that pic from exactly...? I realize I never asked...
The original one is from Mismatch Girls, and the new (now older one) is from I'll Bring You Mille-Feuille!
Curses, got ninja'd.
last edited at Sep 14, 2016 3:34PM
Final replies to these posts~
To be fair, ppl with a keen eye have already noted that there was a scene of something moving under the dumpster before the walkers piled over, it wasn't a deus ex machina but actually a really well hidden gem for those that are truly paying attention.
Ep 1 Even if nothing ever goes to plan it helps to try and have a plan. And I'm pretty sure the noise from the store was supposed to lead the herd in that direction; remember, things were going well with Daryl, Abraham and Sasha luring them and only started turning for the worse when The Wolves decided to attack Alexandria that very same day.
Ep 3 I'm pretty sure the noise from killing those walkers was what attracted those outside towards the store. They basically had to run or risk being swarmed inside if the doors/glass break, which they most certainly will - again, the time period given wasn't sufficient for them to utilize the Walker guts method.
Ep 8 Our opinions varies on this, I found Deanna's sacrifice to be a flaming way for her character to go, especially in the end when she tried to fend off a few more Walkers to buy time for the others to escape.
Ep 9 Again, this scene wasn't shot in real time, the Walkers could've devoured Sam + his mom in mere seconds but the shot was purposely slowed down. Not exactly a very valid time gauge to go by considering both shots are filmed differently, it's like saying why does Neos dodge bullets so slowly in The Matrix but does everything else quickly.
Can't recall what the Alexandria size was but I'm pretty sure extensions were made for crops and not neccessarily for housing, but again, my memory is hazy so eh.
And tbh I tend to find reasons to why things were done a certain way instead of thinking of it as stupid writing; finding past examples, connecting the dots, exploring the meta-physical realm and the character's motivations, that kind of stuff; it makes watching more enjoyable for me to get my own interpretation out of things.
last edited at Sep 14, 2016 3:50PM
I really enjoyed our little yoghurt talk back then! (ღˇ◡ˇ)~♥
But that picture that popped into my head that moment... (☉__☉”)
Gave me nightmares ;)
oh, I enjoyed all of our conversations^^
the picture you provoked in my head by suggesting that thing made me want to puke.. xD
I always have a couple of Bulgarian yoghurt pots in the fridge, I could exchange them anytime for an energy drink...
btw everyday I eat my yoghurt mixed with 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed and 2 teaspoons of honey... it becomes extra healthy and sweet ;) yammy
Oh, you don't have to be careful around me, you know... Just relax and be yourself! (♥ε♥)
^_^ I'm myself!
@ UlquiorraSchiffer1
I'd like to apologize for causing such a ruckus over the past few days... You know, I've always thought that "les" was an offensive term, but apparently it isn't? I mean, I looked it up and there is literally no information on it (aside from the Spanish les), so I guess it's really nothing, then... I could have sworn that it was always said in an offensive way whenever I heard it, but I don't really remember where I heard it now (I think some manga I read used it in a offensive way, but I don't remember...) Anyway, sorry about that, I thought you were saying it in a derogatory manner but you really weren't. Now I feel kind of bad for yelling at my mom whenever she says "les"...
You know, I feel like I'm super oversensitive sometimes (read: all of the time) whenever a filthy man shows up on this site or the yuri subreddit since I'm male myself :(... I'd say it's fairly justified there since they usually post het porn without reading the FUCKING NAME OF THE SUBREDDIT (or, perhaps, in defiance of the name) ... but there's not really anything wrong with other men here. Well, I have to admit that I assumed you were implying something like, "Wow, I can't believe there are LESBIANS here! I thought this was a place for only men to..." But, yeah, that's a dumb assumption and I apologize for assuming that about you... you know, I always like to think of Dynasty Reader and the yuri subreddit as being pure places with no males at all, but, you know, my presence ruins that... and, obviously, even if I was female, that would be an impractical thought anyway. I'd say that reading yuri and feminist and LGBTQ articles for more than a year at this point has alerted me to how stupid most men are, and I'd have to say how my friends talk has really colored my opinion as well... not that they're assholes or anything, but there's certainly some misogyny in their speech (though, again, perhaps it's just me being oversensitive again) and, well, yeah, that's how it is.
... This ended up being much longer than I had intended it to be... Well, the point is I apologize for my rash accusations and I hope you'll forgive me.
^ Being oversensitive is better than being "omg, go back to your Tumblr safe space" like 80% of sad f----rs on the internet imo. Also I agree that idiots posting het NSFW stuff on a yuri site are a nuisance.
last edited at Sep 14, 2016 3:55PM
Highschool of The Dead, while not exactly heavily emphasizing on maintaining innocence, is actually one of the more cheerful and upbeat zombie genre entries and tbh, was what introduced me into manga. At it's core, HoTD focuses particularly on the aspect of companionship and maintaining the zestiness that comes with youth, and I found this to be especially nuanced in the anime during the final moments of Ep 12 with the choice of ending theme and the note that it ended on.
So... is HoTD actually a decent anime? All I know about it is the ridiculous oversexualization of the female characters, and that's more than enough to turn me off from watching it. I mean, disregarding the objectification and all, I find it difficult to truly feel the drama when all the female characters are wearing ridiculously skimpy clothing. Well, I do know another thing, and that thing is that it is a HAREM ANIME. Actually, you probably shouldn't even bother with answering me because nothing will convince me to watch a show like this :P
Anyway, even though I never watched any of these anime aside from Gakkou Gurashi, it's still a very interesting interpretation. I'll definitely visit that blog thing you posted in another post when I have time!
^ Being oversensitive is better than being "omg, go back to your Tumblr safe space" like 80% of sad f----rs on the internet imo. Also I agree that idiots posting het NSFW stuff on a yuri site are a nuisance.
Ha, I hate when people say that Tumblr thing so much, even when they are saying it in a joking manner... I just find it highly offensive in most of the contexts in which it is used (though I can't really remember any specific instances for the life of me...)
last edited at Sep 14, 2016 3:57PM
since I'm male myself :(.
The number of Y chromosomes / crude beings increased from 2 to 4 in one day ! Let's make a LLL ! Lesbian Lovers League. I believe the ability of a man to like and fully appreciate yuri is a very rare gift, so we should be proud of ourselves, I'm close to awaken my yurinnegan !
And now peace has been reinstated on our thread, and all the tensions faded away
But I got to agree on one point, I really despise homophobia, and more globally any sort of intolerance and believe such inferior beings don't belong on Dynasty. (well, they basically shouldn't be there anyway so we are safe.)
last edited at Sep 14, 2016 3:57PM
since I'm male myself :(.
The number of Y chromosomes / crude beings increased from 2 to 4 in one day ! Let's make a LLL ! Lesbian Lovers League. I believe the ability of a man to like and fully appreciate yuri is a very rare gift, so we should be proud of ourselves, I'm close to awaken my yurinnegan !
And now peace has been reinstated on our thread, and all the tensions faded awayBut I got to agree on one point, I really despise homophobia, and more globally any sort of intolerance and believe such inferior beings don't belong on Dynasty. (well, they basically shouldn't be there anyway so we are safe.)
I'm sure some of these inferior beings lurk on Dynasty just for the porn, which makes me quite sad :(. At least they're not posting in the forum, I suppose.
Also, what is the origin of that yurinnegan thing? Is that a reference to something? Very cool design, by the way.
last edited at Sep 14, 2016 4:00PM
@Minutoh If you liked something like The Evil Dead, HoTD is great, it's pretty much a giant tribute to the hack-and-slash, high-octane zombie murder fest; as for the ecchi aspects, Im pretty sure Tetsuo Araki made it as over-the-top as possible just because. And it's not really a harem anime, there's a Love Triangle between Takeshi, Rei and Saeko and that's pretty much it. Saya and Shizuka might have low-key yuri desires towards a special someone in their lives, the former towards her mom and the latter towards her military-base friend, if the smoke/plant-induced dream trip in the OVA is to be taken seriously.
And thanks! My blog is also 100% purely yuri with 3 pics being reblogged everyday ^ _ ^ once every month or so I'll also reblog seiyuu pics which tend contain around 15 reblogs in a single day, usually followed by an equal number of yuri pics the next day.
last edited at Sep 14, 2016 4:06PM
Highschool of the Dead episode 1 convinced me to never watch it.
I think it is also what made me start getting sick of zombies now that I think about it.
last edited at Sep 14, 2016 4:08PM
I'm sure some of these inferior beings lurk on Dynasty just for the porn, which makes me quite sad :(. At least they're not posting in the forum, I suppose.
Better not say such things, they can cause a lot of.. arguments on the forums.
I mean, it would not be a bad thing; as long as someone acts in a civil manner..
last edited at Sep 14, 2016 4:10PM
Also, what is the origin of that yurinnegan thing? Is that a reference to something? Very cool design, by the way.
It's just something derived of the Sharingan from Naruto, that I designed / made on GIMP myself. Glad you liked its design :p
last edited at Sep 14, 2016 4:13PM
@Minutoh If you liked something like The Evil Dead, HoTD is great, it's pretty much a giant tribute to the hack-and-slash, high-octane zombie murder fest; as for the ecchi aspects, Im pretty sure Tetsuo Araki made it as over-the-top as possible just because. And it's not really a harem anime, there's a Love Triangle between Takeshi, Rei and Saeko and that's pretty much it. Saya and Shizuka might have low-key yuri desires towards a special someone in their lives, the former towards her mom and the latter towards her military-base friend, if the smoke/plant-induced dream trip in the OVA is to be taken seriously.
And thanks! My blog is also 100% purely yuri with 3 pics being reblogged everyday ^ _ ^ once every month or so I'll also reblog seiyuu pics which tend contain around 15 reblogs in a single day, usually followed by an equal number of yuri pics the next day.
The former toward... her mom, huh? The fact that this actually made me want to see the show a bit just confirms what I've known for a long time: I no longer have any standards at all when it comes to yuri! I'm not sure whether that's good or bad.
I never watched The Evil Dead before, but... I really should. High-octane zombie murderfests are always fun watches though, so, who knows, maybe I'll watch it at some point in the future!
^ It's only a segment in the OVA, but her character generally doesn't have any romantic interactions with anyone in the anime. Though, she can be a little bit annoying and grating at times.
Highschool of the Dead episode 1 convinced me to never watch it.
Funny, I recall HoTD ep 1 being the most hyped thing when it aired; ppl watching it early in chinese subs, the general pumped atmosphere of the thread, the infamous, "who the F___ thought yellow subs was a good idea" moment.
Truthfully speaking, HoTD is in my all-time Top 10 anime and it was the first anime that I've ever marathoned the previous eps every single week.
last edited at Sep 14, 2016 4:19PM
Yeah, I only watched it because of how AWSUM it was supposed to be. Over-hyping things ruins them.
Now if I expected it to be the worst thing ever, I may have been surprised. Like Gundam ZZ! Everyone said it's dumb and bad and well, I really enjoyed it. Even Moon Moon! Even Chara Soon and Mashymre Cello. It was sad when they stopped being goofballs. :(
Anime ja nai!
Edit: My top 10 anime would be all mecha so I won't be listing it lol.
last edited at Sep 14, 2016 4:19PM
The worst anime ever is for me Sakura trick, followed by Boku no Pico, Shitai wo Arau and a dumb NSFW harem with an incest ending I can't remember the name. Edit : Yosuga no Sora.
Worst anime of 2016 is Big Order, this show is such a troll it's funny.
Edit : How could I forget Pupa in the worst anime category.
last edited at Sep 14, 2016 4:22PM
I guess that's understandable then lol. I was going into it already being a huge fan of the manga and wanting to see how it'll be adapted.
Oh and, Kurosaki Maon did an amazing job with all of the ending themes; "Kimi to taiyou ga shinda hi", the ending for ep 1 still gives me the chills to this day due to how tense the situation was when it played
and a dumb NSFW harem with an incest ending I can't remember the name.
Yosuga no Sora? :-) I absolutely enjoyed that one purely for the Sora route, actually the only reason Yosuga is worth watching is for Sora's arc.
...which reminds me that I never got around to completing the Sora route in the VN...
Also, I really never got what is with the anime community's fascination and hate for Boku no Pico, it wasn't even that bad.
last edited at Sep 14, 2016 4:25PM
The worst anime ever is for me Sakura trick
I really enjoyed Sakura Trick because finally an honest to goodness Yuri anime. I never wanted it, but when I watched it I enjoyed. Also more Saki Fujita. <3
My least favorite anime that I watched... hmm... probably Code Geass R2 (I loved the first Code Geass). Was a dumb train wreck.
I guess everyone has its own definition of "bad".
Fascinating ? It sure is not.
Bad ? It sure is, this is just .. dumb and pointless.
I also forgot to mention Hen-zemi; there are more super-shitty anime than one would imagine in the first place.
My least favorite anime that I watched... hmm... probably Code Geass R2 (I loved the first Code Geass). Was a dumb train wreck.
This illustrates perfectly the "to each their own" thing, I consider Code geass (both seasons) as one of the greatest anime ever and it is in my top 6.
last edited at Sep 14, 2016 4:29PM