Version with the background stuff removed:

Updated my previous post.
Not going to lie, I wish ssamba would color her other chapters like she did with this piece. Maybe it's just the style or time constraint that affected her other pieces, this is especially nice to look at as the colors are clean and in line.
Hm... I would assume it's time constraint. It takes a lot more of time to color it clean and in line after all.
That's also what I assume.
You can see that the FF official art tend to be a bit more detailed, "sharper" and better colored than the art in the chapters.
So, that tells me that ssamba can draw and color like this; it's just that it probably takes way more time.
To be honest, I actually prefer this sketch-like style of drawing, even if it's actually to "cut corners". I find that it gives a "raw" quality to the drawings and that it has its own charm. Well, that's just me anyway.
Some manga try to have "perfect" artwork everywhere and all the time. There's nothing wrong with that either. Citrus is one series where most people agree that the artwork is great. (Not gonna talk about the story...) The drawings are pretty much always detailed, even background elements. And that's nice in its own way.
But personally, when I'm reading a story, especially for the first time, I focus mostly on the story, and I don't especially pay attention to things such as, say, how well drawn that table in the background is. But of course, foreground elements, as in elements "in focus" in a given panel, need to be somewhat detailed, because if a foreground element is not detailed enough, it could be too noticeable and detract from the story. Often, foreground elements are people. And that's fine in the case of FF, since ssamba usually gives more detail to characters, especially their faces.
Furthermore, if ssamba went for a Citrus-like level of drawing detail, I would assume we would not be getting a new chapter every week. And if I had to choose between weekly updates or nicer drawings, I would definitely choose weekly updates.
Also, randomly...
Lol, jk, but I do really like this one that you made a while back:
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last edited at Jun 14, 2015 2:49PM