Forum › Officer, Your Tail is Showing discussion

joined Jun 11, 2021

alrighty then

joined Mar 9, 2024

(狐狸)尾巴藏不住了(lit. Can't hide one's (fox) tail) is an idiom in Chinese that approximately means "one's true intentions are showing"

And it kind of pissed me off with the striking similarities in title with certain trends of "霸道总裁文“ (lit. overbearing CEO-style writing) that's trending in China. This type of creation usually consists of a het relationship between an overbearing sucessful businessman that's super good-looking and a woman in lower social hierarchy (like, just hired into the corp the man owned) that favors whatever the man did, usually the relationship is quite toxic and characters are very steriotypical.

Wikipedia page of this type of creations (Chinese, unfortunately, no corresponding page in English available yet):

last edited at Dec 10, 2024 10:19AM

joined Jul 21, 2024

well thats one way to start of a series, pretty art style tho

joined Apr 26, 2022

what the fuck is happening

joined Apr 26, 2022

I wonder how this story would go

joined Sep 27, 2017

I think we need a slavery tag. The current tags don't cover the material, or prepare you for how uncomfortable it is.

I genuinely hate authors that think "you did these deeds, so there for you being a slave / sexually abused is justified". It's always an excuse for a fetish that revolves around reducing someone to nothing, along with it removing their ability to consent. The whole setup in these types of stories is always a poor excuse to sweep to rape under the rug. Someone drugged in this state can't consent, and regardless of how someone wronged you making them into a slave and assaulting them is disgusting.

joined Apr 28, 2014

Never before have I seen a series with so many tags that appeal to me destroy that goodwill immediately.

joined Feb 1, 2021

The tags did not prepare me for... whatever this is

joined Mar 13, 2014

That was... kind of uncomfortable to read lol. I bet these two soften real quickly though.

Jusrkora Uploader
joined Sep 11, 2024

I think we need a slavery tag. The current tags don't cover the material, or prepare you for how uncomfortable it is.

Slavery tag and abuse tags are now added to the series thanks

joined Jun 27, 2017

Manhua (and manhwa) really love this sorta cheap edgelord crap in yuri, for some reason.

joined Jul 15, 2016

I genuinely hate authors that think "you did these deeds, so there for you being a slave / sexually abused is justified".

While I am guessing this story is primarily an expression of the authors' fetishes, from the world-building perspective, I find it strange that a soldier would keep such petty grudges against another soldier, especially if they are both generals. Also, why memory-wipe a commanding general for losing a war? If they committed war crimes, sure, arrange a tribunal or hand her over to the winners directly; otherwise, just demote them. Surely, the state has more profitable jobs for a highly-educated, star-ranked veteran than prostitution?

It's like someone wanted to slap some military uniforms onto their BDSM-themed catgirl porn without knowing the first thing about warfare.

last edited at Dec 8, 2024 1:32PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

I think we need a slavery tag. The current tags don't cover the material, or prepare you for how uncomfortable it is.

Slavery tag and abuse tags are now added to the series thanks


I genuinely hate authors that think "you did these deeds, so there for you being a slave / sexually abused is justified".

While I am guessing this story is primarily an expression of the authors' fetishes, from the world-building perspective, I find it strange that a soldier would keep such petty grudges against another soldier, especially if they are both generals. Also, why memory-wipe a commanding general for losing a war? If they committed war crimes, sure, arrange a tribunal or hand her over to the winners directly; otherwise, just demote them. Surely, the state has more profitable jobs for a highly-educated, star-ranked veteran than prostitution?

It's like someone wanted to slap some military uniforms onto their BDSM-themed catgirl porn without knowing the first thing about warfare.

Yeah I find for something such as this the slavery fetish tends to be the focus, and everything else is secondary

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, that was quite the start... May get better from here, may get much worse. I guess we'll see...

joined Sep 16, 2019

I mean… I’ll read a bit more, but that opening did not do it for me.

I genuinely hate authors that think "you did these deeds, so there for you being a slave / sexually abused is justified".

While I am guessing this story is primarily an expression of the authors' fetishes, from the world-building perspective, I find it strange that a soldier would keep such petty grudges against another soldier, especially if they are both generals. Also, why memory-wipe a commanding general for losing a war? If they committed war crimes, sure, arrange a tribunal or hand her over to the winners directly; otherwise, just demote them. Surely, the state has more profitable jobs for a highly-educated, star-ranked veteran than prostitution?

It's like someone wanted to slap some military uniforms onto their BDSM-themed catgirl porn without knowing the first thing about warfare.

Agreed. The funniest part to me was that the entire rivalry felt less like a conflict between two high-ranking generals in the midst of a war and more like a spat between office ladies.

Also, I don’t care if the war’s over or not, what sort of Qisling-ass lapdog treats a former comrade like that in front of the other army’s leadership? Way to present a unified front in the face of defeat.

last edited at Dec 8, 2024 2:45PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

This is just the authors fetishes in an office setting disguised as a war story, which is fine, I like the enemies to lovers trope a lot so they could salvage this, I hope the memory loss shit will go away soon and it's just an excuse for the setting to start

joined Jan 11, 2019

Agreed. The funniest part to me was that the entire rivalry felt less like a conflict between two high-ranking generals in the midst of a war and more like a spat between office ladies.

Yeah, the coffee bit feels 100% like the author is taking revenge-by-proxy onto the character for an actual coffee spill that happened to them.

joined Feb 14, 2016

I'm not sure I understand the military hierarchy here but it's also only chapter one. Just makes the whole thing feel really silly

last edited at Dec 8, 2024 3:31PM

joined Jun 7, 2014

Before the slavery tag was added, it was the perfect set of tags.

joined Sep 27, 2017

Agreed. The funniest part to me was that the entire rivalry felt less like a conflict between two high-ranking generals in the midst of a war and more like a spat between office ladies.

Yeah, the coffee bit feels 100% like the author is taking revenge-by-proxy onto the character for an actual coffee spill that happened to them.

Often I find that slavery and adjacent stories along these lines come with a certain level of bitter pettiness that feels personal to the author, revenge-by-proxy as you said is a big theme. These types of stories can also give off huge incel vibes unfortunately.

joined Mar 13, 2018

many webtoons have what I would characterize as a parkour civilization conception of social hierarchy

joined Aug 16, 2014

I genuinely hate authors that think "you did these deeds, so there for you being a slave / sexually abused is justified".

While I am guessing this story is primarily an expression of the authors' fetishes, from the world-building perspective, I find it strange that a soldier would keep such petty grudges against another soldier, especially if they are both generals. Also, why memory-wipe a commanding general for losing a war? If they committed war crimes, sure, arrange a tribunal or hand her over to the winners directly; otherwise, just demote them. Surely, the state has more profitable jobs for a highly-educated, star-ranked veteran than prostitution?

It's like someone wanted to slap some military uniforms onto their BDSM-themed catgirl porn without knowing the first thing about warfare.

Maybe they memory wipe the general in order to prevent any leaks of classified intel? That's all I can think of as to why they'd do such a thing

joined Aug 12, 2021

many webtoons have what I would characterize as a parkour civilization conception of social hierarchy

Lmao, you're not wrong.

joined Jan 22, 2017

This feels like Redo / 50 shades but with office ladys cosplaying as military personel. I actually like beastkin & human yuri but this seems petty and not very believable.

joined Aug 2, 2023

So that thing about yuri having higher morals than yaoi was a damn lie. But before I continue on that topic: mad respect to Kora and the Dream Garden for covering yet another baihe series. I don't know what sort of experimental military-grade stims you're on, but it's working.

All in all, this seems more like an escapist power fantasy than "Romance" to me. Just like every invincible-and-bangs-all-the-chicks Isekai edgelord I see the audience as people who, mere cogs in the machine irl, need fiction to lash out and feel better. (Needless to say, this has nothing to do with BDSM.) I'm not even opposed to such media, as it is merely symptomatic of wider societal failures, but, oooph, not my cup of tea.

(Also, wasn't there a Military tag once? I think A Love Letter for the Marching Puppy had it, unless it's the MaNdElA eFfEcT, wooo~~~)

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