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joined Oct 25, 2023

Mari is down horrendous, good god

Her near-death experience did a number on her personality and sexual preferences.

Kinda feel bad for her now, what with her having no shot with Furuka. Plus the whole eldritch abomination living nearby thing...that's less than ideal.

joined Nov 7, 2022

Kinda feel bad for her now, what with her having no shot with Furuka. Plus the whole eldritch abomination living nearby thing...that's less than ideal.

Yeah, definitely hoping she eventually gets into a better mindset and situation. On the other hand... she needed to be shaken to get out of her previous, bad personality, so I'm also happy for her to get a chance at becoming someone better.

In short, still more happy for her to get positive development than sad that her current mindset isn't great.

joined Feb 18, 2013

Mari is down horrendous, good god

This is both hilarious and approximately what I was coming to say.

It's hilarious how Furuka just seems to miss it entirely.

joined Jan 30, 2017

She really switched instantly from 'internalized homophobia' to 'down-bad lesbian' lmao.

Her near-death experience did a number on her personality and sexual preferences.

"Why waste my life being a negative bitch when I could... gasp kiss girls?"

joined Dec 20, 2018

Mari is down horrendous, good god

This is both hilarious and approximately what I was coming to say.

It's hilarious how Furuka just seems to miss it entirely.

Because she's entirely focused on another girl and/or monster. And all Mari can do is help them meet again.

joined Apr 28, 2016

i come back 5 years later and this still on going wtf

Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

Mari seems to be a girl of extremes. Extreme devotion to her boyfriend, extreme depression when she discovered he was cheating on her, extreme obsession with Furuka when Furuka was even the tiniest bit nice to her... While, of course, around here we tend to approve of a girl taking a lesbian turn, her behavior really seems unhealthy. Especially since Furuka isn't even noticing her very unsubtle hints at all.

In other news, I really hope the chapter of Kon dissolving away was symbolic rather than literal, and she's actually still alive for Furuka to save.

joined Aug 12, 2019

Mari, I'm glad that you're being a lot nicer to Furuka and discovering your lesbian side, but NO! Fuu-chan does not belong to you!....although Fuu-chan is dead set on finding Kon by any means and she's not paying any attention to Mari's advances so yeah. but still, NO! Furuka belongs to Kon. so find some other girl to be in love with. we'll gladly root for you on that.

joined Sep 2, 2022

pffft the heart pupils

joined Oct 4, 2024

Mari, I'm glad that you're being a lot nicer to Furuka and discovering your lesbian side, but NO! Fuu-chan does not belong to you!....although Fuu-chan is dead set on finding Kon by any means and she's not paying any attention to Mari's advances so yeah. but still, NO! Furuka belongs to Kon. so find some other girl to be in love with. we'll gladly root for you on that.

NO!!! FuuMari >>>>>>>>>

joined Aug 12, 2019

Mari, I'm glad that you're being a lot nicer to Furuka and discovering your lesbian side, but NO! Fuu-chan does not belong to you!....although Fuu-chan is dead set on finding Kon by any means and she's not paying any attention to Mari's advances so yeah. but still, NO! Furuka belongs to Kon. so find some other girl to be in love with. we'll gladly root for you on that.

NO!!! FuuMari >>>>>>>>>

hey NO!! it's FuuKon!!! FuuKon!!

joined Aug 16, 2014

Mari, I'm glad that you're being a lot nicer to Furuka and discovering your lesbian side, but NO! Fuu-chan does not belong to you!....although Fuu-chan is dead set on finding Kon by any means and she's not paying any attention to Mari's advances so yeah. but still, NO! Furuka belongs to Kon. so find some other girl to be in love with. we'll gladly root for you on that.

NO!!! FuuMari >>>>>>>>>

hey NO!! it's FuuKon!!! FuuKon!!

You're both missing a trick here... FuuKonMari!

joined Aug 12, 2019

Mari, I'm glad that you're being a lot nicer to Furuka and discovering your lesbian side, but NO! Fuu-chan does not belong to you!....although Fuu-chan is dead set on finding Kon by any means and she's not paying any attention to Mari's advances so yeah. but still, NO! Furuka belongs to Kon. so find some other girl to be in love with. we'll gladly root for you on that.

NO!!! FuuMari >>>>>>>>>

hey NO!! it's FuuKon!!! FuuKon!!

You're both missing a trick here... FuuKonMari!

...............*pondering about it*.......hmmmm doesn't so too bad.......

joined Aug 12, 2021

I love this expression, just happy to be here.

last edited at Jan 2, 2025 1:06PM

joined Jun 27, 2018

i come back 5 years later and this still on going wtf

It's got 370 pages so far (give or take a few) and was first uploaded to dynasty on sep 27th 2018. That's roughly one page every six days. Pretty slow, but honestly it's the same pace as most webcomics.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Time to go back to explore the cave. Or not? Leaving us hanging on another cliff again, although I hardly can see her turning back now, even if it would be to prepare better. After all, what could be happening down there while we waste time here?

joined Aug 16, 2014

I love this expression, just happy to be here.

Truly the embodiment of "Head empty, no thoughts"

Although I suppose in this case she has at least one thought

joined Aug 17, 2012

I'm getting to like Mari.

joined Aug 12, 2019

I love this expression, just happy to be here.

............oooooh she's starting to grown on me.

joined Aug 19, 2018

This story has been interesting the whole time, but Mari's growth is just making it way too damn good

joined Aug 16, 2014

Looks like Furuka's in the hole as well now

joined Aug 12, 2019

gawddammit ancient monster!! you took Kon and now you're taking Fuu-chan!? you better let them reunite already!!

last edited at Mar 2, 2025 11:08PM

joined Feb 18, 2013

Mari thinking with her... abalone... to the very end.

joined Mar 8, 2016

Anyone else notice the sharp decline in art quality in the latest chapters? Much less detail, odd shapes, hands and feet barely drawn... I wonder if its the accelerated release schedule or if the mangaka had some health issues?

last edited at Mar 3, 2025 3:31PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

That's how the way down works.

Now, any bets on what awaits her there? Kon being the monster like many think? The monster simply existing to test young lesbians' love, and only those who dare follow their beloved making it out together again? Or something entirely different we haven't even remotely thought about?

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