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joined Dec 17, 2022

It's good for Mei to close this chapter of her life before fully starting her life with Yuzu.

How does adding the running of an entirely different school to her current business agenda (you know, the one that's already so full that she is unable to celebrate Yuzu's birthday despite being in the next room from her) constitute Mei "closing this chapter of her life"?

If now, without being the president of the Aihara academy, she doesn't have time for Yuzu, when be president, imagine

last edited at May 19, 2024 3:52PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

It's good for Mei to close this chapter of her life before fully starting her life with Yuzu.

How does adding the running of an entirely different school to her current business agenda (you know, the one that's already so full that she is unable to celebrate Yuzu's birthday despite being in the next room from her) constitute Mei "closing this chapter of her life"?

If now, without being the president of the Aihara academy, she doesn't have time for Yuzu, when be president, imagine

Most of her recent busy schedule (including in previous chapters) has been because of this transition period and the preparation required. These periods can be uniquely busy, uncertain and most importantly, stressful.

She's also apparently been in conversations with boards throughout the area, likely constructing proposals, lobbying etc. Shes even gotten a name for herself because of her work. This seems to have been a long running project with some mentions of the transition earlier in the manga. She's also been doubling as the student council leader, which we see she is now moving away from. Things will calm down when this huge undertaking is over with. Once that's done, she will certainly be able to breathe a sigh of relief (like everyone does when a major project is finished).

This is also her first major project and it's personal for her. It's her initiative (which itself is partly fueled by Yuzu's influence), a major milestone she'll want to see through and watch succeed. These issues have always been relevant to her character and her relationship with her grandfather and the conclusion of this can serve as a good cap on that.

last edited at May 19, 2024 4:06PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

It's good for Mei to close this chapter of her life before fully starting her life with Yuzu.

How does adding the running of an entirely different school to her current business agenda (you know, the one that's already so full that she is unable to celebrate Yuzu's birthday despite being in the next room from her) constitute Mei "closing this chapter of her life"?

If now, without being the president of the Aihara academy, she doesn't have time for Yuzu, when be president, imagine

Most of her recent busy schedule (including in previous chapters) has been because of this transition period and the preparation required. These periods can be uniquely busy, uncertain and most importantly, stressful.

She's also apparently been in conversations with boards throughout the area, likely constructing proposals, lobbying etc. Shes even gotten a name for herself because of her work. This seems to have been a long running project with some mentions of the transition earlier in the manga. She's also been doubling as the student council leader, which we see she is now moving away from. Things will calm down when this huge undertaking is over with. Once that's done, she will certainly be able to breathe a sigh of relief (like everyone does when a major project is finished).

The idea that things would "calm down" when the entire responsibility for running two different schools, including the integration of a boys' school and a girls' school into single academic organization, falls on Mei's shoulders alone is all the purest speculation, and in realistic terms is in fact quite preposterous.

Of course, given that it's Saburouta we're talking about here, all that certainly could be handwaved away--that's how this one rolls. But assertions now that it will happen are based on nothing.

joined May 29, 2021

So are we just dropping the Harumin and Matsuri stuff?

last edited at May 19, 2024 5:09PM

joined Sep 10, 2022

The idea that things would "calm down" when the entire responsibility for running two different schools, including the integration of a boys' school and a girls' school into single academic organization, falls on Mei's shoulders alone is all the purest speculation, and in realistic terms is in fact quite preposterous.

Who says she'd be working alone? And the exact form of things is not yet clear. Regardless, she'll be in a better position once this transition is completed for the simple fact that a major undertaking and possible merging will be done. That's how these things happen in similar working environments, I don't see why this would be different.

Yes, she'll still have work to balance afterwards but these types of transitions are typically the most chaotic and filled with pressure, especially since it's so personal for her. This will be her own ideas being implemented. That's a major accomplishment if she can pull it off.

If/when this is fully done and she does respond happily, I don't see how that would be "handwaving," or "preposterous" but I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

I think this is getting into the weeds and away from the point which is: this could be a major milestone for her and positive momentum as she moves into her life with Yuzu.

last edited at May 19, 2024 6:25PM

joined Aug 23, 2022

I just want to say that Shark mind mei is kind of awesome....

I see a lot of people saying that Yuzu's insecurities are unjustified or that she's being paranoid. Let's remember that it has being least than a year since Mei literally left Yuzu to marry a man. These girls need communication and Mei just can't do that for the sake of Yuzu.
I love Yuzu man, she deserves better from Mei, sorry

joined Oct 21, 2017

So are we just dropping the Harumin and Matsuri stuff?

No it's more like it's on the back burner for right now.

joined Jul 29, 2017

The idea that things would "calm down" when the entire responsibility for running two different schools, including the integration of a boys' school and a girls' school into single academic organization, falls on Mei's shoulders alone is all the purest speculation, and in realistic terms is in fact quite preposterous.

Who says she'd be working alone? And the exact form of things is not yet clear. Regardless, she'll be in a better position once this transition is completed for the simple fact that a major undertaking and possible merging will be done.

So instead of being a high-school student council president and heir-apparent headmistress at one school, she’ll be the actual headmistress of that school and the head of an organization taking on an entirely different school, and said activities somehow will give her a chance to rest and potentially pay some attention to her relationship with Yuzu.

And all this is based on what evidence in the text?

joined Sep 10, 2022

So instead of being a high-school student council president and heir-apparent headmistress at one school, she’ll be the actual headmistress of that school and the head of an organization taking on an entirely different school, and said activities somehow will give her a chance to rest and potentially pay some attention to her relationship with Yuzu.

And all this is based on what evidence in the text?

Your response is a bit odd to me for a few reasons but I'd rather move on since this seems unlikely to be productive. I'll just repeat my original point again: this could be a major milestone for her and positive momentum as she moves into her life with Yuzu.

No it's more like it's on the back burner for right now

Hopefully we get back to that in the future. Really enjoyed those two.

last edited at May 19, 2024 7:24PM

joined Aug 23, 2011

Mei just needs to wring one out of Yuzu. Boom, trust issues solved.
Unless they're ace, in which case idk

joined May 29, 2021

No it's more like it's on the back burner for right now.

It’s been on the back burner for years.

joined Jul 29, 2017

No it's more like it's on the back burner for right now.

It’s been on the back burner for years.

Saburouta is pretty random in dropping threads or picking up pieces of the past (does anyone in-text even remember the existence of Sara and Nina Tachibana or Shirapon?).

So who knows? The Harumin/Matsuri arc could erupt at any moment or never be heard of again.

joined Feb 17, 2018

Man, this little dry spell made me realize that Citrus has been going on for a little over 11 years now. I've personally been reading since 2016.
At this point, my greatest wish in life is to see it reach a conclusion before it fizzles out.

joined Dec 17, 2022

No it's more like it's on the back burner for right now.

It’s been on the back burner for years.

Saburouta is pretty random in dropping threads or picking up pieces of the past (does anyone in-text even remember the existence of Sara and Nina Tachibana or Shirapon?).

So who knows? The Harumin/Matsuri arc could erupt at any moment or never be heard of again.

Let's be honest, the harumatsu "is dead and buried", he had his chance to develop it but he didn't want to or never had the intention to do it, Nothing can be developed when each volume barely coincides with two pages. In this story, the secondary characters are only supports for the main couple, they do not have a life of their own, they have Their bow and then disappear. Shirapon and Sara and Nina are the clear example, but not only them, you just have to see what Himeko has left in this story. Nothing can be developed if not You never take the focus off the main couple, But hey, let's not complain, in exchange we have a random character like Arata who has given him more prominence in a single volume than to himeko in 6 (so that I understand the sarcasm) is what it is. ¿Why should I care about him or what happens to his school? , that's why I'm disappointed because I don't care at all

last edited at May 20, 2024 3:59AM

joined Dec 17, 2022

Here I leave my last opinion this month. Reading some comments here and there, it seems that this story is about a boss and her employee, a rich girl and her maid, but no, what it should be being that it is a couple with its romantic component. Just give me a simple "5 page" chapter doing something romantic, a dinner, a walk, something. and as far as the secondary ones are concerned, give me Something else, I'm before not I was a big fan of harumatsu But now I recognize that it has great potential and that now I would give it more play in the story than than the main couple, but we all know that's not going to happen. Tell me more about Himeko, what happened With Shirapon, Sara and Nina,? get me more of Harumin's sister but in exchange I receive, well, new random characters, Sayaka and Miyabi, Kana and the friend and now the Japanese DiCaprio Leonardo Arata, Honestly, that they interest me very little or not at all. The future will tell how history continues, but prolonging this agony any longer will only make people abandon it. Greetings

last edited at May 23, 2024 6:27AM

joined Oct 1, 2019

ZZZZZZzzzzzz. We waited since October for this??????? It's done. I don't care about the academy, Mei or Yuzu. What a waste of our time waiting for this garbage! No hugs, no kiss, no romance. NO MORE!

joined May 27, 2019

Yuzu trying to get any affection out of Mei is like squeezing blood from a stone. Even if Yuzu says she’s happy, her needs are clearly not being met by Mei.

It’s just so frustrating to watch

joined Mar 20, 2014

It would mean she has fully taken over as chairwoman of Aihara Academy, leaving free to pursue her relationship with Yuzu without having to worry about whatever the board of her grandpa wants.

This so so unrealistic. Like, how old is Mei? 18 or so? That's way too young to fill such a position. She first needs to finish college, preferably get a degree or two in education, then perhaps teach for about at least 10 years before even considering such a position. In the meantime she could work on her relationship the the person she considers to be her wife.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Yuzu trying to get any affection out of Mei is like squeezing blood from a stone.

I'm not sure the author quite realizes how Mei's statement "I would rather you not feel as though you need concern yourself with supporting my work" actually sounds in this context.

I'm guessing it's supposed to be something like, "I don't want you to worry about me," but it reads more like, "I don't need your help."

joined Sep 10, 2022

It would mean she has fully taken over as chairwoman of Aihara Academy, leaving free to pursue her relationship with Yuzu without having to worry about whatever the board of her grandpa wants.

This so so unrealistic. Like, how old is Mei? 18 or so? That's way too young to fill such a position. She first needs to finish college, preferably get a degree or two in education, then perhaps teach for about at least 10 years before even considering such a position.

We don't yet know how things will shake out on that front and how responsibilities will be delegated. I doubt we get anything in-depth because that's not the kind of manga this is and would be irrelevant to most of its audience but we might get a note, or passing quote here or there. The only real relevance is Mei's accomplishing her personal goal and her and Yuzu's figuring out a balance between them as they move into the realities of adulthood (work, college, etc). Hopefully, we squeeze some Matsuri stuff in there too. I do wonder if this is the arc of Citrus+ since it's been building in the background of other arcs for a bit.

last edited at May 20, 2024 12:26PM

joined Dec 18, 2013

ZZZZZZzzzzzz. We waited since October for this??????? It's done. I don't care about the academy, Mei or Yuzu. What a waste of our time waiting for this garbage! No hugs, no kiss, no romance. NO MORE!

I wish I could read the same manga all of you do. Sounds like a wild ride.

joined Jul 29, 2017

ZZZZZZzzzzzz. We waited since October for this??????? It's done. I don't care about the academy, Mei or Yuzu. What a waste of our time waiting for this garbage! No hugs, no kiss, no romance. NO MORE!

I wish I could read the same manga all of you do. Sounds like a wild ride.

That would require being able to tell the difference between a "Thanks Mom for giving me permission to go to the amusement park!" glomp-hug on the one hand and a mutual physical-intimacy hug on the other.

last edited at May 20, 2024 12:52PM

joined Dec 18, 2013

That seems weirdly arbitrary and completely ignores the context in which the hug happened, but sure.

last edited at May 20, 2024 1:13PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

That seems weirdly arbitrary and completely ignores the context in which the hug happened, but sure.

It seems "weirdly arbitrary" to me to interpret a transactional encounter like a request for and granting of permission like that one as somehow being a sign of a thriving romance, so I guess we're even.

joined Apr 2, 2018

It's been 6 months of waiting until the new chapter of "Citrus+" is released, are we really alive? lol (⁠~⁠_⁠~⁠メ⁠)

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