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Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I want Best Girl Non to have her own spinoff series about finding her girlfriend in college.

joined Jul 16, 2017

Same Nezchan, same.

joined Oct 7, 2017

yuri may be the primary source of my life energies, but whether it's boys or girls, If it is Gay it is Okay
joined Jan 7, 2018

One of the best manga ever. even though the end felt kinda rushed, it was still cool. Maki and Aikawa and Asakura and Subaru (from Nanashi no Asterism) are the only yaoi ships that i have.
the yuri in here is 10/10 and is better than many yuri manga out there lol.
I wish Asami found someone she loved, dunno if she got over her crush on maki though. she didn't stand out like the rest of the girls. the author suprisingly took care of all their characters(which is something we lack nowadays), but i feel that Asami in particular, was neglected. i wish the author made a special arc or chapter about her being noticed by Maki(this scene was hilarious, i wish we actually saw that "date", it would've been really funny)
still a masterpiece.

last edited at Jul 23, 2018 8:02PM

joined May 21, 2018

Read that few time ago by error on another site (saw the romantic comedy tag, but not the yaoi... (It was also my first manga with a true Yuri couple ^^)). Normaly, i don't read yaoi (sorry, not my kind of reading ^^") But this one, loved it. It was one of the best comedy i read and i liked the romantism.
My only issue is the cross-dressing life of Aikawa. It would have been more logical to make them a trans and explaining they was on T blocker for make their feminine look more logical, even thought that would have made that less funny (the running gag of "ah, no, i am a guy" ).
I agree also with Nezchan, i just feel sorry for Non. ^^"

joined Apr 20, 2013

RomanticGuy153 posted:

Read that few time ago by error on another site (saw the romantic comedy tag, but not the yaoi... (It was also my first manga with a true Yuri couple ^^)). Normaly, i don't read yaoi (sorry, not my kind of reading ^^") But this one, loved it. It was one of the best comedy i read and i liked the romantism.
My only issue is the cross-dressing life of Aikawa. It would have been more logical to make them a trans and explaining they was on T blocker for make their feminine look more logical, even thought that would have made that less funny (the running gag of "ah, no, i am a guy" ).
I agree also with Nezchan, i just feel sorry for Non. ^^"

Reminder that she was teased with a potential GF

joined May 21, 2018

In fact, it's not teased, neither potentiel, it's say that she found one that look like Shion and Kana. (my first language is french).
"Copine" is the word the French of France use for "girlfriend" (in Canada, we use "blonde").

I will offer you a complete translation in appreciation :)

For Non:
She finally found a girlfriend at the university.
Coincidentally, she look like Shion and Kana...
So Non, can you explain this?

For Shion and Kana:
They got married (!!!) after they got the approval of Kana's parent. Quickly, Shion took over the reins of the Wakakusa group.

For the Sasakino:
They apparently live together.

For Asami:
She lives a ordinary life with her ups, her downs, her joys and sorrows. The poor girl is not a dull girl. It was her entourage that was too colorful.

For Kodoyama:
He entered a big company after his studies without too difficulties. He can work well, he remains a happy idiot.

For Maki and Aikawa:
Always to tease each other.

last edited at Jul 24, 2018 12:26PM

joined Apr 20, 2013

Thank you!!! that actually helps... Well, this is what many mangas fail to do, make a happy ending without leaving doubts about the whereabouts of the side characters, like, you'll find a lot "the main got together so everything else doesn't matter or is up to the imagination of each one" and that's really sad, I'm glad we have a perfect closure.

joined May 30, 2013

I cannot believe this was one of the best mangas I've read on this site.

Like, I am in awe at how good this is.

joined Dec 25, 2018

I just read the entire series, loved it and i wish we had some more of their relationship

joined Aug 2, 2015

Felt nostalgic and wanted to reread this and it's still as great as I remember it. This is such a highly underrated manga.

joined Feb 5, 2015

Ahh, another reread of a modern classic. Someday, the author will have nothing better to do and will write a spin-off of Non-chan. I just know it. Wishful Thinking

Hmm, what sets this manga apart I think, is that it's so relate-able for so many perspectives. Oftentimes in yuri, the friends of the two main characters always end up paired off in other yuri relationships. It gives the impression that only other lesbians can support lesbians. I get sick of the "everyone's yuri!" trope.. Manga like this are so much better. Realistic.

last edited at Apr 17, 2020 8:13PM

joined Feb 4, 2021


if you want to read this for the yuri sidecouple, don't. They dont appear much, and when they do its usually more annoying than cute.

As for a comedy? this thing is gold.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Reminder that she was teased with a potential GF

Where is this snippet from?

A special?

joined Jul 6, 2020

Despite Maki having chugged a huge bottle of comphet before the story started this series remains one of my favorite romcoms. I love the whole cast of characters and even despite the overwhelming amount of “but he’s a boy” jokes the series manages to actually have a lot of tact and nuance when dealing with both Maki and Aikawa.

And of course the whole Kana/Shion side couple + Non figuring out her sexuality was great too. This is a series I can always come back to when I need some lighthearted comfy flirting.

joined Sep 25, 2021

Of all the "trans-ish but not quite trans" manga I've read when I was still figuring myself out, this is probably the only one that I still like after coming out as trans. It's cute and funny, and like the person above this said, it's not really too offensive despite all the "but he's a boy" jokes.
Plus, the art style is really cute, and I just genuinely enjoy the whole story and most of the characters.
(Satou can die tho, with her "I actually think gay relationships should be forbidden but it's okay because I like it")

joined Jan 22, 2022

What a great read :-)

joined Jun 9, 2018

I don't know why but I always find myself reading this occasionally over and over again. I enjoy it every time.

joined Mar 10, 2023

Just discovered this. It was so good, and it felt so incredibly trans without quite being trans. It really does feel like an older, alternate way of culturally considering and accepting a trans character, and it's so, so, so sweet. <3

joined Apr 10, 2023

Prunus Girl is cute for being het, although I get an impression from the author's other work they'd think it was BL instead. The progressive nature of the work is somewhat accidental lol
Edit: and of course this website appears to agree with that, tagging the manga "yaoi" and "not het". Hrmmm

last edited at May 7, 2024 11:23AM

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