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joined Nov 7, 2022

It wasn't bad. It had a bittersweet "that's life" kind of vibe, but there's a hopefulness to that kind of feeling too because life continues on and there're more adventures to be had. Young loves like that rarely amount to much, but she'll find the feeling again with someone else, maybe even the original friend.

On one hand, I like it. It got that so-called realistic kind of vibe, where not everything is rosy and your crush doesn't reciprocate your feelings, but also without the usual drama, a bit more accepting and relaxing.

On the other hand, when a story is about romance, makes me long for characters in a relationship, but ends up with nothing happening and the MC being single and not talking about romance anymore, it feels kind of empty. Like I was reading the wrong type of story, or maybe reading it with a wrong mindset. Not that I could have known how it would end...

I'll choose to believe that the talk of traveling together at the end is a sign of blooming romance. Just to fill that gap, and because I like an interpretation when a sympathetic MC would have a happy love life at the end.

joined Apr 1, 2015

Small typos:
Page 15 panel 2:
have you decided want to -> have you decided what to

Page 13 panel 4:
Because I had not idea -> Because I had no idea

joined May 2, 2018

The first panel of page 150 made me go "nice drawing skills, almost like... what was it called... Tsurezure Biyori? whatever happened to that mangaka..."

joined Apr 4, 2014

Mc's grades fell because she didn't really want to get into k university herself. She had a desire to be closer to the older lady. I know she's young but if motivation doesn't come from inside then failure is only inevitable and because of that she wasted her efforts. Construction work isn't bad and she could've got some career guidance. As for the romantic's just tragic lol

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Moral of the story: Don't go around kissing high school girls in the library unless you plan to date them. But like even then. Maybe just don't go around kissing high school girls.

I'm pretty sure she wasn't kissing her on this page; she just squished her cheeks.

joined Nov 13, 2022

Moral of the story: Don't go around kissing high school girls in the library unless you plan to date them. But like even then. Maybe just don't go around kissing high school girls.

I'm pretty sure she wasn't kissing her on this page; she just squished her cheeks.

Ahhh, okay. If so, then I forgive her.

joined Mar 4, 2017

i dont really get it, tbh

it’s quite simple! just another women falling for a straight women and she gets married

Who said she was marrying a man? ;)

last edited at Feb 25, 2024 5:57PM

joined Mar 6, 2021

i dont really get it, tbh

it’s quite simple! just another women falling for a straight women and she gets married

Who said she was marrying a man? ;)

Japanese laws lol

Unless something has changed since the last time I checked.
(On that note, I'm happy to announce that same-sex marriage and adoption for same-sex couples were finally legalized in my country!)

This was a nice one shot. I can see why some people felt disappointed by the ending, but I thought it was the most believable way for things to go. Besides, there never seemed to be any romantic interest from the older girl's side. From their interactions she seemed to see the protagonists as this cute younger girl that she happened to meet at the library (cute in the same way that children can be cute).

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Moral of the story: Don't go around kissing high school girls in the library unless you plan to date them. But like even then. Maybe just don't go around kissing high school girls.

Ah, when was there a kiss? I didn't see a kiss. I didn't even see a suggestion of a could-have-been almost-kiss. Pretty sure no kisses took place in this story.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Mc's grades fell because she didn't really want to get into k university herself. She had a desire to be closer to the older lady. I know she's young but if motivation doesn't come from inside then failure is only inevitable and because of that she wasted her efforts. Construction work isn't bad and she could've got some career guidance. As for the romantic's just tragic lol

I dunno, you know? Sure, it was extrinsic motivation and all that. But say her exam had happened before she got the news. Or say the lady wasn't getting married. She would have got into K university probably. Even as things stand, she knows she has the ability to study hard enough to get into a good university if she wants to, something she hadn't known before. And, maybe she even learned some of the stuff she studied.

IMO lots of people do lots of impressive things for crappy motivations. Half of the best music in the world was created by guys who wanted to impress girls. Well, and a few guys who wanted to impress guys. But I mean, not even any specific person, just "I'll look cool and attractive people will come flocking". And that includes classical.

joined Sep 11, 2016

Nothing happened, the manga.

joined Sep 8, 2016

I can't really describe the feeling that this manga has. I can still understand the feelings tho. I think it's a good manga.

joined Oct 20, 2017

IMO lots of people do lots of impressive things for crappy motivations. Half of the best music in the world was created by guys who wanted to impress girls. Well, and a few guys who wanted to impress guys. But I mean, not even any specific person, just "I'll look cool and attractive people will come flocking". And that includes classical.

If that factoid has any truth in it, it's because women have been marginalized in the music industry, and the creative work of women in music has been looked down upon (who gets to decide what "the best music in world" is?). And a lot (if not most) of these men who supposedly wanted to "impress girls" really just wanted to gain other men's respect with how good they were at getting women.

Either way, it's kind of wild to compare a high school girl being motivated by her crush on an older woman to any of that, because she's the only person who got hurt in the process. Meanwhile there is a direct line between the creators of "the best music in the world" doing it to get women, and the same men preying on their female peers in the industry and fans at live shows. (The line is misogyny.) These motivations are "crappy" in completely different ways.

Yes, sometimes people accomplish great things for superficial reasons, but there are ways to make that point without regurgitating this "boys will be boys" shit.

last edited at Feb 27, 2024 11:27AM

joined Sep 28, 2021

Didn't think manga would be hitting me with just straight up realism (like, if this were a straight-up story without the panels, it'd be classified as realist) at 4AM but here we are. A few years ago, I think I would've hated that there was no romance or 'big changes like in drama', but now it's just a very lovely read.

joined Aug 21, 2020

Saya offering to move in together at the end lol

joined Apr 4, 2012

This is Shou-nee and Sayo-sensei from Tsurezure Biyori from the same mangaka. Shouko becomes an apartment building manager that works partime and Sayo(Saya) becomes an art teacher.

This one shot came out before Tsurezure Biyori.
Surprised no one has mentioned that.

joined May 21, 2021

This is Shou-nee and Sayo-sensei from Tsurezure Biyori from the same mangaka. Shouko becomes an apartment building manager that works partime and Sayo(Saya) becomes an art teacher.

This one shot came out before Tsurezure Biyori.
Surprised no one has mentioned that.

Probably because Tsurezure Biyori ended more than four years ago. Thank you for bringing this up. I love Hamuro Kei's style. Too bad they haven't made anything since then.

Here are Shouko and Sayo in Tsurezure Biyori.

last edited at Mar 5, 2024 6:51PM

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