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joined May 7, 2022

alright, after reading chapter 10 I have a great theory: I think the author is trying to combine the story of Otsuyu and Kasane since both stories are written by the same author and was published rather close to each other.

I'm assuming the ghost that's haunting our dear Ryou-chan is in fact, the servant of Otsuyu, and she is Kasane herself. Which explains why she's so powerful but she's not Otsuyu.

That's just my theory though, I could be completely wrong lol

I liked this idea. Specially since on the chapter's cover the creepy-looking servant holding the peony lantern and hunching seems like a pretty menacing figure. And no, it's not supposed to be Ryou and Okiku cosplaying as them (i thought that was the case before seeing Otsuyu is now a gyaru), but checking the second panel here with Otsuyu and the "cover"* side to side, it's the same face and expression, so the art is, in fact, showing us the actual characters of the story and portraying the servant as a mysterious, faceless and BLACK-HAIRED figure. The black hair matches the vision we see of the ghost confronting Ryou and the creepy ghost we've been seeing up to chapter 9.

*It's an actual artwork, and the servant does have a face (it's not a skeleton or anything), so putting a shadow over it was a deliberate choice.

Completely unrelated but Oiwa just straight-up made BL fanart of the MCs. A true chad.

last edited at Apr 21, 2023 6:40PM

joined May 7, 2022

Okiku's face here...

"So you have chosen death"

Also, a ghost from a story were the living person having sex with her leads to his ultimate death telling you she wants to do it with you is a BIG red flag.
The fingers' motion is too suggestive, it's just the middle and ring fingers

Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 29, 2010

Reading Ch. 10, pg 121, this came to mind.

joined Dec 27, 2020

The Council of Yuri approves the use of the tattoo

joined May 7, 2022

Reading Ch. 10, pg 121, this came to mind.

Their entire dynamic at this point

joined Oct 22, 2021

So, of the great three, why does only Okiku not get legs?

joined Jan 9, 2017

I might be hallucinating but doesn't Otsuyu look suspiciously like Meguru with a makeover?

joined Jan 17, 2021

I think I'll need my yuri glasses for this one. There's so many stuff to anticipate.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, that did go nowhere near as anyone there expected. :D

Nice drawings, Oiwa... And nice fantasies, Ryou. :D

And that kabedon went... certainly not as planned, but I can't really tell whether better or worse. :D It was definitely Ryou who ended up on top, though.

joined Jun 1, 2020

"So you have chosen death"


The fingers' motion is too suggestive, it's just the middle and ring fingers

Pretty certain she just wants to bowl with her. I can't think of any other act her hand motion might hint at.

Seriously, though, in the span of like 3 pages, everything turned ultra chaotic, and I'm very much entertained. I don't even know where to start with the new gyaru ghost, but I am fairly certain that she definitely did mean what she said. Looking forward to seeing how far this snowball of chaos rolls.

Also the extra is perfect "missions failed successfully" and I'm a big fan.

last edited at Apr 22, 2023 7:12AM

joined Apr 15, 2017

So, of the great three, why does only Okiku not get legs?

Right! Like c'mon give the poor girl some legs,
or maybe she just likes to float everywhere.

joined May 7, 2022

Well, Okiku does have legs, she probably does the floating with no legs thing on purpose, specially to get on the other’s eye-level (she’s 140cm) — out of the three ghosts she’s probably the shortest (not only was she a servant while the other two had servants and/or an estate, she’s the youngest too, we can’t forget that she probably died when she was a teenager). They also show up when she’s doing dogeza on the same chapter (6). But they quickly disappear and it goes back to default.

In both chapters 6 and 7 when she’s weak and lying down her legs show up and do an inconsistent back and forth between human-like and ghost-like. I believe it might be because getting weaker means her spirit can’t do as it pleases so it turns back to the form she had when she died.

Now I kinda want to look for the other times when her legs and feet showed up.

last edited at Apr 22, 2023 4:53PM

joined Oct 14, 2014

Yaoi is fine but I draw the line at womb tattoos

joined Apr 12, 2018

Finally, we have all three

last edited at Apr 24, 2023 3:58AM

joined May 7, 2022

The horny, the otaku, and the gal.

joined Jul 28, 2019

Did anyone find the creepy reflection/haunt in chapter 10? Apart from the caricature on the bridge, which I wouldn't think would count, I scoured the chapter and couldn't see it.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Did anyone find the creepy reflection/haunt in chapter 10? Apart from the caricature on the bridge, which I wouldn't think would count, I scoured the chapter and couldn't see it.

Well, because she showed up front and centre instead? If it's the gal.

joined Aug 16, 2020

I just noticed that the high school couple in chapter 9 that gave Ryou the umbrella are the initial designs of her and Okiku lol

joined Aug 30, 2019

Random thing I noticed but like

Is it just me or are Okiku’s nipples half-inverted? Just noticed it in the gift chapter and went back to others like the bath extra and just noticed that it appears her right nipple is inverted and the left is not.

I wonder if there’s any symbolism in that?

last edited at Jul 18, 2023 1:06AM

joined Jun 21, 2021

New chapter coming tomorrow! Also this, recap/relationship chart-ish thingy

joined Nov 2, 2023

Nipple on page 37

this is like when people put the jumpscares timestamps on fnaf videos

joined Nov 2, 2023

Random thing I noticed but like

Is it just me or are Okiku’s nipples half-inverted? Just noticed it in the gift chapter and went back to others like the bath extra and just noticed that it appears her right nipple is inverted and the left is not.

I wonder if there’s any symbolism in that?

Idfk, one of my exes had the same thing going on with her titties.
It kind of reminds me of the ying yang????
Anyway this is such a goofy observation, I don’t wanna write this detail off as insignificant and potentially discredit the author’s attention to detail and intent but you gotta admit that this is so fucking funny.

last edited at Nov 21, 2023 12:35PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Perfect. :D

joined May 10, 2021

Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh cute!

joined Mar 31, 2017

Why the "Alternate reality" tag on the extra? This is from their high school time, even if the character design looks the same as their adult one.

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