Forum › Wanna Sip? discussion

joined May 20, 2013

Gold Experience Requiem, but reliving gay panics

joined May 10, 2013

I'm so glad that this oneshot got a translation, it's definitely my favorite

joined Apr 18, 2023

this. this cracked me

joined May 10, 2021

I thought to meself "ah crap, another one with the indirect kiss cliché".
But oh boy was that a a great one! Totally deserves an award.
Thanks for the translation!

joined Jan 30, 2017

One of the funniest 1-shots I've read in a while. I can relate to comically overthink every little thing.

joined Jan 18, 2016

That was quite nice, would love more.

joined Feb 16, 2016

Excellent work !!

joined Aug 21, 2017

Lived a lifetime in a moment. Very funny, thanks for translating.

joined Dec 18, 2021

How long has she been standing there with a blank face, before accepting the drink?
And now that there's a chance to hold hands, it's gonna start again?

The black-haired girl is gonna think her friend is a bit derpy.

joined Nov 13, 2017

Hand holding leads to hugs, and then lead to kisses!

joined Aug 29, 2023

Haha, this was great. I already love these dorks.

joined May 26, 2020

Her answer to "wanna sip?" Opening the TESSERACT in Interstellar.

joined Jul 20, 2021

thats so funny just for a sip of a bottle

joined Apr 16, 2020

This was a really fun read! Gave me some chuckles here and there. The scene is like something that came out from a comedy film, refreshing.

joined Jul 8, 2018

This is next level Yuri. Adorable, funny, and sweet, pretty much a perfect little story!

joined Jul 23, 2020

Our MC gonna die from when the time comes for Izuni to ask "Wanna kiss?".

poor MC gonna die before they would even start dating.

love this so much. author taking the usual "a whole lifetime of thought in a few seconds" trope into a witty and creative work! the award is very much deserved.

joined Jul 17, 2022

gay panikk

joined May 13, 2020

i love this lol

joined Oct 19, 2021

I'm surprised she didn't totally combust.

joined Mar 4, 2018

Should have externalized that as a soliloquy Shakespeare would approve of.

joined Dec 28, 2017

This is fucking hilarious lol

joined Jun 5, 2023

I thought she was going to drink the whole bottle. Now with that ending she will have all the time she needs to think about the future (dating, wedding, honeymoon, etc.) before holding that hand, right?

joined Jan 18, 2023

too relatable

joined Jul 14, 2021

so……,i want to kown, did she hold her hands in the end?

joined Feb 25, 2023

I can just see the 50 chapter serial that's going to come when our MC is asked "Wanna date?"

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