Forum › Citrus + discussion

joined Jun 17, 2016

Bruh... I think one of these days imma really drop this manga already. Honestly, I thought I was the sort of person who was into drama, but this manga surprisingly proved me wrong.

joined May 28, 2013

I’m glad we’re going back to the whole Mei becoming chairwoman and changing the system plot established all the way back in Vol 1. That whole board meeting is still one of my favorite chapters and hopefully it means we’ll be seeing badass take-no-shit queen Mei again.

Glad to see some people can understands the concept of this chapter.

And it should've been just that. Didn't need another new character to screw around with their relationship.

joined May 20, 2019

I get wanting stuff like that explained. I may not care, but you clearly do.

But those papers and initiatives and all that jazz are exactly as you said, just backdrops to the inner character drama. Maybe what you said about Saburouta not actually caring about them is right, but I personally don’t take issue with that because that’s never been what I cared about. I cared about how the characters I followed and grew to love reacted to those background plots.

It’s like asking for the original Star Wars trilogy to explain the inner workings of the Empire and how it rules the galaxy. We don’t care about that, we care about how their deeds/misdeeds affect the characters we’re following and how they respond. We saw what happened when the prequels tried to go in-depth with all the politics and stuff— it was boring af.

I’m not saying I want every detail explained, but if things are supposed to be important to the characters (like the school is to Mei), it would help to get just a little bit of a sense of how it works in relation to her. Otherwise the characters are just too obviously puppets being loaded down with a pile of blank paper labeled “school paperwork to keep the MCs apart.”

To change your analogy, it would be like the Star Wars movies if sometimes there’s an Empire and sometimes there’s not.

If that’s how you view it and why you take issue with it, then very well. Would it be nice to get some information on the stuff you’ve discussed? Of course. Does it bother me that we don’t? Not at all.

I can take the hint that student council duties in a prestigious academy and preparing to become a chairwoman is a lot of work and a big deal, and as it stands, it’s enough for me to understand and buy into the plot and character motives/actions.

The board opposes Mei because she wants to become chairwoman and change the system. Do we know exactly what that entails? No. But Mei being the first woman on the board, in charge nonetheless, and changing years, possibly decades of established rules, traditions, and procedures, is enough for me to believe their disdain of her and want to see them fall and her succeed. Just say down with the patriarchy and I’m in.

joined Jul 29, 2017

At this point, we’re gonna pass so much time just to wait for this story to move cohesively that Japan’s own legal system might change its laws on gay marriage faster than this story gets to a place where it can reasonably end lol

Lol. I was thinking along these lines today when I checked the phone that Mei confiscates from Yuzu in chapter 1 OG Citrus—it looks like an iPhone 5 (my first smartphone).

Sabu’s lucky the series started just too late for it to be an old-school flip phone—we haven’t advanced a full three story years in a decade of real time.

joined May 20, 2019

I’m glad we’re going back to the whole Mei becoming chairwoman and changing the system plot established all the way back in Vol 1. That whole board meeting is still one of my favorite chapters and hopefully it means we’ll be seeing badass take-no-shit queen Mei again.

Glad to see some people can understands the concept of this chapter.

And it should've been just that. Didn't need another new character to screw around with their relationship.

As much as I’m liking this setup and Arata’s chipper attitude so far, I will admit it would’ve been nice to involve a character we’re already familiar with. Like Mitsuko, or hell, Mei’s grandpa.

joined Dec 4, 2017

is sabu ok? this chapter is very sketchy

joined Jul 14, 2022

I'm not sure why people are complaining, since this looks like the change citrus needed. Its been years since we last saw progress on Mei's actual plans and now we finally get to see it in action, and now we get to know how Arata came to be invited to Yuzu and Mei's wedding. He looks like a good guy and I don't think he'll screw with their relationship.

last edited at Mar 22, 2023 1:37AM

joined Jun 11, 2020

This make me sad another selosan arc, maybe ill come back in 2024 hoping to see something new.

joined Jul 14, 2022

I’m glad we’re going back to the whole Mei becoming chairwoman and changing the system plot established all the way back in Vol 1. That whole board meeting is still one of my favorite chapters and hopefully it means we’ll be seeing badass take-no-shit queen Mei again.

Glad to see some people can understands the concept of this chapter.

And it should've been just that. Didn't need another new character to screw around with their relationship.

I think, for just this once, this is a character that will have the absolute opposite effect of screwing with the relationship. Does meimei have any friends? Anyone who platonically helps her get through shit? That's something I want to see.

joined Jul 14, 2022

I’m glad we’re going back to the whole Mei becoming chairwoman and changing the system plot established all the way back in Vol 1. That whole board meeting is still one of my favorite chapters and hopefully it means we’ll be seeing badass take-no-shit queen Mei again.

Glad to see some people can understands the concept of this chapter.

And it should've been just that. Didn't need another new character to screw around with their relationship.

As much as I’m liking this setup and Arata’s chipper attitude so far, I will admit it would’ve been nice to involve a character we’re already familiar with. Like Mitsuko, or hell, Mei’s grandpa.


Though I absolutely always have been curious as to how they convinced someone like her grandfather to support her wedding. That would be a great arc.

last edited at Mar 22, 2023 1:52AM

joined Dec 18, 2013

I will never stop being baffled at all the people saying that Mei is a robot now when the core of citrus+ is showing how much Mei has grown as a person due to Yuzu's influence and the strides she does to make it up to her for all the stuff she made her go through in the original series. This chapter also helped to round her character by showing us that she is committed to changing the rigid school system by expanding her new philosophy beyond Aihara Academy.

Arata seems like a pretty fun guy, earnest and well-meaning and I doubt that a love triangle will form (hell, given the track record of characters introduced so far, I'm fully expecting him to be gay) but it is fun to see Yuzu jealous.

joined Dec 17, 2022

This chapter cannot be criticized, because it is simply the beginning of a new arc and until I see how it develops, I will not be able to say if it has been worth it or not. Having said this, this entire chapter can be summed up in the words of MEI "it is the first time I have met a person in my same situation" (referring to arata) and this is something that saboruota has done before, making characters with similar situations interact, or common problems to make them develop, two clear examples yuzu and sayaka Or harumin and kana, and this is what he is going to do with arata and MEI . concluded, I hope That this did not lead to a "udagawa 2.0" or an artificial drama, like the previous arc with "the homophobic kana" and that at once we see the development of MEI that we are all waiting for. Greetings

last edited at Mar 22, 2023 5:19AM

joined Dec 17, 2022

Dark_Tzitzimine doubt that a love triangle will form (hell, given the track record of characters introduced so far, I'm fully expecting him to be gay) but it is fun to see Yuzu jealous.

I don't think there is a love interest on Arata's part, what they have are common problems and their interaction will help them develop each other. The only thing missing was for Sabu to now take out a triangle Loving, when in citrus+ apart from the main couple has not developed any romantic relationship of the secondary characters (harumin, matsuri, shirapon, himeko nene, or the missing Sara and girl XD

last edited at Mar 22, 2023 5:42AM

joined Sep 10, 2022

I'm not sure why people are complaining, since this looks like the change citrus needed. Its been years since we last saw progress on Mei's actual plans and now we finally get to see it in action, and now we get to know how Arata came to be invited to Yuzu and Mei's wedding. He looks like a good guy and I don't think he'll screw with their relationship.

Oh it's great. And I actually forgot he went to the wedding!

This chapter cannot be criticized, because it is simply the beginning of a new arc and until I see how it develops, I will not be able to say if it has been worth it or not.

Yes, definitely better not to overreact based on what might happen. Being dramatic while upset about dramatics can be funny though.

Having said this, this entire chapter can be summed up in the words of MEI "it is the first time I have met a person in my same situation" (referring to arata) and this is something that saboruota has done before, making characters with similar situations interact, or common problems to make them develop, two clear examples yuzu and sayaka Or harumin and kana, and this is what he is going to do with arata and MEI

I'm looking forward to exactly that. Also, we potentially have some forward momentum and direction again that goes beyond just romantic relationships dynamics. It'll be interesting to see how Mei is able to work around these school issues and what effect her and Yuzu will have on Arata.

I doubt that a love triangle will form

Yeah that's not happening. That would require Mei to fall for this person. There's never actually been a love triangle in this series. There's just been bad communication, Mei's worry about the future and Yuzu's anxiety. Mei has never really loved anyone else (the "closest" was with the sisters but even that was connected to Yuzu). This guy might end up liking Mei but she will not like him romantically. Like in this chapter, Yuzu might just worry.

last edited at Mar 22, 2023 6:54AM

joined May 28, 2021

I 100% forgot that random bulky guy was on the wedding picture. This does change my perception of the whole chapter a bit, although I still expect a '' should Mei marry this guy'' arc that will very much irritate me. I could be wrong though, I really hope Sabu will go a more interesting route.

joined Dec 17, 2022

I 100% forgot that random bulky guy was on the wedding picture. This does change my perception of the whole chapter a bit, although I still expect a '' should Mei marry this guy'' arc that will very much irritate me. I could be wrong though, I really hope Sabu will go a more interesting route.

If you are referring to the man who appears at the wedding with a woman teacher they have said on Twitter that he is not arata, that he is a teacher, he looks like an older person. It would be weird for this character to be in The wedding and not for example sayaka and miyabi. We will have to analyze that panel well

last edited at Mar 22, 2023 11:22AM

joined Mar 20, 2014

How the heck has this gotten soooooo boooooooring. I mean, really, who is that guy? Why should we care about him? Why the heck is Mei still acting like a distant aunt toward Yuzu?

I'm bailing out of this one. Well, at least it brought us a nice anime!

last edited at Mar 22, 2023 12:53PM

joined May 28, 2013

I’m glad we’re going back to the whole Mei becoming chairwoman and changing the system plot established all the way back in Vol 1. That whole board meeting is still one of my favorite chapters and hopefully it means we’ll be seeing badass take-no-shit queen Mei again.

Glad to see some people can understands the concept of this chapter.

And it should've been just that. Didn't need another new character to screw around with their relationship.

I think, for just this once, this is a character that will have the absolute opposite effect of screwing with the relationship. Does meimei have any friends? Anyone who platonically helps her get through shit? That's something I want to see.

I really hope you're right, but I'm fully expecting a Yuzu breakdown.

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

The phone number could just be proper business habits or a nervous boy with a crush.

Which brings us back to the “underwritten” part again—what exactly is Mei’s current official status at the Aihara Academy? We know (or do we just assume?) that she’s the heir-apparent to the headmistress/director role, and she’s definitely the 3rd-year class president.

So under what guise or role is she lobbying these other schools to “accept her propositions” (whatever those might turn out be)?

And if she is indeed acting as more than an ordinary student, shouldn’t she be carrying her own cellphone, as a proper businesswoman would do?

I really do feel like we’re back in 2017, asking questions of the text that we now have good reason to believe Sabu has no intention of answering, or probably even of asking herself.

I'm kind of worried about Sabu's lack of engagement with Citrus itself. The artbook is done and there has been plenty of time for catching up and getting back into Citrus, but this chapter was the lead chapter of the May issue of Yuri Hime with opening color pages and it was barely inked, even had a few panels only storyboarded, and a number of panels of placeholder reactions, I can only assume this and the pattern established from earlier storyboards released as chapters points to burnout. I hope this ends up being an interesting arc rather than a collection of vaguely associated chapters, but I'm also worried it might be here just to force out more chapters of Citrus. But if Citrus doesn't even have the bomb-ass art...

I'm also sure that YH isn't happy that the issue opener was in this condition, and I would not be surprised if the axe may finally come for this series (unless it still places high in the reader polls). The quality of series in the magazine is much higher than it used to be when Citrus was going strong, but right now Citrus isn't even close to operating/competing in top form. Either native readers still love it or it's still running on having been synonymous with the magazine itself

last edited at Mar 22, 2023 2:47PM

joined Jul 4, 2021

I'm kind of worried about Sabu's lack of engagement with Citrus itself. The artbook is done and there has been plenty of time for catching up and getting back into Citrus, but this chapter was the lead chapter of the May issue of Yuri Hime with opening color pages and it was barely inked, even had a few panels only storyboarded, and a number of panels of placeholder reactions, I can only assume this and the pattern established from earlier storyboards released as chapters points to burnout. I hope this ends up being an interesting arc rather than a collection of vaguely associated chapters, but I'm also worried it might be here just to force out more chapters of Citrus. But if Citrus doesn't even have the bomb-ass art...

I'm also sure that YH isn't happy that the issue opener was in this condition, and I would not be surprised if the axe may finally come for this series (unless it still places high in the reader polls). The quality of series in the magazine is much higher than it used to be when Citrus was going strong, but right now Citrus isn't even close to operating/competing in top form. Either native readers still love it or it's still running on having been synonymous with the magazine itself

I had the same toughts reading this chapter, I felt the artstyle was off , went back to some chapters to confirm my sensation and it was almost blatantly evident that this was different, like it was another author all together.

I don't know if the author expressed any sign of burnout on a social outlet , or elsewhere, if so I hope Sabutota can overcome the problems which are affecting her and be back on his creation.

I would be sad knowing that the mangaka who made me discover the genre, and my first Yuri manga alongside BIY , is coming to hate her very own creation.

last edited at Mar 22, 2023 4:14PM

joined Dec 18, 2013

In the special edition leaflet for volume 5, Sabu said she wanted to keep drawing Yuzu and Mei for many years more while in the afterword for volume 5 she said she has many ideas she would like to draw but has no time for them. So the question is more what exactly is keeping Sabu so busy

joined Dec 17, 2022

In the special edition leaflet for volume 5, Sabu said she wanted to keep drawing Yuzu and Mei for many years more while in the afterword for volume 5 she said she has many ideas she would like to draw but has no time for them. So the question is more what exactly is keeping Sabu so busy

It is true that she said it, but when she said that she"didn't have time" I don't know what she was referring to, but I suppose it will have to be something very personal,of his private life . Having said this, I don't know if citrus+ sells well, nor if it is profitable for yuri hime to keep it in the magazine (I supposeYes, but it is true that something strange happens, with the citrus publications. Greetings

last edited at Mar 22, 2023 5:22PM

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

In the special edition leaflet for volume 5, Sabu said she wanted to keep drawing Yuzu and Mei for many years more while in the afterword for volume 5 she said she has many ideas she would like to draw but has no time for them. So the question is more what exactly is keeping Sabu so busy

It is true that she said it, but when she said that she"didn't have time" I don't know what she was referring to, but I suppose it will have to be something very personal,of his private life . Having said this, I don't know if citrus+ sells well, nor if it is profitable for yuri hime to keep it in the magazine (I supposeYes, but it is true that something strange happens, with the citrus publications. Greetings

My thoughts above and below are entirely speculation, but I would assume paying the bills is what keeps Sabu busy (and maybe a family? I really don't know much about the creator). If Sabu has a full-time job, then a monthly manga deadline would be pretty hard to hit, but part-time gigs would also be tough to coordinate alongside mangaka work. I doubt one monthly series pays enough money to live remotely comfortably in a major metropolitan area, and living paycheck to paycheck isn't for everyone. The same can be said for any of the authors in the magazine that don't have multiple series

last edited at Mar 22, 2023 5:54PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

I'm kind of worried about Sabu's lack of engagement with Citrus itself. The artbook is done and there has been plenty of time for catching up and getting back into Citrus, but this chapter was the lead chapter of the May issue of Yuri Hime with opening color pages and it was barely inked, even had a few panels only storyboarded, and a number of panels of placeholder reactions, I can only assume this and the pattern established from earlier storyboards released as chapters points to burnout. I hope this ends up being an interesting arc rather than a collection of vaguely associated chapters, but I'm also worried it might be here just to force out more chapters of Citrus. But if Citrus doesn't even have the bomb-ass art...

I'm also sure that YH isn't happy that the issue opener was in this condition, and I would not be surprised if the axe may finally come for this series (unless it still places high in the reader polls). The quality of series in the magazine is much higher than it used to be when Citrus was going strong, but right now Citrus isn't even close to operating/competing in top form. Either native readers still love it or it's still running on having been synonymous with the magazine itself

I had the same toughts reading this chapter, I felt the artstyle was off , went back to some chapters to confirm my sensation and it was almost blatantly evident that this was different, like it was another author all together.

I think it’s mainly that a lot of these panels haven’t had the tones applied, or have just one basic tone. The art usually has more than a few levels of tone on the faces, backgrounds, etc.

I agree that the art has been getting noticeably sloppier and the framing/choice of perspective more random. The panel where Yuzu is sitting at a table with a drink growing out of her head was a very clear indication that quality control is not a high priority these days.

joined Jan 14, 2020

Mei grew up!
From robot to Vulcan!

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