Forum › Citrus discussion

joined Mar 9, 2014

Well, in my case whatever happen in this drama with Sara and Nina, I will not like it. If Sara doesn't really like Mei and all that is just a set up for Sara/Nina to end up together and for Yuzu/Mei to have another awkard moment which will surely once again leads to no progress, it will still seems to be the convenient cheap drama. You can't just bring new characters (who comes out of nowhere) every 2 chapter to make your drama. This is what bother the most (and the roots of all the things that bother me) me in this manga +Mei who reset her mind and feelings every chapter .

last edited at Mar 1, 2015 10:55PM

joined Jan 8, 2014

So....imma take a stab at Meis perspective...
Yuzu says I cant...rejected!
Yuzu says "sister" ... rejected!
Sara clearly communicates and so even tho Mei likes Yuzu, shes been rejected twice..., so she decides to give it a shot((and or the emotion she feels is so complicated she wants like a test run to find out??))
shrug I still feel bad about Yuzu because shes been feeling it from the start and is enduring so much, and also struggling with the "fear" of loving really is a great story.. ^_^ <3

Akashic Records
joined Sep 24, 2013

Hey, what's with this sketchy art? Why?

joined Mar 2, 2015

hmm i see some people giving up on Yuzu x Mei and settle for Yuzu x Harumin. The author is still trying to get these two together and Yuzu, even though end up hurt lots of time still didn't give up her feelings for Mei so everyone should not give up on these two too. I don't know I actually think the drama is what making me keep on reading this manga. the new recent chapters outcome makes me sad and disappointed but i just can't get enough of it... just like how I can't get enough of orange even if its sour (I blame listening to Toradora's ED for this)XD Love is not all sweet and there will be sad and hurtful times but when you overcome those things it's what makes love sweeter. That's why i look forward for more chapters cuz i want to see the part where their feeling finally align :) then I'll go squeal silently in my room

joined Jun 6, 2014

I've seen someone saying that Citrus was like Girlfriends but in my opinion it's not true. In Girlfriends we never had cheap convenient characters brought in like that only for the sake of the drama. Yes there was the boyfriend that came all of a sudden but his reasons were understandable and probable, he wasn't a total stranger that came like : Oh you in the middle of the crowd, I don't know you, you are expressionless ans you do not talk to me at all but I love you =D. And there was some development and communication between the characters they weren't at a total standstill

Girl Friends was a million dollar plot with a ten cent finish. But certainly the drama was incredibly well-done and the characters were fantastic; that's a similarity with Citrus. The thing that needs to be noted is that there is such thing as falling in love at first sight, its just very shallow; but after spending time with the other person you may fall deeper in love with the for now I think we should reserve judgment of Sara.

Love at first sight is like just taking a liking to the look and how the person seems to be. Yeah you can say you like that person, personally I wouldn't say that but I don't mind. Here it's more than that, she's saying she loves her and that she needs her (it's not even a desire, it's a need. To me it means she knows Mei, she can't need a look x)) though she met her one time in the past and it doesn't seems to have been that long of a time with a totally honest face. And Sara doesn't seems to be the overly emotional or the manipulative type of person. She seems to be the honest type, that just doesn't make any sense. that's too intense.

And before someone say back that it happens a lot in yuri, what bother me here is the "needs" part. You don't need someone after a one time encounter... particularly when it's with an emotionless person like Mei. You can take a liking to someone looks but it doesn't goes beyond that and as I have say Sara seems to be the honest and not overly emotional type of person...

Yeah, that did strike an odd and rather cacophonous cord with me too. Just trying to play devil's advocate for her and waiting to see what plays out.

Don't worry, I won't appeal to tradition. I don't find it that often in yuri for me quite frankly, but maybe I haven't looked enough? Doubt it.

All the same I do think bringing in new characters every volume for new drama is pushing it - I just don't find it forced yet. It's meant to be a rollercoaster with no stops, so I'll ride it as one for now until it gets to be too much.

joined Sep 25, 2013

Unfortunately a lack of communication is far too common irl too.

That's true, but not to this extent. Like another poster before me said, they've been sleeping in the same bed alongside each other for about a month (I think?) and they've not even discussed what their actions mean? Usually, in real life, people would snap and get frustrated and shout their real feelings or vent their frustrations, so at least there's some indication of intent or roughly where their head is at.

The characters mostly seem very... passive, just sitting around waiting for the plot to happen to them, rather than doing anything themselves. They have no agency or desires, and they react to things in a very superficial and shallow way.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Sara is a very idealistic and honest girl. Her claiming she loves Mei and needs her is just your classic high/middle school crush.

Or are you telling me that you guys didn't feel like that with your first crush?

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Sara is a very idealistic and honest girl. Her claiming she loves Mei and needs her is just your classic high/middle school crush.

Or are you telling me that you guys didn't feel like that with your first crush?

I didn't use the word love to describe someone I was attracted to until I was about 20/21 lol. I liked a number of girls up until that moment but I never thought I needed someone else romantically... let alone knew what the hell love was. Like someone else said, I think that whole, "need" bit is going to play into Yuzu and Mei making up.

joined Dec 18, 2013

That's for sure, as pointed earlier. The whole thing is building towards something.

And well, I guess we mexicans just have a knack for the dramatic. Most of us thought of our first love as being THE definitve love for us, declarations like Sara's were par of the course during middle school.

last edited at Mar 2, 2015 2:26AM

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

That's for sure, as pointed earlier. The whole thing is building towards something.


And well, I guess we mexicans just have a knack for the dramatic. Most of us thought of our first love as being THE definitive love for us, declarations like Sara's were par of the course during middle school.

Understatement right there.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Well, I'm Canadian and I fell so hard in what I was convinced was love when I was 13 that I mooned over the girl for a year and a half after being moved to a different school. So it's not just Mexicans, although I was unusually romantical-minded I think.
And it's not like I knew her well. I fell for a pretty face, a sweet smile, and a polite and demure manner. Mind you, a polite and demure manner was not so easily come by in school in the 70s. So I reckon I can feel for this kid; she's fooling herself but that's awfully easy to do at that age.

last edited at Mar 2, 2015 3:44AM

joined Jul 8, 2013

I'm happy Yuzu took a chance to confess, but I think she did it as such an inconvenient time (she was still getting the cold shoulder) that Mei just couldn't take it to heart like Yuzu expected. I think Mei is processing it like this: Yuzu rejects me > we don't talk for 2 (?) months > she says she loves me?! SHUT DOWN. DOES NOT COMPUTE.

It was also probably Mei's fault for that 2 month long bout of silence between the two of them as well. Not just Yuzu's. If anything, I'm thinking they did talk but none of their conversations were about what happened that night.

The one thing that we gotta remember as well is that Yuzu did not 'reject' Mei. If anything it was by her love that she refused to accept Mei's sexual advances, because Yuzu doesn't want Mei's body, she want Mei. She can't just accept Mei for her body because she knows she's worth more than that, and in the heat of the moment just had to stop herself from getting carried away.

That's what I meant; Mei is interpreting it that way, I believe. She thinks Yuzu rejected her "love", because Mei still thinks physical attraction = love, when in reality that's not true. So because of that, she shut Yuzu out and is acting like nothing happened. I'm pretty sure Yuzu WANTS to sit down and talk to her about it, and has attempted to do so in this chapter, but at this point we know it's not going to work, because it never has. She literally has to become aggressive in her actions to make Mei understand, just like Matsuri did to make Mei realize she felt something for Yuzu.

Remember a few chapters ago? Where Mei tells Yuzu, "I want you to need me" which makes her mad? I think that's why she's smiling when Sara says "of course!" to her question. Someone has finally told her they NEED her in their life, so that's probably why she accepted her confession and not Yuzu's. She thinks her father never needed her; her grandfather never needed her; and now she thinks Yuzu doesn't need her because of her "rejection."

Mei is actually pretty screwed up...

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Well put.

joined Dec 6, 2013

Don't like this chapter T^T the drama is killin me!! lolz

joined Feb 21, 2015

She thinks Yuzu rejected her "love", because Mei still thinks physical attraction = love, when in reality that's not true.

Mei is actually pretty screwed up...

^Agreed. Mei really needs to talk properly with Yuzu instead of being stubborn about listening on what Yuzu has to say.

last edited at Mar 2, 2015 6:32AM

joined Jan 17, 2014

Surprise!!! More drama. Yuzu move on, girl!!

joined Aug 29, 2013

Delighted to feast my eyes upon a new chapter as always! :D

My only major complaint is the undone art, which I feel breaks the flow and thus my immersion as well. Also, the pace feels a lot slower in this one. But, it could also be attributed to the lengthier down-time than usual between the previous chapter and this chapter.

On another note, I see a few people saying that Sara's confession sparks a realization within Mei, in regards to Yuzu's feelings for her. But I beg to differ. I think it causes her anguish. Like she feels that Yuzu doesn't return the kind of romantic love she is hoping for. She knows that Yuzu genuinely cares for her as a person (I hope! Or the mangaka needs a good shaking in terms of storyline consistency). Now, how about as someone more? To be fair, Yuzu has never been really clear in giving out the right sort of signals in that department.

I foresee more angst, not less, in the near future! But I will love it all the same. ^_^

last edited at Mar 2, 2015 11:13AM

joined Feb 18, 2015

Delighted to feast my eyes upon a new chapter as always! :D

My only major complaint is the undone art, which I feel breaks the flow and thus my immersion as well. Also, the pace feels a lot slower in this one. But, it could also be attributed to the lengthier down-time than usual between the previous chapter and this chapter.

On another note, I see a few people saying that Sara's confession sparks a realization within Mei, in regards to Yuzu's feelings for her. But I beg to differ. I think it causes her anguish. Like she feels that Yuzu doesn't return the kind of romantic love she is hoping for. She knows that Yuzu genuinely cares for her as person (I hope! Or the mangaka needs a good shaking in terms of storyline consistency). Now, how about as someone more? To be fair, Yuzu has never been really clear in giving out the right sort of signals in that department.

I foresee more angst, not less, in the near future! But I will love it all the same. ^_^

I totally agree! I was put off by the incomplete art and wondered what was going on...

I hope the tankoban version is complete!

Best case scenario: Mei treats Sara the same way she has been treating Yuzu and Sara, either immediately or after a few "dates", confronts Mei about the fact that she is always wanting to be physical and asks her "if she really loves her" or "what love means to her" and Mei has a revelation about why Yuzu was acting the way she was.

I am curious to see what Nina's game is. I don't think she really wants Sara and Mei to be together... I don't know if her reference to what Mei really wants was to "being needed" or if it was a reference to her wanting Yuzu and she was suggesting that using her sister was a way to get that.

It would be interesting if, after eavesdropping on Mei and Yuzu and successfully undermining their relationship, she then goes to Yuzu with some sort of plan to win Mei back or make Mei jealous or something like that... I really don't trust the girl!

I wonder what Sara's reaction to both the fact that she just stole Yuzu's love and that her sister was entirely aware of the fact that she was setting her up to do so would be? I think Sara would be mortified to think that the friend who she commiserated with and made such a great connection with was hurt by her actions, even accidentally. To find out that her sister actually plotted to do it, fully aware of the fact that by getting Sara together with Mei it would break Yuzu's heart, she would probably be furious and totally feel like she was in the wrong...

That just seems to be the type of girl she is. I just don't see Sara finding out what happened and saying "Oh well! All's fair in love and war! She who hesitates is lost! I got her first and she is MINE now!"

At least I hope not!

What I really expect to happen is Sara and Yuzu to meet incidentally, either during the trip or after, possibly both missing the train again or something like that, and the two of them will get caught up on each others' love situations. Sara will tell Yuzu that she confessed and was accepted by her "fated person", never using Mei's name. Yuzu will tell her that she messed up and was lying to herself about her feelings and, when she had resolved to do the right thing and be fully honest with her love, she was told that she had accepted another person's confession and was dating someone else.

Sara will then ask her if she is just going to give up? Is your love weak enough that you will let a little setback like some random person confessing to your love get in the way? If you keep trying to communicate your true feelings to your love it is sure to work out in the end. Then when they get back together with everyone else, both of them will run to Mei and they will realize that they were talking about the same person all along!

We'll see if I'm right...

last edited at Mar 2, 2015 11:59AM

joined Aug 12, 2013

I honestly don't think I can make it anymore. I'm not strong enough for this series.

joined Dec 24, 2014

The credits killed a good way.

joined Jul 24, 2013

Ughhh non-stop drama based on lack of communication
trust me I know somethings are really hard to say but damn it this is just too unrealistic
first negative comment ever to the series. Don't get me wrong.. still gonna wait for the next chap anyways. Mei x Yuzu is too perfect to not ship.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Well, I'm Canadian and I fell so hard in what I was convinced was love when I was 13 that I mooned over the girl for a year and a half after being moved to a different school. So it's not just Mexicans, although I was unusually romantical-minded I think.
And it's not like I knew her well. I fell for a pretty face, a sweet smile, and a polite and demure manner. Mind you, a polite and demure manner was not so easily come by in school in the 70s. So I reckon I can feel for this kid; she's fooling herself but that's awfully easy to do at that age.

Yeah. Important to remember they are still high schoolers, not adults. Remember myself when I thought I fell in love with someone my Freshman year in high school, when in hindsight it was just me making the mistake I tended to make a lot 5ish years ago of mistaking gratitude for responsibility.

Remember a few chapters ago? Where Mei tells Yuzu, "I want you to need me" which makes her mad? I think that's why she's smiling when Sara says "of course!" to her question. Someone has finally told her they NEED her in their life, so that's probably why she accepted her confession and not Yuzu's. She thinks her father never needed her; her grandfather never needed her; and now she thinks Yuzu doesn't need her because of her "rejection."

Mei is actually pretty screwed up...

Assuming said acceptation is what actually happened, it does makes sense, and I agree. It will make me incredibly pissed off though because Sara's 'need' is shallow at best.

Mei is beyond broken because of, as I iterated (I think in another post), how she was only ever used in her life, especially recently as a sexual object. But the whole Matsuri arc's point was to help her start moving on past that by realizing Yuzu is right there with her as a person, holding her hand and trusting her and treating her as a human being; as well as recognize her own feelings for Yuzu.

But even if said acceptation does end up being true, if I take a few breaths, I can deal. Just so long as Nina x Sara and Mei x Yuzu is endgame. If not I'll have to hold desperately onto Harumin and Matsuri as consolation.

last edited at Mar 2, 2015 5:39PM

joined Oct 11, 2013

Yuri Project, Thanks for the work again!!!^^
Again, Mei is really difficult to understand knowing what Yuzu wants...Aargh! So humiliating!! Well, can't be help... T_T
Still, I'll be waiting for the next chapter:3

last edited at Mar 2, 2015 6:27PM

joined Jul 8, 2013

I hate this series so much. Just so fucking much. These characters are all just so fucking god damn stupid that I can't even. I might be done with this series now. This really might've been the last fucking straw for me. Its just that the message this series sends out to me is that ALL lesbians are fucking idiots and that upsets cuz I know its not true. Cuz I think most of us agree that this series has LONG SINCE past the line of emotionally complexity and whatnot. It's honestly insulting to call a series like this realistic. It really is. I think i'd be more accepting of this if there was a giant fucking dragon attacking the city because it'd at the very least imply a sense of surrealism to the plot in this series lol.

last edited at Mar 2, 2015 6:54PM

joined Aug 21, 2014

Hm? What's up with the sketchy pages near the beginning of the chapter? It really looks unfinished, did Saburouta run out of time when making this?

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