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joined May 28, 2020

How can one bundle of anxiety possibily handle two extroverted yanderes.

joined Feb 22, 2018

How can one bundle of anxiety possibily handle two extroverted yanderes.

Handfuls of Xanax?

joined Jan 11, 2019

Holy hell, I feel bad for Bocchi, surrounded by 2 Yandere girls are yikes moments. Someone please save her.

joined Apr 28, 2022

Bocchi The Shock

joined Jan 16, 2023

Bocchi The Rock Days

joined Dec 20, 2018

How can one bundle of anxiety possibily handle two extroverted yanderes.

Surrender to the one who survives.

joined Feb 27, 2022

give up to your fate, they can probably hunt you down by scent alone

joined Mar 25, 2021

Holy shit Yandere Kita AND Nijika.
I wouldn't blame Ryo if she ran away..

joined Dec 20, 2018

Holy shit Yandere Kita AND Nijika.
I wouldn't blame Ryo if she ran away..

Ryo being Ryo, lazy as she is, one could easily see Yandere Ryo just waiting on the sidelines, ready to take on the winner once these two decide to fight it out. :P

joined Feb 18, 2022

Sharing is caring... very Nijika like. 3p is a fine compromise but kita bocchi is the good ending.

joined Jan 6, 2017

Sharing is caring... very Nijika like. 3p is a fine compromise but kita bocchi is the good ending.

Got that backwards my friend. 3/4p is the good ending

joined Oct 15, 2014

In case anyone was wondering, the title is supposed to be "Please Watch!" spoken by a drunken Kikuri-san (hence why her voice actress is namedropped.)

joined Apr 6, 2021

So it has begun

joined May 26, 2020

How are they supposed to play their instruments now? With TWO yanderes, you have to hide all the guitar strings and drumsticks. (Nijika could snap one in half and use it for stabbing)

joined Feb 17, 2019

I don't know, Nijika doesn't have big yandere vibes. Kita, on the other hand... Let's hope she's always smiling-

joined May 18, 2019

How did I miss the tags so badly ;-;

last edited at Jan 16, 2023 1:15PM

joined Oct 15, 2021

with yandere fans #1 and #2, starry-eyed classmate, and seika for a bocchi royale

joined Aug 28, 2016

now THIS is the stuff!!

joined Jun 17, 2021

Hmm. As a gloomy person, I guess it depends on the level of your gloominess as to how they affect you, I think I'd be okay.
Of course, no one cheerful would ever want to spend any extended time with me, so I have no way of testing this.

joined Apr 2, 2018

Bocchi The Shock

Bocchi The Condemned
Bocchi The Prisoner
Bocchi The Poor Thing
Bocchi The Kidnapped
Bocchi The Missing
Bocchi The Desperate
Bocchi The "Help Me, For God's Sake!"

last edited at Jan 26, 2023 5:25AM

joined Jun 28, 2017

This is created by Ditama Bow, the creator of Kiss x Sis??

joined Sep 16, 2014

This is created by Ditama Bow, the creator of Kiss x Sis??

That explains a lot.

joined Oct 25, 2010

Be honest with yourself and may others be honest with you.. no one gets hurt from selfless love . These 3 sweet souls will have less pain , and hurt feelings. But this may be a step in their present journey . I’m sure they’ll make mistakes, learn, and grow together as they individually remember to love learn and forgive and forget. That may be the best way for each of us as we travel on this journey .

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