I'm not saying I wouldn't have an incredibly incredibly hard time, but as a dog-owner, if my dog turned rabid and the best thing for her and other people (including myself and my family/loved/cared ones) were to put her down, I would at least attempt to seek out a way to kindly do so to put her out of her misery and progressive deterioration.
I mean I'd struggle for sure. I'm just hoping Aria chooses to kill Al this time around because she's cocky af and I'd like to >bsee a happy ending instead of more peeps dying left and right :( a
But a dog is not a human, Also when you adopt any animal, unless you are into turtle, you should know that when the time is up, you will have to do what you need to do. Putting down your pit bull is one thing, putting down the head of a Yakuza boss who happened to be your father would be quite different.
The ball is now in ichika court. Since there is no way Aria wants to be the one giving the coup d'grace, and in fact, she should not even be in the "battlefield". No matter how bad your daughter is, it is too hard to see your daughter stabbed to death by your girlfriend no less.
Maoa has to deal with Al's occultist; Maoa seemed to always be able to get on top. Everyone else except Aria and Ichika would most likely having to deal with the black assistant, possible with the help of dead ghosts (ie. zoombies). That leaves Aria and Ichika to deal with Al.
IF somehow Al survived an attack from Ichika, while Ichika became a Lilu, I wonder what would happened. Remember Arthur's own vampiric parents joined Ghika? This story is quite complexed. I ended up having to use Wiki to learn about Colcis. Show was brilliant.
Still the biggest question (for me) is how come we never have seen the little crystal ball until this chapter.
I always considers Show a brilliant narrator in drawing. I never thought that Aria lived in Georgia. But then she may also lived in modern Kuwait. We simply do not know. But we sure learned a lot about Colsis. So in a way, reading this manga is like reading a recreational world history book.
Yes, finally, I now understand why Aria and Al possibly Shin, have no last name. They are mountain country folks during the middle ages at the time, low classes do not have last names. And even if you do, it is merely about where you are from. So nobody uses it unless dealing with outsiders often enough. Al-Kamil has no last name. But in those days you can simply say Al-Kamil of Colsis. And then Al-Kamil Colsis Ghika with Gika being the last name and her tribe's name. The other side is similar. Aria Asagiri. nee Kolsis.
It is easy: Jesus has no last name that we know of. So he was called Jesus Christ, with Christ being a sort of nickname unless you believe in him then the word Christ would have a different meaning. But just like Aria or Al, Jesus is called Jesus of Nazarene; ie, Jesus is from Nazarene. Hence, Al-Kamil is Al-Kamil Ghika
last edited at Jan 2, 2023 5:51AM