Forum › The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All discussion

joined Oct 3, 2018

I'm so fucking sorry to the one person whose lighthearted take I was trying to affirm for dragging you into a whirlpool of toxic jumper-ons. Your opinion was as chill and non-incendiary as anything else in this thread and you didn't deserve this heat.

last edited at Nov 14, 2022 9:53AM

joined Feb 1, 2021

The best Radiohead song is Black Star. I will be taking no questions.

joined Oct 19, 2022

wait, did a linguistics argument sorta start here? and it seems like one between prescriptivist and descriptivist factions.

Nah to be a prescriptivist or a descriptivist first you need to know linguistics. You need to have studied science and the scientific method.
This is between people who understand science and people who flunked English and Math at school and now are at war against the dictionary and basic arithmetic. And call others (I quote) "really dumb" and "astoundingly silly".

last edited at Nov 15, 2022 9:39AM

joined Feb 9, 2019

it's time to end this conversation. when things devolve to personal insults it's time to stop.

if it continues we will have to step in. if you insult forum members, i will ban you and delete your posts. thanks.

joined Mar 28, 2015

I'm lost in these last few pages of comments. I don't understand who stands on what side of what argument.

My take:

  • Is Mitsuki trans? There's no evidence she is. I don't think the author factored that take in. So, I'll err on the side of "No, she's not".

  • Can Mitsuki's experience in life (the outlier hiding their true self and feeling uncomfortable in their assigned role) be taken as something similar to what a transman would feel? Sure, if that's how you want to interpret it, you can. Just don't drag the author or Mitsuki herself in it.

  • Are people taking gender politics too seriously? You bet they do.

joined Feb 9, 2019

nya-chan i'll assume you missed my post. we were probably typing at the same time. it's time to move on please.

joined May 7, 2022

Koga is unaware of the effect she has on women

And men. Let's not forget the kabedon Narita-kun experienced which made him automatically want to be friends with her.

True bisexual power!

This girl keeps dialing up the smooth even though she don't know she's doing it. I'd be dead on the ground if I were Osawa.

Chapter 30 spoilers: the girls are in the lockeroom for gym class and Mitsuki pulls an accidental smooth move, Aya just drops dead. The series ends.

last edited at Nov 15, 2022 6:48PM

joined May 26, 2020

Koga is unaware of the effect she has on women

And men. Let's not forget the kabedon Narita-kun experienced which made him automatically want to be friends with her.

True bisexual power!

This girl keeps dialing up the smooth even though she don't know she's doing it. I'd be dead on the ground if I were Osawa.
Chapter 30 spoilers: the girls are in the lockeroom for gym class and Mitsuki pulls an accidental smooth move, Aya just drops dead. The series ends.

How does she go from socially awkward SUPER DORK, to super smooth, charm master in seconds? Is this some kind of mutant power?

joined Mar 5, 2019

well, we hit the useless time.

joined Dec 11, 2017

Chapter 30 spoilers: the girls are in the lockeroom for gym class and Mitsuki pulls an accidental smooth move, Aya just drops dead. The series ends.

How does she go from socially awkward SUPER DORK, to super smooth, charm master in seconds? Is this some kind of mutant power?

Lack of awareness of personal boundaries. It's a double-edged sword. With strangers, it leads to faux pas and social anxiety. When dealing with someone that already likes you, it leads to heart-squeezing physical contact.

joined Jul 29, 2017

We haven't discussed the significance of Mitsuki's being masked while she works, which is the main element required to make Aya's mistake about her gender work. It's implicit that she doesn't want anyone who she knows to recognize her when she's working because she is phobic about "standing out" in school, as her "normal" look (black fingernails, multiple piercings, punk-ish clothes) would inevitably make her do.

There's no suggestion that she intends to present as male except when she lays that 'boku' on Aya and then immediately goes into a tizzy about what she's done. As I said before, an outfit consisting of jeans, a band or merch T-shirt, a hoodie, and Chuck Taylors is what dozens of women I know just call "clothes."

I know from experience that a school uniform can contribute to that feeling of "I just want to stay invisible at school then go home and be myself."

joined Aug 12, 2019

It just occurred to me, but 5 years from now when someone comes to Dynasty to read what people were saying about this manga at the time, they will be completely flabbergasted at how such an innocuous manga could create such intense reactions.

cause we're in too deep, and we're trying to keep, up above in our head, instead of going under

last edited at Nov 15, 2022 12:02AM

joined Aug 28, 2016

0w0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

joined Apr 6, 2018

Mitsuki please, I can't deal with those piercing green eyes....

joined Oct 30, 2021

How does she go from socially awkward SUPER DORK, to super smooth, charm master in seconds? Is this some kind of mutant power?

Its the law of handsomnes

the power and smoothness of the charm is inversely proportional to the amount of awareness the individual has over its own attractiveness

By that i can conclude that Koga is mathematically able to pull such moves bc her own awareness of her attractiveness is below the average

last edited at Nov 15, 2022 1:52PM

joined May 7, 2022

It just occurred to me, but 5 years from now when someone comes to Dynasty to read what people were saying about this manga at the time, they will be completely flabbergasted at how such an innocuous manga could create such intense reactions.

cause we're in too deep, and we're trying to keep, up above in our head, instead of going under

That's SUM joke you made, huh

joined Jun 14, 2022

it's time to end this conversation. when things devolve to personal insults it's time to stop.

if it continues we will have to step in. if you insult forum members, i will ban you and delete your posts. thanks.

I am not entirely certain on which conversation is being banned. The insulting identity politic discord or Aya's initial gender miss-identification in context to the actual story? Context includes Mistuki's general social anxiety lead insecurities that overlap with, but are ultimately unrelated to "Onii-san".

I understand and appreciate the effort to keep things civil, but in effort to respect the artist and their efforts I think it unfair to censor their works and discussion of it, in context, because of some bad actors and or out of context interpretation.

And if we're censoring identity comments, then wlftchtr82 comment should probably be removed as well. This discord started with an "essentially trans" argument and wlftchtr82 has made an "essentially bisexual" argument. And both are out of context. I am not discussing those essentials, only what's contextually relevant.

And I write this not to single out any use nor presume or accuse intent, there is no negative intention to wlftchtr82's comment, but to point out that this ban is ambiguous.

last edited at Nov 15, 2022 4:46PM

joined Jun 25, 2021

I'm still following this, but I think it's impressive (not in a good way) that this story manages to feel really dragged out while being served only 4 pages at a time... and sometimes said 4 pages don't tell what is happening too clearly.

I want to like it, with cool art and all that, but it keeps falling short for me.

I feel ya. I am impressed as well

With each chapter, much of the time I'm left thinking "That's it??". Often covers very little and then jumps to the next day with the next chapter.

Gotta say I'm not feeling what you folks are. I don't really have expectations that a lot is going to happen in a 4 page chapter. If you took 8 of these chapters and strung them into a single 32-page monthly-manga style chapter, it would be a chapter where a bunch happened.

a chapter with jarring skips and gaps, yeah
I guess that's my issue with it. While the amount of progression per page is not slow, it's chopped up into many very separated scenes (usually each chapter is on a different day), and the amount of progression per scene is slow.

In most manga that have very short scenes like this, a lot gets packed into them such that there isn't any less going on than in a manga that has much longer scenes. That's not the case in this one, so it feels dragged out.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Green777 posted:

it's time to end this conversation. when things devolve to personal insults it's time to stop.

if it continues we will have to step in. if you insult forum members, i will ban you and delete your posts. thanks.

I am not entirely certain on which conversation is being banned.

There are two conversations that were ended. First, the conversation of trans interpretations and the argument(s) that followed. Second, the conversation on language, semantics, prescriptivism, etc. There is no issue with either of these topics in isolation. An issue arises when those involved choose not to engage with grace and good faith. At this point, the conversation ends. Full stop.

I understand and appreciate the effort to keep things civil, but in effort to respect the artist and their efforts I think it unfair to censor their works and discussion of it, in context, because of some bad actors and or out of context interpretation.

None of Arai Sumiko's content has been removed.

And if we're censoring identity comments, then wlftchtr82 comment should probably be removed as well.

No posts have been removed at this time. I have no problem with wlftchtr82's comment. It is innocuous to me.

Edit 2: Edited out some for clarity. runrin has a lot more faith than I do, so everything she posted after this holds just fine for me. Be safe.

last edited at Nov 15, 2022 10:44PM

joined May 7, 2022

We should start a drinking game and take shots every time the admins have to call people out on this comment section. Sure way of dying from alcohol poisoning.

Also every time someone mentions my username when it's uncalled for. I show up because I'm one of the few trying to talk about the story, even if some jokes may not please everyone.

last edited at Nov 15, 2022 6:52PM

joined Feb 9, 2019

its obviously okay for people to discuss characters' gender identity, especially if it is directly relevant to the story. insulting one another's intelligence, etc. is not cool.

it's pretty obvious when a conversation becomes an unproductive argument -- particularly when discussions are more about language than the content of the manga. when you make a post joining in a discussion, ask yourself if you are being constructive. if someone is being rude or says something you disagree with, often it's better to just ignore it.

above all else, please just try to be kind to each other.

an important note: we will not tolerate any sort of bigotry here. if you see anything that makes you uncomfortable or you feel is hateful, feel free to reach out to me directly on discord and i will take a look.

<3 all y'all cuties. have fun and be gay.

last edited at Nov 15, 2022 9:48PM

joined Feb 17, 2018

I love this chapter. Both sides of Mitsuki on display at once instead of (in Aya's perception) bifurcated in the two personas. integration. nature is healing.

Also I'm half convinced the artist put Aya in the costume last chapter so she could have the usual flowers at the confession scene motif but have it be diagetic

last edited at Nov 15, 2022 11:28PM

joined Apr 26, 2022

is the yuri still possible I think so

joined Apr 26, 2022

I understand and appreciate the effort to keep things civil, but in effort to respect the artist and their efforts I think it unfair to censor their works and discussion of it, in context, because of some bad actors and or out of context interpretation.

don't forget about the very first time that you guys had to shut down a convo that devolved into accusations of alt accounts and discord servers. this manga's comment section is wild

joined Jun 14, 2022

I understand and appreciate the effort to keep things civil, but in effort to respect the artist and their efforts I think it unfair to censor their works and discussion of it, in context, because of some bad actors and or out of context interpretation.

don't forget about the very first time that you guys had to shut down a convo that devolved into accusations of alt accounts and discord servers. this manga's comment section is wild

My explanations went into a further depth, and I acknowledged they may have gotten a bit complex, but they were in context. I even posted contextual links in the initial post. I did not insult people. I did not accuse people. And I did not create an alt account nor speak on discord. I don't even have discord.

Be mindful of who you accuse.

Thank you,

This discussion full stops here. I will not reply to comments.

last edited at Nov 16, 2022 12:15AM

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