Forum › Kamitsuki Academy discussion

joined Sep 22, 2021

Kind of depressing but that's the charm

joined Apr 28, 2022

This chapter felt very random. Enjoyable but random. I like the dynamic between the two leads and do hope they continue to get closer.

Also Shizuku digging her nails into Ichio's leg and then playing it like a guitar was the highlight of this chapter haha.

joined Jun 27, 2017

Also Shizuku digging her nails into Ichio's leg and then playing it like a guitar was the highlight of this chapter haha.

I'm sure it was meant to convey something other than sheer comedy, but if so, I can't say it succeeded for me ... xD

Trying to be cute, still being disturbing. The more you read the sadder some of the characters get. I'm rooting for the girl who eats the garlic, but I don't know her name

joined Jan 9, 2017

Maybe im remembering erroneously, but is this manga getting more comments about how disturbing the story is than Vampire X Junior?

joined Jul 23, 2021

The imagery of using a bow full of horse hair on four parallel open wounds made be cringe so hard. Ouch.

joined May 15, 2020

starting to get the vibe that epicureans could be really, genuinely dangerous and scary if they want to be

joined Apr 28, 2022

Her not tasting Belle and seeking out Ichigo was pretty cute ngl.

joined Oct 30, 2021

Always be loyal

joined May 3, 2014

it’s all creepy no less, don’t see anything but monsters and human cows full of blood and nothing more :/ don’t know how this is yuri since there is no feeling on an slave that has nothing but obidience and no personality

I’m still interested how the story will end, tho if I were to end up in this world I will rather end it before I let any of thous monsters to sink their fangs in me :3

last edited at Aug 21, 2022 9:15AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

I can't possibly be the only one who got to this page and could only see this...


joined Sep 16, 2014

Sexiest character just got introduced, glad to see there will be plenty of her in the next volume.

since there is no feeling on an slave that has nothing but obidience and no personality

There are so many stories with a man and a girl like this and people call those hetero, so this one counts as yuri. It's refreshing to see this situation with girls for once.

joined Jul 28, 2019

Are we supposed to know these two? They just come out of nowhere and state the MC's as their targets as if we should know why?

joined Jun 27, 2017

Are we supposed to know these two? They just come out of nowhere and state the MC's as their targets as if we should know why?

See chapter 3 ... ?

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Occasionally while I'm reading this it occurs to me again how what's depicted is, looking at the facts, totally horrible and I'd be running away and joining the resistance if I lived in it . . . but then I shrug and keep reading about ridiculous cute vampires and their sexy drinking partners.

Snapdragon beans
joined Oct 27, 2018

Oooh, new chapter. Just saw it on Mangadex and hopped on over here. I love the art in this story, and all the diamonds around the borders. And their outfits. Swoon.

It just hits everything I like: vampires, humans being cattle, dystopian, cool art, cool costumes, predator and prety dynamics, blood, etc. I love when I read a manga that just.. hits everything I like. (Looking Up to Magical Girls is another one I'm reading that also hit everything I like in a manga.)

It's such a dystopian story, but it has a veneer of sweetness over it. It acts like everything is normal, but if you just think about everything, you know that this story is super messed up and I'm really enjoying the ride.

I know this manga is fairly short. I can't remember how many volumes it had though, and I'm going to be sad when it's over.

Also, I find the characters in this club very suspicious. Everyone is gunning for Ichigo.

last edited at Nov 2, 2022 2:27AM

joined Jun 27, 2017

This "plot" of getting at Ichigo's blood is a bit annoying to me at this point. Guess would have rather had something else going on ^^;

joined Dec 20, 2018

This "plot" of getting at Ichigo's blood is a bit annoying to me at this point. Guess would have rather had something else going on ^^;

Same, honestly.

I'm just here for the Gameboy.

joined Apr 12, 2021

I know this manga is fairly short. I can't remember how many volumes it had though, and I'm going to be sad when it's over.

2 volumes

Snapdragon beans
joined Oct 27, 2018

I know this manga is fairly short. I can't remember how many volumes it had though, and I'm going to be sad when it's over.

2 volumes

Damn, I figured it was around two volumes.

Thanks for the info.

I guess it wasn't super popular or something.

last edited at Nov 2, 2022 11:15AM

joined Apr 12, 2021

So, not all vampires are into polygamic

joined Aug 4, 2021

i have to admit I was way more into this series before the ntr duo started taking up all the screen time

joined Oct 30, 2021

Eyo this is getting out of hand

joined Jun 27, 2017

I know this manga is fairly short. I can't remember how many volumes it had though, and I'm going to be sad when it's over.

2 volumes

Aw. So already halfway point.

joined Feb 27, 2022

I wanted to kick those two's asses all the way to the moon; WAY too fuckin excitable take em to the vet to get em fixed

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