Forum › That Time I Was Blackmailed By the Class's Green Tea Bitch discussion

joined Jan 2, 2022

It makes me very happy (and ngl kinda envious) that Tongtong has such an open relationship with her mum! I wouldn't trade my family for anything, and I'm very grateful for the life they give me, but I do wish there wasn't so much heteronormativity and social pressure to conform. It can feel suffocating at times. It's super nice to see a young person in fiction that has a trusted adult, that's honestly not something a lot of folks including myself feel like they have.

joined Aug 30, 2020

tongtong's mom is not perfect, but dammit she's doing her best and i appreciate that in a parent

joined Jun 18, 2020

Adopt her pls

joined Aug 6, 2013

What a difference in parenting styles. Tongtong's relationship with her mom is precious.

Yuri Yuriyuri
joined Aug 21, 2020

Ah right, Tong Tong is an S lol, I almost forgot.

joined Nov 12, 2020

Rules of nature dictate that there will be blood when standing here.

The ultimate showdown between two tiger moms is about to begin!

joined Dec 19, 2014

Tong Tong calling in the calvary

joined Jul 26, 2016

Tong Tong calling in the calvary

Tongtong confirmed more powerful than we could have imagined :o

joined Oct 30, 2018

Please just take the girl into your house and get her away from her homphobic and grade elitist mother. Worst case is that she just doesn't care, forgets about Xiao Lu and the two girls can go on with their life and love. Best case is that the mom realizes how shit of a parent she is and starts turning around to be a better mother

Though let's be real, is that REALLY gonna happen?

joined Jun 25, 2019

I kinda love how she is outright outed as homophobic when i'm sure she would have react the same if it was a boy.She just don't want her to be distracted.

joined Oct 2, 2021

Hope there's a sequel when this finishes up.
It could be named " I bully my girlfriend till she cries then we have sweet sweet makeup sex every day"

joined Jan 27, 2022

tongtong's mom to the rescue><

joined Dec 11, 2017

Rules of nature dictate that there will be blood when standing here.

The ultimate showdown between two tiger moms is about to begin!

Tongtong's mom isn't really a tiger mom. Tiger parenting is about strictness. TongTong's mom is extremely laid back, but also super protective. She's more in "Mama Bear" territory?

Please just take the girl into your house and get her away from her homphobic and grade elitist mother. Worst case is that she just doesn't care, forgets about Xiao Lu and the two girls can go on with their life and love. Best case is that the mom realizes how shit of a parent she is and starts turning around to be a better mother
Though let's be real, is that REALLY gonna happen?

I definitely think "She doesn't care" is false. She's controlling and strict, but she's not apathetic. If Tongtong's mom took her in, Xiao Lu's mom would probably call the police? Best case scenario would be if Xiao Lu's mom straight up disowned her, then she probably wouldn't care if TT's mom took her in, but honestly, I don't see that happening.

I really just don't see her as not caring. She's got a lot of bad ideas about how to parent, but she's also working multiple jobs and taking care of her daughter and their house while her husband is just literally nothing but a wasteful drain on their finances who not only isn't supporting them, but also comes back periodically just to burn through the money in their bank account. She's a big ball of stress, depression, and burnout, and while that doesn't make what she's doing okay, it is probably part of what's exacerbating her negative qualities. The fact that she cares about her daughter doesn't mean that caring automatically manifests in a healthy supportive way.

I'm not sure which way this is going to go. Fact is, homophobic traditionalists often just can't be reasoned with. We haven't seen how far gone she is in this respect, but people get set in their ways under the best of circumstances, and these aren't those.

But TT's mom seems pretty disarming. And while I agree that she's super straight, she might have just the right perspective to be a positive influence?

I kinda love how she is outright outed as homophobic when i'm sure she would have react the same if it was a boy. She just don't want her to be distracted.

No, she explicitly singled out the fact that it was a relationship with a girl. She might have also demanded Xiao Lu break up with a boyfriend, but she is definitely specifically singling out the gender of her partner as explicitly part of the problem.

joined May 12, 2020

Tongtong says screw your cliches and reassures her obviously distressed girlfriend and gets an adult involved. Also screw nuance and socio-economics. Xiao Lu's mom sucks. It is her fault for marrying a deadbeat and wasting her life working for her daughter.

joined Sep 16, 2019

Rules of nature dictate that there will be blood when standing here.

The ultimate showdown between two tiger moms is about to begin!

Tongtong's mom isn't really a tiger mom. Tiger parenting is about strictness. TongTong's mom is extremely laid back, but also super protective. She's more in "Mama Bear" territory?

Please just take the girl into your house and get her away from her homphobic and grade elitist mother. Worst case is that she just doesn't care, forgets about Xiao Lu and the two girls can go on with their life and love. Best case is that the mom realizes how shit of a parent she is and starts turning around to be a better mother
Though let's be real, is that REALLY gonna happen?

I definitely think "She doesn't care" is false. She's controlling and strict, but she's not apathetic. If Tongtong's mom took her in, Xiao Lu's mom would probably call the police? Best case scenario would be if Xiao Lu's mom straight up disowned her, then she probably wouldn't care if TT's mom took her in, but honestly, I don't see that happening.

I really just don't see her as not caring. She's got a lot of bad ideas about how to parent, but she's also working multiple jobs and taking care of her daughter and their house while her husband is just literally nothing but a wasteful drain on their finances who not only isn't supporting them, but also comes back periodically just to burn through the money in their bank account. She's a big ball of stress, depression, and burnout, and while that doesn't make what she's doing okay, it is probably part of what's exacerbating her negative qualities. The fact that she cares about her daughter doesn't mean that caring automatically manifests in a healthy supportive way.

I'm not sure which way this is going to go. Fact is, homophobic traditionalists often just can't be reasoned with. We haven't seen how far gone she is in this respect, but people get set in their ways under the best of circumstances, and these aren't those.

But TT's mom seems pretty disarming. And while I agree that she's super straight, she might have just the right perspective to be a positive influence?

Call me idealistic, but I actually have a good feeling about this. Despite her many issues, Xiao Lu’s mom does seem to truly care for her daughter. Even her homophobia seems to come more from a lack of understanding than from malice. Whether it’s a meeting of the moms or some other bit of advice, I’m hopeful that she’ll eventually come to see that’s she’s been too hard on Xiao Lu, and that this relationship (even if she doesn’t quite understand it) is truly the best thing for her.

That being said, Tiger Mom vs. Mama Bear would be entertaining to watch. It’s funny, though, I could see the mom’s becoming good friends. They’ve both had to deal with crappy significant others, and each of them seems to possess some qualities that the other one could use a little bit more of.

joined Dec 26, 2021

Ooh the moms are gonna get face to face, I've been waiting for this moment. Wonder how their encounter is gonna turn out

joined Jul 10, 2015

wtf is with people hating on tongtong's mom in here? she's legitimately one of the best parents I've seen in this genre. She made the mistake of trusting one (1) dude who turned out to be a creep, and immediately took the guy down when she found out about it, and since then she's taken measures to prevent that from ever happening again. Seeing her as being to blame for the creep's actions is such an aggressively awful take, and requires some pretty misogynistic lines of thinking. She's unconditionally supportive of her daughter to the point that it never even occurred to tongtong that her mom might react badly to he being gay. She's very obviously a devoted mother, and is an excellent person to ask for advice or assistance in this situation.

joined Jun 25, 2019

wtf is with people hating on tongtong's mom in here? she's legitimately one of the best parents I've seen in this genre. She made the mistake of trusting one (1) dude who turned out to be a creep, and immediately took the guy down when she found out about it, and since then she's taken measures to prevent that from ever happening again. Seeing her as being to blame for the creep's actions is such an aggressively awful take, and requires some pretty misogynistic lines of thinking. She's unconditionally supportive of her daughter to the point that it never even occurred to tongtong that her mom might react badly to he being gay. She's very obviously a devoted mother, and is an excellent person to ask for advice or assistance in this situation.

That was only person hating tho.

joined Mar 15, 2019

ch 32
I hope they could resolve problem.....

joined Mar 21, 2019

That was only person hating tho.

One person hating and like ten going "dafuq you talking about?"

joined Jul 29, 2017

That was only person hating tho.

One person hating and like ten going "dafuq you talking about?"

Misogyny and slut shaming get a violent pushback around here—who knew?

(Not to mention poor reading skills—OP was hating on TongTong’s mom, who the evidence of the text shows to be a shining star among yuri moms.)

E. Vigée Le Brun
joined Jun 8, 2021

Tong Tong is precious and must be protected at all cost.

TongTong's mom agrees with you and will even fight XiaoLu's stupid mom for the sake of their kids' happiness. Yes, I've read ahead. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 4, 2021

I love how Luxi is all ready to sacrifice herself and be miserable, and Tong-Tong just shuts her down and is like, "Girl, I love you, what are you talking about? We're going to fix this."

Also, Tong-Tong's mother is a treasure. Her response to finding out her daughter is a lesbian is immediately feel guilty about any comphet she might have pushed on her, and then unconditionally support her daughter's attempts to get a girlfriend (even if said attempts are hilariously misguided). And her response to talking to Luxi is to be incredibly sweet, warm and welcoming (even telling her to call her "Mom"!) and basically see her as part of the family already. Given how horribly so many families treat their LGBTQ+ kids (including In This Very Manhua), it's so nice to see a parent who is so cool and supportive.

joined Aug 23, 2015

mc's mother tries to separate her and gf because GRADES AND CONFORMITY, despite that same mentality crippling her own life
Tongtong's mother: "Tongtong, You're a good kid."
(bonus points to anyone that recognizes this)

joined Jan 29, 2021

I love this translation group omg their pages at the end are so good

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