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joined Nov 8, 2017

Quoting myself just in case there was no mod around to see it before

I don't know if there are many instances of it in the site, but shared scarf could be a nice tag.

Edit: Since the Idol tag applies for voice actresses too, should it be added to chapters of Tae-chan and Jimiko-san which feature Itsuko Shibui?

joined Jan 31, 2015

Another spammer.

Edit: no spam here yet, but this thread has several suspiciously-bot-lookin' posts.

And a second of the four has started changing posts to spam.

joined Jun 20, 2019

A little more spam at the end here – actual spam in the last post, accidentally quoted spam in the post before that.

joined Apr 12, 2020

Hello. I'm the uploader of this chapter and I made a small mistake when I uploaded the file. Can pages 19 and 20 be deleted? They belong to the next chapter

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Ikarum posted:

Hello. I'm the uploader of this chapter and I made a small mistake when I uploaded the file. Can pages 19 and 20 be deleted? They belong to the next chapter

Done! Thank you.

And thanks for all the spam reports, too.

joined Apr 12, 2020

Ikarum posted:

Hello. I'm the uploader of this chapter and I made a small mistake when I uploaded the file. Can pages 19 and 20 be deleted? They belong to the next chapter

Done! Thank you.

And thanks for all the spam reports, too.

Thank you!

joined Nov 7, 2016

Hi, I'm having an issue with my "To Read" list for some weeks now, probably that's the same bug described by majorawake a few posts ago.
The number of chapters it's always two more than the actual chapters in the list, even with an empty list the counter still marks 2.
I tried to fix it adding and removing the chapters I had in the list when the bug started, but with no luck.

I have this same problem except mine is stuck showing 8 chapters with an empty list.

joined Apr 1, 2015

At this point wouldn't it be easier to just add a Spammer button like the tag suggestion one (or some such)?
Course that would take away from getting to talk about them

joined Nov 8, 2017

So there's no separate tag for white day?

joined Aug 29, 2019

Hi! Is there a way to change the list's order? I kind of miss the "recently added" order they have before, also, I love the tabs, that one is a nice feature!

joined Mar 5, 2022

Hello friends, big fan of the site

I've been unable to access my favorite manga's message board discussion for months now

joined Jul 30, 2020

I'm not COMPLETELY sure, but I think this might be two different artists getting conflated:

joined Aug 11, 2014

I seem to have stopped receiving email notifications for my subscriptions. The last new chapter notification email I got was on March 3, and there have been many chapters added to my "To read" list.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

I'm not COMPLETELY sure, but I think this might be two different artists getting conflated:

Fixed; the other artist is now

last edited at Mar 8, 2022 12:34AM

joined Jun 5, 2018

I seem to have stopped receiving email notifications for my subscriptions. The last new chapter notification email I got was on March 3, and there have been many chapters added to my "To read" list.

I think its the same for me

joined Jan 31, 2015

Tag suggestion: NEET (Or something similar.)

last edited at Mar 8, 2022 4:22PM

joined Aug 11, 2014

I seem to have stopped receiving email notifications for my subscriptions. The last new chapter notification email I got was on March 3, and there have been many chapters added to my "To read" list.

I'm getting notification emails again (new ones, not any from the previous days).

joined Apr 1, 2015

I seem to have stopped receiving email notifications for my subscriptions. The last new chapter notification email I got was on March 3, and there have been many chapters added to my "To read" list.

I'm getting notification emails again (new ones, not any from the previous days).

Just a FYI, am pretty sure you only get email notifications on the items in your Subscribed list

joined Feb 17, 2013

Not sure this is the best place for this but- did the site recently change how lists work? They used to be one long list and now mine seem to be split into pages- which is useless if i want to Ctrl-F search through my list looking for tags or names etc.

If this IS a change, is there any way to make them go back to a single long list? The lists lost 90% of their usefulness like this for me- i see no easy way to search a list now?

last edited at Mar 9, 2022 12:19AM

joined Jan 31, 2015

I seem to have stopped receiving email notifications for my subscriptions. The last new chapter notification email I got was on March 3, and there have been many chapters added to my "To read" list.

I'm getting notification emails again (new ones, not any from the previous days).

Just a FYI, am pretty sure you only get email notifications on the items in your Subscribed list

There's an option to "Add notified chapters to To Read list". If, per @MZH, the site is adding the chapters to "To Read," then the site at least thinks it's sending the notifications.

joined Jun 5, 2018

Nope, for me the 'Please bully me etc.' is in subscribed, and I haven't got notifications for the latest 2 chapters. This time, it's not in the spam either.

joined Apr 10, 2021

Not sure this is the best place for this but- did the site recently change how lists work? They used to be one long list and now mine seem to be split into pages- which is useless if i want to Ctrl-F search through my list looking for tags or names etc.

If this IS a change, is there any way to make them go back to a single long list? The lists lost 90% of their usefulness like this for me- i see no easy way to search a list now?

Same. It's a huge pain to click through 14 pages of pairings to get to the page you want.

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