Hi. Can I ask that page 71 in this chapter https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/the_veranda_of_madoka_ch28
Be replaced with this one?
There was a missing note that needed to be added.
Hi. I've been uploading chapters of this series, but I made a mistake with chapters 22-24. These belong to volume 3, not volume 2. Can a volume 3 section be created and have these chapters moved there?
Ikarum posted: Hello. I'm the uploader of this chapter https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/the_veranda_of_madoka_ch12 and I made a small mistake when I uploaded the file. Can pages 19 and 20 be deleted? They belong to the next chapter Done! Thank you. And thanks for all the spam reports, too.
Ikarum posted: Hello. I'm the uploader of this chapter https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/the_veranda_of_madoka_ch12 and I made a small mistake when I uploaded the file. Can pages 19 and 20 be deleted? They belong to the next chapter
Ikarum posted:
Hello. I'm the uploader of this chapter https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/the_veranda_of_madoka_ch12 and I made a small mistake when I uploaded the file. Can pages 19 and 20 be deleted? They belong to the next chapter
Done! Thank you.
And thanks for all the spam reports, too.
Thank you!
Hello Can I submit a replacement of a page here?
Abrupt end. Soy sauce? I don't get it.
She wants to eat him