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I want the prez to die so bad that it causes me physical pain

joined Mar 6, 2021

Though that one had the whole weird Satsuki death scene that I can't really figure out.

I'm pretty sure that was just Satsuki's imagination (should I call it wishful thinking perhaps...?) of how Komachi would be devastated over her death and all her classmates would realise how wrongly they had treated her etc etc... lol
Honestly, I highly doubt that Komachi would ever show such intense emotions... But I guess if you are going to die anyway, it's okay to imagine that your death would be a great loss to others...

Could be the evolution of her eyesight? She starts seeing other possibilities and as for Komachi: Seeing Satsuki die in such a way would be 1) Really traumatizing and 2) Enough to break the metaphorical mask she seems to have on at all times

I feel like we've had those kinds of scenes in more than one occasion (for example the near-deathly slip Akira had on the stairs), and I always read them as Satsuki's imagination, since there was never any indication that she actually saw them. I think the author simply wanted to draw some dramatic deaths lol

Anyway, as to my comment about Komachi: I definitely am expecting to at some point see her reach her breaking point... and probably lash out in dangerous ways, cause she seriously scares me at times. However, I kinda doubt that that would be Satsuki's death...? Like, idk if I can trust that she is sincerely her friend...? Aaahhh idk, she's just scary. I would be glad to see her get like that over the death of a friend, honestly, but I feel like what we'll actually get from her will be far more disturbing. Hope I'm wrong though.

Side note: I really like that science teacher, his interactions with Satsuki are always fun!

joined Feb 16, 2021

I am a major advocate for Akira x Satsuki I will fight and die for this ship ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

joined Sep 11, 2019

Stuco Pres is really out for blood against who he considers "bad" people huh? Probably thinking he's not as bad as them.

joined Mar 30, 2021

this mf,just go away!

joined Jul 28, 2019

Stuco Pres is really out for blood against who he considers "bad" people huh? Probably thinking he's not as bad as them.

People who do their work based on the concept of "justice" rarely think they are the bad guy. They're the savior, making the world a better place! Why don't you guys appreciate that?! blah blah blah.

If he showed any remorse in the way he was going about this, which would be hard to convey in the story without tipping the proverbial hand, I'd cast him as "I know it's bad, but this is truly for the better, even if I'm considered the villain", but nawh, man, this boy truly thinks he's a Hero, capital H, when he's just a monster.

joined May 1, 2013

Ehhh okay okay, if the serial killer is the class president, then he could have kicked the soccer ball at that window, since we see boys playing soccer earlier.

I also really like Shiina in this chapter. She's clearly got a lot of growing up she has to do, but there's ways she's much wiser than Satsuki. Satsuki's been denied her father's love because he refused to accept whatever flaw in her led to his wife's death, so it's really good for her to learn to be tolerant of other people's bad parts.

joined Dec 4, 2021

I think it's more likely that the student president has the same sight Satsuki too, has issues because of that, internalizing 'Maybe people just have to die for the betterment of everyone' rather than 'I have to save everyone' especially considering the whole poisoning stuff seems directly related to him and the student counsel. I think Komachi's first death was unrelated, but the second and maybe some of the others were tests to see if Satsuki could see the premonition corpses too, if she could it could be another person to help manufacture things to get rid of 'bad people'. Also if he was just trying to save the world why didn't he just go "Look Satsuki if you keep doing this x, y, and z will happen" when they were in the student counsel room relatively private. Satsuki has strong conviction for life and might get on board with 'Well we have to let some people die to save more'. On the other hand if he understands that "Getting rid of bad people" is a thing most people won't be on board with, why not put Satsuki in a situation where now he has leverage? Such as the one he's got her in right now.

Okay, maybe I'm just too overinvested in what I see as the themes this manga is developing, but this exactly. I'm going to be extremely disappointed if the end of the story is, "it was a mistake to save those people because of Final Destination bullshit." Every bit of Satsuki's character arc so far, up to and including the ridiculous Omake episodes, has been about how difficult it is for her to do this, how everyone is telling her to shut up and even her friends try to convince her that some people don't 'deserve' to be saved.

I hope/expect that there is a sort of final antagonist responsible for at least several of the murders, and I gotta admit Komachi's looking pretty sus, but. I think the Stuco President is really the ideological foil to Satsuki, because as people here have theorized, he represents the antithesis of the message the manga is developing. The people who die because of preventable causes must "deserve" it somehow. I know I'm probably bringing my own personal ideology in here, but I look forward to seeing how this develops if I'm even halfway right, and if he does have the Sight, I hope seeing his own future!Corpse in some coming chapter messes him up GOOD.

joined Jun 23, 2018
joined Jun 5, 2018

I think it's more likely that the student president has the same sight Satsuki too, has issues because of that, internalizing 'Maybe people just have to die for the betterment of everyone' rather than 'I have to save everyone' especially considering the whole poisoning stuff seems directly related to him and the student counsel. I think Komachi's first death was unrelated, but the second and maybe some of the others were tests to see if Satsuki could see the premonition corpses too, if she could it could be another person to help manufacture things to get rid of 'bad people'. Also if he was just trying to save the world why didn't he just go "Look Satsuki if you keep doing this x, y, and z will happen" when they were in the student counsel room relatively private. Satsuki has strong conviction for life and might get on board with 'Well we have to let some people die to save more'. On the other hand if he understands that "Getting rid of bad people" is a thing most people won't be on board with, why not put Satsuki in a situation where now he has leverage? Such as the one he's got her in right now.

Okay, maybe I'm just too overinvested in what I see as the themes this manga is developing, but this exactly. I'm going to be extremely disappointed if the end of the story is, "it was a mistake to save those people because of Final Destination bullshit." Every bit of Satsuki's character arc so far, up to and including the ridiculous Omake episodes, has been about how difficult it is for her to do this, how everyone is telling her to shut up and even her friends try to convince her that some people don't 'deserve' to be saved.

I hope/expect that there is a sort of final antagonist responsible for at least several of the murders, and I gotta admit Komachi's looking pretty sus, but. I think the Stuco President is really the ideological foil to Satsuki, because as people here have theorized, he represents the antithesis of the message the manga is developing. The people who die because of preventable causes must "deserve" it somehow. I know I'm probably bringing my own personal ideology in here, but I look forward to seeing how this develops if I'm even halfway right, and if he does have the Sight, I hope seeing his own future!Corpse in some coming chapter messes him up GOOD.

Deleting is difficult on tablet, so Ill leave it as is.

You know that some people would die to see their ideology realized? I think if he does see his own corpse, he would try to prevent Satuski from saving him by sabotaging her. In fact if my believe is right and he wants to not change the future, he cant just commit suicide and must die naturally. So this would turn out to be really interesting if this will be the first time MC fails or if the pres changes dramatically afterwards since the future changed again.

joined May 1, 2013

I hope/expect that there is a sort of final antagonist responsible for at least several of the murders, and I gotta admit Komachi's looking pretty sus, but. I think the Stuco President is really the ideological foil to Satsuki, because as people here have theorized, he represents the antithesis of the message the manga is developing. The people who die because of preventable causes must "deserve" it somehow. I know I'm probably bringing my own personal ideology in here, but I look forward to seeing how this develops if I'm even halfway right, and if he does have the Sight, I hope seeing his own future!Corpse in some coming chapter messes him up GOOD.

I mean, it's been verrrrrry strongly implied that class prez is out to kill Shiina, or he is protecting someone else who's trying to kill people (vice prez or Komachi maybe). I think they're deemed bad first (because they have obnoxious personalities, etc) and then killed, not that he sees them dead and assumes they must be bad.

Bringing the themes back, the killer/president might specifically be targeting people they think are dishonest or two-faced. Which is why it's important we see there's a nugget of goodness in Shiina's "two-facedness," that she tolerates people that others would write off completely.

joined May 18, 2021

I am a major advocate for Akira x Satsuki I will fight and die for this ship ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

I join your cause noble internet user, I'll protect them with my life Q(`⌒´Q)

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

does anyone have a link to the physical copy of the volumes to purchase

nevermind, I found it

last edited at Dec 5, 2021 4:08AM

joined Mar 28, 2021

major savior complex all around

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

All chapters have had a slight makeover courtesy of noighd. You may need to clear your browser cache to see the updated versions. Thanks so much to them for their dedication, and keeping us updated on it!

joined May 29, 2021

Bad news: Akira is in trouble
Good news: it’s gonna be an Akira arc which means more shiptease

last edited at Dec 29, 2021 6:54PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Yhea, like hell Prez isn't trying to get Shiina jumping the gun by putting Komachi near her almost all time long. He know that Shiina would continue going on Komachi.
His logic toward Shiina show that there is almost no turning back for him, "she is not reedemable so she need to be killed for the sake of (justice or shit like that)"
As for the ending of the chapter, i'm supossing it's Akira's dad. Question is how did he track down Akira ? Did he really put a GPS on Akira's phone himself ? Or did someone help him ? And in this case, why ? Not gonna lie, i'm fearing that Akira gonna die.

joined Jun 21, 2021

God, Satsuki punching prez felt so good, he deserved that. I'm sure we'll find out more about his motives later but rn all I can think of is how much I hate that Akira's dad is rearing is ugly mug again. He better not go hurting this precious, gay bean >:C

joined Aug 12, 2021

damn what a fucking loser the prez is, "I can't save people until they've already been hurt so I'll just start killing people instead". Good thing Satsuki has a mean right hook haha, also the fact that she's so diamtrically opposed to death that she'd never let herself become as much of a loser as he is.

I do really like dunking on antagonists like the prez though they always act so self-certain that the best way to deal with them is honestly just to not give them and their stupid life philosophies the time of day, by calling them losers haha

last edited at Dec 29, 2021 9:43PM

joined Jun 8, 2020

to much male, drop.

joined Jul 28, 2019

to much male, drop.

Newsflash, ~50% of people have Y chromosome. None of them in this story are romance targets. This is a weak excuse for a drop.

joined Oct 19, 2020

Akira needs you Satsuki, you're her only hope.

joined Oct 30, 2021

to much male, drop.


joined Jun 5, 2018

But shouldnt prez actually realize that whatever he does will also be in "vain", just as what he feels like MC is doing? I mean, he has no further information than satsuki and can only (well maybe) see what would happen, if he... yeah, thats an intersting question actually, since whatever information is sent to the past causes problems, and I doubt the author will be able to come up with a good excuse. Either way, it doesnt matter what is, but what prez feels like. And since he assumes his ability to be identical, there really should be no gain from recruiting MC. I think he plots something else. Or he is actually lying about having this ability, but knows from someone in the past, that had the same, how to abuse it.

He’s a Great Value Light Yagami. And I agree with Shiina, about the whole having good and bad parts about yourself. But also the concept good and bad is subjective. Well, that’s how I look at it.

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