Forum › I Don't Know Which One is Love discussion

joined Dec 4, 2018

god i wish that were me

joined Mar 6, 2021

i love how this story is just about how many yuri archetypes can fit into one chapter

YES! And that was honestly the main reason I found this so entertaining. I don't know if I'll really continue with this though, harem stories aren't really for me...

Regardless, I'm with the people that say that every girl will turn out not to be actually interested in her (or at least not serious about her). But if I had to root for one I'd say the roommate, just because she's weird as hell XD

joined Sep 26, 2021


joined Oct 17, 2017

Tamamusi sending us on a wild one this time. My trust is her's to play with

joined Nov 8, 2017

Just form a harem and make love with them all at once

joined Sep 26, 2021

Classic Tamamushi™

joined Oct 6, 2014

The yuri goddesses have answered my prayers, finally a new yuri harem manga!

last edited at Sep 26, 2021 1:43PM

joined Jul 19, 2018

That second page though, fufu~!! What a genius, that teacher!! Now she'll never fail!!!!

joined Apr 28, 2021

I dont like harem very much unless they're ALL poly n together but this seems hilarious! I've never read yuri harem before so this is good.

joined Jan 15, 2020

The thirst is strong with this one but I'm getting red flags from everyone.

I think that might actually be where this is going. I could easily see a twist where it turn out that none of them actually love the protagonist because:

  1. Former idol is just unintentionally really flirty because of her past in the entertainment industry and just wants a friend.

  2. The teacher seems to do this to all her students (probably as a way to make them keep their grades up).

  3. The tomboy is just using her looks to convince women to join her club, and is just "putting on a performance" for both the protagonist and all the other girls she ropes into joining.

  4. The kiss demon is probably called that because her personality totally changes when she's sober and she doesn't remember or follow through on any of her promises made while drunk.

  5. The roommate seems to like the protag as a bodypillow? But maybe not as a person. (Also did anyone else see her teeth? What if she was a vampire and "liked protag's scent" because of that?)

Of course this might not happen but it seems like most of these women noticed the big lesbian energy and used that to get what they wanted out of her.

^^ Agreed, that about sums it up IMO. I don't feel like any of them are actually looking to be in a relationship with the MC, and most of their 'advances' are probably just wishful thinking from our MC. It's so hard to tell when a girl wants you or not because anything short of actually fucking you could be considered just "friendly". Some girls even think kissing on the lips is just a show of friendliness.....

On the off chance that all of them are actually interested in the MC, I'm rooting for the poly route. Although I'm personally also rooting for the onee-chan. I'm just a sucker for older women.

joined Oct 18, 2017

the poly route is definitely good because otherwise it's too hard to pick between booba idol, horny sensei or kiss demon. I'm not sure what to make of roommate senpai yet and i'm just not a fan of boyish prince types (like clerk girl)

joined May 16, 2021

Ohoho! This is fun, let’s wait who’s the first love for this lesbian newbie.

joined May 16, 2021

The thirst is strong with this one but I'm getting red flags from everyone.

I think that might actually be where this is going. I could easily see a twist where it turn out that none of them actually love the protagonist because:

  1. Former idol is just unintentionally really flirty because of her past in the entertainment industry and just wants a friend.

  2. The teacher seems to do this to all her students (probably as a way to make them keep their grades up).

  3. The tomboy is just using her looks to convince women to join her club, and is just "putting on a performance" for both the protagonist and all the other girls she ropes into joining.

  4. The kiss demon is probably called that because her personality totally changes when she's sober and she doesn't remember or follow through on any of her promises made while drunk.

  5. The roommate seems to like the protag as a bodypillow? But maybe not as a person. (Also did anyone else see her teeth? What if she was a vampire and "liked protag's scent" because of that?)

Of course this might not happen but it seems like most of these women noticed the big lesbian energy and used that to get what they wanted out of her.

^^ Agreed, that about sums it up IMO. I don't feel like any of them are actually looking to be in a relationship with the MC, and most of their 'advances' are probably just wishful thinking from our MC. It's so hard to tell when a girl wants you or not because anything short of actually fucking you could be considered just "friendly". Some girls even think kissing on the lips is just a show of friendliness.....

On the off chance that all of them are actually interested in the MC, I'm rooting for the poly route. Although I'm personally also rooting for the onee-chan. I'm just a sucker for older women.

joined May 16, 2021

Or what if there’s a catch?? What if her best friend from high school might show up again that’ll make all her emotions pulled back from the past and telling her, realizing she still can’t forget their fond memories even having a boyfriend isn’t enough of what they had was special and irreplaceable.

joined Jun 23, 2019

Alright, there’s only one answer for this: polyamorous route

Sam thought. I prefer monagamous one but this one will be an exception

joined Dec 20, 2018

Or what if there’s a catch?? What if her best friend from high school might show up again that’ll make all her emotions pulled back from the past and telling her, realizing she still can’t forget their fond memories even having a boyfriend isn’t enough of what they had was special and irreplaceable.

I'm sure there's room for her in the harem as well. :P

joined Jun 14, 2016

Living the dream

joined Jan 18, 2016

Wish my college experience was like this

joined Jun 24, 2021

thats alot of characters

joined Jan 19, 2016

The thirst is strong with this one but I'm getting red flags from everyone.

I think that might actually be where this is going. I could easily see a twist where it turn out that none of them actually love the protagonist because:

  1. Former idol is just unintentionally really flirty because of her past in the entertainment industry and just wants a friend.

  2. The teacher seems to do this to all her students (probably as a way to make them keep their grades up).

  3. The tomboy is just using her looks to convince women to join her club, and is just "putting on a performance" for both the protagonist and all the other girls she ropes into joining.

  4. The kiss demon is probably called that because her personality totally changes when she's sober and she doesn't remember or follow through on any of her promises made while drunk.

  5. The roommate seems to like the protag as a bodypillow? But maybe not as a person. (Also did anyone else see her teeth? What if she was a vampire and "liked protag's scent" because of that?)

Of course this might not happen but it seems like most of these women noticed the big lesbian energy and used that to get what they wanted out of her.

That sounds really possible, now i'm afraid of the next chapters, if it's true i hope our poor mc previously heartbroken, won't be too much played

joined Apr 16, 2020

Agree with above posts. Now I'm curious about the development, if it's really gonna be a harem or 'anti-harem' if that's even a term lol

joined Sep 6, 2018

I’m gonna follow this manga considering Tamamusi’s previous works. I welcome any outcome in the manga, yet I personally vote for the “polyamory” route.

From the business perspective of churning out content, a polyamorous harem would require the most chapters to completely describe all the interactions between harem members. Much like Canno’s “Kiss and a White Lily” manga series detailing a bunch of separate relationships, this manga could go high, as a minimum, as 15 chapters just to establish 1:1 relationships in this harem. This manga has the potential to go at least SIXTY-NINE chapters!

Tamamusi has shown that she can churn out a lengthy manga series and I look forward to reading this.

joined Jan 17, 2021

The MC usually ends up to the first girl they meet in a harem. My money on the former idol.

joined Apr 5, 2015

It's fairly surprising that a harem series would introduce all- or at least several- of the contenders in the first chapter, instead of giving each one an arc/episode. It's an interesting change of pace, but the introductions feel a bit rushed.

That is kinda normal. The next several chapters will likely be dedicated to properly introducing each of them, but getting them out right on the first chapter is a common tactic for harem shows also, specially if the "main girl" isn't supposed to be obvious.

joined Sep 10, 2021

this is nothing like my college experience went! i want a refund on my student loans!!!

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