Forum › Semelparous discussion

joined Jun 6, 2021

The popularity of sadistic, misogynistic Japanese pornography saddens me.

Also I don't know what this guy is talking about? Not that I deny what they said, it's just that I don't know why they felt to just blurt it out like that here? Is it some cathartic kinda thing?

I've been looking for something redeeming in this series. I said what I did at the point in which I'd given-up.

joined Apr 1, 2013

Don't tell me she dies and then the chick winds up Pregnant with her child? be so cliche if that happens.. lol
That guy totally deserved it.. I hated him so bad nobody kills your waifu and gets away with it
she's seriously going to torture that evil / traitor I cant wait till she transforms? just annihilates them all got a feeling when characters go Berserk something clicks/unlocks.
I cant wait till she grows like 20ft tall and curb stomps the lot of them and strikes them with some Kaiju Lazer beam or something lmao
I do have a feeling that the artist / author is rushing this manga quite a bit? iv seen like 3 chapters released earlier than usual? unless the manga is finished but scanlators kind of dropped the manga due to covid or other personal reasons?
I remember this manga took like 1-2 months for an update.. now im seeing content each week? unless im wrong here
I hope the Author isnt trying to get over this manga to focus on another one.. this manga does have potential and i wish the romance was developed better rather than it be Forced because of Plot reasons.. and yes this manga is heavily fan service. I still don't understand the enemies agenda how they are able to control those Alien Titans and why they possess human hosts and why this even exists to begin with and how it can be stopped completely to prevent more lives from being killed / slaughtered to protect man kind? like there are so many plot holes in this story that aren't fully answered yet.. i hope this wont be rushed

last edited at Jun 27, 2021 1:15PM

joined Sep 27, 2017

Don't tell me she dies and then the chick winds up Pregnant with her child? be so cliche if that happens.. lol

Not sure if anyone else has said this yet...but let's take it a step further. She gives birth to the reincarnation of her partner, and they "fall in love". That's just the random half assed theory I'm going with right now :P

joined Jul 15, 2016

Don't tell me she dies and then the chick winds up Pregnant with her child? be so cliche if that happens.. lol

Not sure if anyone else has said this yet...but let's take it a step further. She gives birth to the reincarnation of her partner, and they "fall in love". That's just the random half assed theory I'm going with right now :P

A sequel by Taiyaki?

joined Nov 26, 2020

I'm starting to give up on this series because its pacing is just a trainwreck. The drama seems very forced and unearned. The world building just isnt there. The characters are very poorly developed. It seems like a clusterfuck of ideas with no glue keeping it together

joined Sep 27, 2017

Don't tell me she dies and then the chick winds up Pregnant with her child? be so cliche if that happens.. lol

Not sure if anyone else has said this yet...but let's take it a step further. She gives birth to the reincarnation of her partner, and they "fall in love". That's just the random half assed theory I'm going with right now :P

A sequel by Taiyaki?

Yeah basically haha

Maybe story by Taiyaki and art by Ogino Jun.

joined Apr 1, 2013

Don't tell me she dies and then the chick winds up Pregnant with her child? be so cliche if that happens.. lol

Not sure if anyone else has said this yet...but let's take it a step further. She gives birth to the reincarnation of her partner, and they "fall in love". That's just the random half assed theory I'm going with right now :P

A sequel by Taiyaki?

Yeah basically haha

Maybe story by Taiyaki and art by Ogino Jun.

Expecting her to die for sure..
yeeeeah something tells me she is pregnant by now or going to be. be funny plot twist if her child is the 'chosen one' gets God like OP powers one punches the enemy is a pure blood hybrid lmao

joined Jun 15, 2021

I am strangely getting hook on this manga. At this point I think we may as well assume that nobody is safe, including Yorino, think of it as Game of Thrones Sci-Fi version.
The one thing I don't understand this work is that. "Each others' guardians", there is a lack of sex but also lack of exaggerated body parts such as oversized boobs. Since "Each others' guardians" is the "prequel", at least when it comes to ideas, I wonder why the author or the editor or both decide to add many sexual elements on Semelparous. Who are the readers they were trying to entice? I almost stop reading it after a few chapters exactly because of these sexual elements. I am not a prude, but I find these elements at in the way of the plot, or rather, the author spent way too much time on the sex but not on the plot.

It does have very good cliff handers.
I am reading this serialization by default.. It is the only sci-fi in Yurihime right now.

joined Jun 15, 2021

"Semelparous, adjective: reproducing or breeding only once in a lifetime." I see what you're up to, Ogino Jun.

The question really, is, who is the semelparous one? The mure, or the human bastioner?
By judging Yorino's ability when she is full of anger, it makes no sense that her mure mother would die that easily in a battle. There were still a lot of bastioners fighting afgter she was mortally injured. You would have thought she should be the last one standing. Does that mean a mure will gradually lost the lifeforce (or aegis) which eventually becomes weak that one is just a mortal? Hence she is semelparous? On the other hand, Yorino's blood mother retired because within 3 years of raising Yorino, all her aegis was gone. That means she cannot possibly cause another Mure to get pregnant. Thus she is "semelparous".

joined Jun 6, 2021

I'm starting to give up on this series because its pacing is just a trainwreck. The drama seems very forced and unearned. The world building just isnt there. The characters are very poorly developed. It seems like a clusterfuck of ideas with no glue keeping it together

The plot is a thin excuse to show girls [1] flouncing-around in skin-tight clothes or nude, [2] having sex, and [3] getting terribly injured or brutally slaughtered. It's sadistic, misogynistic porn.

joined Jun 3, 2021


joined Jan 24, 2016

I'm starting to give up on this series because its pacing is just a trainwreck. The drama seems very forced and unearned. The world building just isnt there. The characters are very poorly developed. It seems like a clusterfuck of ideas with no glue keeping it together

the biggest problem is, some of the ideas of the series, isn't bad, just poorly executed, the author really needed to limit his ideas and develop a story surrounding the main aspect of this series, the author should use the main elements (what is left of it) of the story and let things flow on from that aspect, but what the author is doing, is adding too many ideas which add nothing to the story and further erodes any chances that the foundation of the plot of amounting to anything.

that is the sad part, this just looks like wasted potential, mixed in with softcore porn

last edited at Jul 6, 2021 11:40PM

joined Mar 6, 2021

Just read this today in one go. It is quite bad.
The characters and their interactions have no depth, no matter how much the author may try to convince us otherwise with cheap and predictable drama. Let me be clear, the drama itself wouldn't be bad, if it was executed well. I actually felt that there was a lot of potential in this story when I started it. But it isn't executed well. The relationship of the two leads feels rushed in a way that makes their supposed "love" feel superficial. So Yorino going berserk because of Youko's death honestly has no effect on me, since it doesn't feel real. When did they even fall in love? I literally read this a few hours ago and I can't seem to remember!?
Oh, I probably missed that part with all the boobs bouncing around...

And yes, I probably shouldn't judge the entirety of a work based on the cup size of the characters... But that doesn't mean I can't judge the cup size of the characters XD Especially when their boobs are so abnormally large and round that it actually distracts me from whatever plot there is to see.
...Though there actually is no plot, because the "plot" is the boobs flapping about; the "plot" is the cheap ecchi scenes; the "plot" is the torn up ultra-sexy skin-tight battle suites.

Okay, that was just stupid. She's still breathing, and then 2 seconds later dead? I mean...what the hell was that?

Unfortunately, that is painfully realistic: people just don't fall over dead immediately, but some of their bodily functions try to keep going as long as they can, so even victims with lethal injuries breathe for a bit even while there is literally nothing anyone can do for them. That's why triage exists in the first place. But I do agree with you that, apart from extra realism, it is unclear what the author wanted to achieve with this plot point.

Well, sure, she wouldn't die immediately under normal circumstances, but isn't she supposed to die of heart failure or something, as soon as the double is dead? So how is she still breathing...? I think @Giftnova is right to say that it only happened for Yorino's cool entrance lol

Honestly, if this manga is really getting the axe... I think it's understandable.

joined Jul 15, 2016

My theory is that when writing Gamma, Ogino Jun was supervised by a much more experienced writer/editor, which is why his debut manga turned out as good as it did. With that success under his belt, however, he seems to have been given a carte blanche to draw whatever he wants -- which turned out to mostly be his pet kinks, rather than quality superhero stories.

last edited at Jul 8, 2021 2:03PM

joined Dec 18, 2020

Honestly pretty quickly into reading this I figured "this seems like some edgy shit" and checked out. I stopped actively following this at like, 3rd or 4th chapter? Now I'm mainly just lurking here to laugh at all you people getting upset at how the story turned out.

The YuriWitch
joined Dec 23, 2020

The original story got discontinued, and this - its remake - will likely also be discontinued. There's a lot of potential here floundered by poor pacing, insufficient world building, flimsy character relationships and stop-and-go plot development.

There is something here to be had...somewhere...

joined Aug 21, 2015

Where the raws

joined Apr 23, 2020

I hope she really is pregnant. So that youko had left something before she died... Damn. I love this story... Ohh and yeah, the last panel I've read in the last chapter was so exciting, i waited for the next chapter but, extra was a blissful as well

joined Dec 20, 2018

I'll take that as a confirmation.

joined Jul 22, 2018

I'm really curious about the next chapter

joined Aug 2, 2020

Unsubscribed. I thought it was "okay-ish," but turns out it's worse than a lot of mangas I've already read. The tags didn't really bother me, but the lack of consistency in the (supposed) story killed the mood. Yeah, ta-ta.

joined Sep 10, 2014

I am sad that Youko and Yorino won’t have anymore moments like this.

joined Sep 16, 2014

We got a name for the baby.

joined Dec 16, 2014

I'm so sad. It really just confirms that she's gone and may not come back.

joined Sep 25, 2015

If their baby isn't this world's version of the Antichrist, I'm done with it.

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