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Forum › Maki's Mama's Melancholy discussion

joined Dec 5, 2014

Daughter complex xD

joined Mar 9, 2014

Maki's Mama approve MakiNiko =D

joined Feb 23, 2014

Nicomaki, now mother-approved!

Nosebleed Uploader
Helvetica Scans
joined Sep 11, 2014

This was cute. I guess NicoMaki now got the official Mama Seal of Approval xD

Shimapanda Uploader
Girls in Boxes
joined Oct 18, 2014

Needs more
Maki's Mother x Kotori's Mother

joined Sep 28, 2014

i wonder what that flashback on page 8 was referring to ʘ‿ʘ

joined Oct 13, 2014

kid "tested", mother approved

joined Feb 23, 2014

Needs more
Maki's Mother x Kotori's Mother

I agree

joined Aug 1, 2013

Needs more
Maki's Mother x Kotori's Mother

I agree


joined Mar 23, 2014

Setting aside that HonoMaki dj, these 3 consecutive days have been the best

joined Jul 21, 2013


joined Aug 13, 2013

That's not how it goes Maki-mama... but I'll let it go, because it's cute <3

joined Oct 16, 2013

This is precious! After reading the recent Ooshima Tomo NicoMaki doujin released on Yuri-ism, I immediately had the thought that I wanted to see something with the moms (since Maki's and Nico's moms were so hot in it) and what do ya know? My prayers were answered!

I thought it super adorable how she just accepted it haha. Still waiting for something on Nico's mom though. One giant doujin with all 4 day, one day~.

joined Nov 11, 2014

Needs more
Maki's Mother x Kotori's Mother

It really rolls off the tongue.

joined Apr 8, 2013

"My daughter's a lesbian, so it will be like I'm getting two daughters!!" xD

joined Sep 22, 2014

Needs more
Maki's Mother x Kotori's Mother

Well there is this, by the same artist.

joined Sep 2, 2014

I can't stop laughing xD I need a mom like that! (but I love you too, mommy)

joined Sep 5, 2012

Still waiting for something on Nico's mom though. One giant doujin with all 4 day, one day~.

I want to see that too... man moms are awesome.
This is very amusing. She doesn't have any problem with her daughter being gay lol.
Why do they still don't have names up til now?

Thank you btw Rexb-san ! ^^ You guys makes the LL fandom wonderful.

joined Jun 13, 2012

I should show this to my parents?

joined Sep 10, 2014

I should show this to my parents?

Are you planning to come out with a manga?

joined May 1, 2014

Maki-mama's so awesome! XD
Now Maki-mama officially's a MakiNico shipper now! Heck Yeah! :D

joined May 17, 2014

Why do they still don't have names up til now?

Lol their official names in SIF are Maki's Mom, Nico's Mom, Kotori's Mom, and Honoko's Mom; they're SR feeder cards. :p

MAKI NICO GOT MOM'S APPROVAL, we had the mock wedding, time for the real thing. Canon. NOW.

last edited at Dec 12, 2014 10:45PM

joined May 10, 2014

That was cool! Thanks again Rexbandit! It's sad/hilarious when a character never gets a proper name

joined Sep 2, 2014

Why do they still don't have names up til now?

Lol their official names in SIF are Maki's Mom, Nico's Mom, Kotori's Mom, and Honoko's Mom; they're SR feeder cards. :p

MAKI NICO GOT MOM'S APPROVAL, we had the mock wedding, time for the real thing. Canon. NOW.

hahahah i was going to check the SR cards and then.... THIS XD I cannot believe they have no name XD

joined Jan 13, 2014

mama no baka

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