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joined Jan 23, 2016

Are they seriously raising their daughter on only lewd books?

joined Nov 21, 2020

Are they seriously raising their daughter on only lewd books?

They're short and generally avoid complex sentences. A perfect way to learn Japanese.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Are they seriously raising their daughter on only lewd books?

They're short and generally avoid complex sentences. A perfect way to learn Japanese.

And there's lots of pictures.

Honestly, I have to say they're doing surprisingly well as parents, considering they're an evil scientist and a pervy ninja.

joined Dec 4, 2019

Well, that escalated quickly.

Yeah so much happened this ch, I love this chaotic mess.

joined Feb 19, 2016

They're sooo gonna get curbstomped, I mean 5 named characters vs 1 powered up form thats already a couple of chapters old? (that's practically mob-tier already in today's toku).

I'm guessing Moe's gonna realize she's on the bad side when they do, and then try to help, causing her mothers to question their allegiance? Even though it's a guess-able plot twist/trope, I can't say I'm not intrigued.
Nekketsu Shonen genre is built on making your enemies your nakama, and when that potential nakama is a science baby with two moms? HELL YEA

joined Aug 12, 2019

Cool-san always know how to teach the young one to the path of resonance. TTvTT

and damn, shit just got real.

joined Dec 20, 2018

They're sooo gonna get curbstomped, I mean 5 named characters vs 1 powered up form thats already a couple of chapters old? (that's practically mob-tier already in today's toku).

I guess that depends on whether Honey stays useless or manages to overcome it and confess in time to cause another power up.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Yeah, tokusatu power ups age like milk. They're gonna get stomped, but then get a new one. If they ever finally confess to each other, imagine the huge amount of yuri power that would generate.

joined Jan 3, 2017

man, I freakin love this manga.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Won't this be the first time we see Cool actually fight, come think of it?

joined Oct 15, 2014

Won't this be the first time we see Cool actually fight, come think of it?

She did fight properly. She simple couldn't win against the totoi.

joined Jan 19, 2021

after reading chapter 1 i immediately came to like X

joined Jun 25, 2019

Like i don't know ? Maybe if you didn't treat her like shit and didn't try to kill her multiples times she would have consider reach your hand. It's the trope of "I don't confess for a long time for x reasons and get sad when my crush found someone she love" push to an extreme and it's the same conclusion for me everytime, if you don't confess when you had the chance, you can't get upset you lose.
Anyway, what was the point of the antioids and X and all the villains things anyway ? Seem clear that the generals don't like fighting that much and even X seem to do all this shit purely to get Honey back now. What is even explain if there were heroes before Rabbit ? If yes what happen to them and if no then, what exactly guaranted the peace before ?

joined Jul 26, 2016
joined Jan 15, 2020

What a chapter-
makes me want to cry along with x
Ion kno what’s goin on but I feel real bad for x rn.

joined Apr 4, 2021

Feel bad for x, I wonder what happened to her

joined Mar 6, 2018

I'm starting to wonder if X is somehow the girl Hayate failed to save during her early hero days.

joined Sep 28, 2020

if this goes in the direction it seems like its going and decide to confess right in front of x, idk whether to laugh or cry lmao

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm starting to wonder if X is somehow the girl Hayate failed to save during her early hero days.

At that point we'd be dealing with an outright PIME TARDOX given her transformation gadget is from X, as she explicitly recounted...

joined Oct 17, 2014

if this goes in the direction it seems like its going and decide to confess right in front of x, idk whether to laugh or cry lmao

X already left the scene. The black smoke(?) was her teleporting out.

joined Oct 17, 2014

Huh, a spinoff?

More likely an April Fools given the date.

By the way, the first volume just released in English. Did anyone buy it and find out how the official localization handled Kyouka's speech mannerisms?

last edited at May 3, 2021 1:12AM

joined Jul 6, 2020

this freaking peanut gallery lmao

I love all the supporting antinoids, we have antinoid weeb and her wife the mad scientist, their justice seeking child, and a yuri fanatic. X is over here trying to have some big edgy moment and they’re all just peeking around the corner scooby doo style.

...also do I spy some moral wavering on the part of Mitsuki? I think she might be starting to figure out she’s part of the bad guys. I forsee that eventually all the antinoids will just flip over and decide to just live lowkey lives on earth, except for X idk what she’s gonna do to deal with whatever stuff is happening there.

Am I the only one who suddenly wants to protecc X at all costs? Yes? Oki..

Also does anyone else gets Kaoru vibes from Cool Down?

last edited at May 3, 2021 1:21AM by

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