I like how this could've just been a wacky comedy with an age gap fetish flavour, but turned into a surprisingly sweet story about two women finally getting to feel accepted for their homosexuality.
Yup I totally agree :)
And nobody has really mentioned it but it wasnt all just from Mihoko's stand point. It was just a couple of lines but we find out Yuka has liked other women - has confessed before- more than once- and that the other parties didnt take it seriously and give it proper thought- she was dismissed either just for being a girl or for being younger- and that hurt her.
I kept on bracing myself if ever Yuka's only imagining everything then I checked if there's wishful thinking tag but then I thought might be omitted because it'll spoil the story. But yes, finally, she got her!!! This is the first time I felt so relieved there's no next page on a chapter.
I hate to admit to myself that it's slightly less arousing now that it's been established as mutual. I'm like JD on Scrubs... God face palm life has been rough. But those two having to hide it helps it be more arousing.
Well at most there is 2 chapters left for the end unless author keep doing twitter / pixiv extras or release another book for it (and that toc in ch 17, kind of spoiled the name of the final chapter, just saying lol)