while the the scanlations are WIP, could anyone help me decipher the following page?
I just realised I never properly understood why Keiko got mad there? Was it because the guy was undressing and suggesting sex? Or was it because he got home late despite her getting in the accident? Or was ot because she realised she never liked the guy at all and just used him to fill the void? But what was it that she wanted so badly that generated the void then? A proper family? A baby?
I think it's fair to assume, based on his earlier discussion with Ran, that she was simply grieving and lashed out.
I was going to blow off the "undressing and suggesting sex" line, but his expression is pretty strange, so it's possible you're on to something. On the other hand, he may have just been inappropriately cheery - seeing him handle it so well may have pushed Keiko over the edge.
Also, the comments on the latest are hilarious, can't wait.