Forum › The Story of a Career Woman Who Goes To a Brothel to Seek Solace discussion

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Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

I don't think we will have a sequel. Pandakorya likes twisted stories and I think it is perfect as it is.

joined Jul 29, 2017

By all means, do go on . . .

joined Aug 4, 2018

Story is kind of all over the place...

joined Nov 24, 2017

Story is kind of all over the place...

Is this a joke I don't understand?

joined Feb 20, 2017

There is really no problem if it's a long story, i have time.

joined Nov 21, 2020

Pandacorya tends to do a lot of these short chapters, but also often ends up continuing them. Both of their longer works on here started out as shorts, so there's an outside chance we'll get to hear that long story eventually.

joined Jun 12, 2019

Why would they mention there's a longer story between these two KNOWING we're gonna wanna see it now. But good oneshot either way

joined Jul 23, 2020

i won't mind a very long story. please continue.

joined Sep 13, 2018

i want to know but at the same time i want to see a yuri story with the gloomy girl staying gloomy and "ugly" forever , im kinda tired of those stories where the girls becomes a beauty in one day after certain love event in a doujin or manga like those old prom movies where the nerd gets down the stairs like if she was always a model and the chad gets her into the prom dance.

joined Dec 21, 2016

i want to know but at the same time i want to see a yuri story with the gloomy girl staying gloomy and "ugly" forever , im kinda tired of those stories where the girls becomes a beauty in one day after certain love event in a doujin or manga like those old prom movies where the nerd gets down the stairs like if she was always a model and the chad gets her into the prom dance.


joined Nov 9, 2017


joined Jun 22, 2013

Damn I want more why it had to be so short? D:

joined Sep 6, 2018

This artist has a habit of coming up with really interesting stories and then just ending it, don't they?

joined Dec 21, 2016

This artist has a habit of coming up with really interesting stories and then just ending it, don't they?

Pandacorya also made some longer manga. For example the one about the teacher and the gyaru featured in the story "Sakura wants to be insulted".

joined Sep 5, 2019

this is the first time ive seen a one shot set up a plot line and say "but that's for another time" lol

joined Jul 22, 2018

Another one!

joined Feb 24, 2017

More lesbian brothels please

joined Oct 1, 2014

we want story

joined Jul 12, 2012

Dammit I wanna know lol

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