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joined Aug 11, 2014

I like how the actual incest gets foreshadowed in really subtle ways, like the mother getting all fuzzy watching the daughter suckle on her breasts and rubbing the daughter's head without thinking. The exchange of "Weren't you against this?" "It was instinctive!" is mostly fine from the reluctant-but willing stepmother angle, and works better in the context of accidentally breaking character during roleplay, but it makes perfect sense given their actual relationship. It's a weirdly sweet and cozy moment on the second reading, and is partly why the multi-level plot twist works as well as it does.

Although, the fact that I can see something like that as "sweet and cozy" is one of the reasons I'm going to hell for sure...

last edited at Nov 5, 2014 2:15PM

joined Jul 20, 2011

This one is so cool, yet hot at the same time. And it's warm in its own way...

joined May 2, 2014

I see what u did there AM sensei ^_−☆ I was lost for a moment Tho in the beginning I was like oh my fucking god SO HOT and than booooom !!! am ur real mother ? HELL no no and noooo ! Too weird Am sensei tooooo weird @. @

joined Jun 22, 2013

While am not really into incest this one I approve of to bad it was short tho.

joined May 26, 2013

Still curious about the age gap.

joined Oct 15, 2013

Too short.

Haven't seen much NSFW from this mangaka in a while, ones like Yukemuri Sanctuary, Sweet Guilty Love Bites, or the one-shots... Miss those kinds.

joined Jul 8, 2013

I'm really getting tired of these one-shots and series with these horrible I can accept the incest BUT I'M GETTING REALLY FUCKING TIRED OF MARRIED PEOPLE GETTING INVOLVED HERE! Like seriously, just don't. And it's already pretty fucking intolerable for me when when they're doing this infidelity bullshit but it really just gets only 2398549835 times worse when it's a straight marriage.

last edited at Nov 5, 2014 6:14PM

Yuri Girl 1001 Uploader
Fly by Yuri
joined Mar 29, 2013

Just thought I'd put my comment in. First, the father and husband mentioned in the first part of the story was just part of the role play; he doesn't exist. Second, as a previous poster noted, we don't know where the actual father is, whether he is present or not, whether she was ever married to him or not. As that previous poster said, the mother seems like she's not too much older than her daughter; perhaps this birth was the result of a youthful mistake in high school. Personally, the story feels to me like the unknown father is not present for whatever reason.

In summary, we can't say this women is married to anyone. And of course, we can't say she's not. The story doesn't tell us for certain.

Edit: Apologies for my little rant; I'll try to be more careful.

last edited at Nov 5, 2014 7:11PM

joined Apr 18, 2013

Well, I am usually not into stories with incest, but this one made me laugh, so it's OK. :D

joined Jul 21, 2013

The mother and daughters beds are single beds and joined together so the father left a long time ago.

last edited at Nov 5, 2014 7:59PM

joined Feb 15, 2013

I see what you did there Shuninta-san... Well played. lol

It's kinda gross.. child-mother incest, but cause it's like you're in the same place where your dad was... and so its kinda like having sex with him too. >.< Don't have a problem with yuri-cest otherwise lol.

Lol. Technically it is. She is practically having oral sex with her dad too. Cleaning her mum's vjayj canal of any sperm residue and swallowing it. That's why parent/children incest, even though it may be consensual is not advisable. More than one line are going to be blurred.

You know the water you drank was full of shits, before they took out the shits so it looks drinkable? And then you gulp it down just like that. And don't let me start with milk, those calf was puking out grasses before they suck in the same milk tits that you have it in your breakfasts. Not to mention other cow "fluid" that get on the tank by mistakes. Yes, you drank down those cows #%^*€ like it's the best things in the world

My point? Everything has eww factor if you tried to think too much about it. Just stop.

last edited at Nov 5, 2014 10:31PM

joined May 2, 2014

secondly, if it is yuri is it still an electra complex? maybe a reverse electra complex? or its probably closer to an oedipus complex? because i am beginning to think Amano has some type of mother-daughter complex lol ...not that thats bad XD

I don't like calling things complexes since that has a connotative meaning that there is no real love going on, it is some other mental faculty mistaking a different feeling (affection, loss, etc.) for love. So I'd just not call it a complex at all.

i take your point (and agree), but i wasn't talking about the figures in the manga i was talking about the author herself. it was meant to be some offhand comment about Amano (who is one of my favorite artists). i wasn't meaning to imply that "incest" love is somehow demeaned by the nature of the situation, i was just referencing the fact that Amano now has two incest works (which for a committed yuri artist/author that is pretty rare... others like Otsu Hiyori, Takemiya Jin, Morinaga Milk, Morishima Akiko etc. don't have any incest works)

so, sorry. i guess i was more than a little hypocritical by assigning a label in this situation. not my intent, though i can see how it could be harmful, my apologies and i won't do it again! >_<

joined Feb 3, 2013

It's good to know that those two from Timas most recent doujin have finally put aside their differences

Are we talking about this one?

I was thinking about this doujin since page one. To think it'd end up fitting so perfectly XD

joined Jun 6, 2014

so, sorry. i guess i was more than a little hypocritical by assigning a label in this situation. not my intent, though i can see how it could be harmful, my apologies and i won't do it again! >_<

Ahh don't worry I assumed you thought as much. I love Amano too. I apologize, I wasn't trying to degrade your comment in any way.

I think y'all might be over thinking this just a bit, it's an 8 page comedy short. It's from Wildrose which means it has to be short and have sex in it, given those constraints I thought it was worth a chuckle, and I'm liking Shuninta's silly side.

You'd be surprised. You'd be surprised how many inner themes even short comedies can have. You have to make comments that people can find humorous, and that entails not biting them the wrong way. Comedy is one of the most intelligent manifestations of thought, and even things like South Park actually have a lot of important inner themes to them that we subconsciously notice, but we aren't particularly aware of.

Of course, the point of comedy is not to notice those themes usually, and it's just for us to laugh

joined Jul 13, 2013

Shuninta u are just amazing, its impossible dont fall in love for your work :)

joined Jan 13, 2014

She came from there..

joined Aug 23, 2014

Isn't there a M. Night Shymalan tag for stuff like this?

joined Apr 8, 2013

I'm going to hell now, what's wrong with me I'm a girl and now I seem to be ok with incest even with sister. wrong with manga authors that make incest look like a natural thing they are so good at it...even thought in reality is aweful.

joined Jun 6, 2014

I'm going to hell now, what's wrong with me I'm a girl and now I seem to be ok with incest even with sister. wrong with manga authors that make incest look like a natural thing they are so good at it...even thought in reality is aweful.

Literally nothing wrong with incest. The only occasion it's a bad thing is if it involves infidelity or if used as a sexual outlet that should just be called rape, and both those incidences are terrible sovereign of incest.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Am I trippin', or is this one of the very few cases of an adult incest couple on the reader? There's a couple of those oldschool porn ones, but that's all that comes to mind.

Also, it would be interesting if this were a couple that came together only after the daughter had become an adult. Skirts around the consent/power imbalance problem nicely plus increases the likelihood that the father's no longer in the picture (divorce/death/maybe not being part of their lives to start with, etc.). Just kicking around stray thoughts here, but it would be kinda cool.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Literally nothing wrong with incest. The only occasion it's a bad thing is if it involves infidelity or if used as a sexual outlet that should just be called rape, and both those incidences are terrible sovereign of incest.

Wait, what? Any incest involving an adult and child together involves a very unequal balance of power, which throws consent right out the window in almost all cases. Sibling incest where the ages are close, there's a lot less worry over that, although it still happens. Which is why, at least in my head, this is a couple that got together later in life after the daughter had become somewhat independent. She certainly looks to be at least in her mid-20's here so it's possible.

joined Jan 17, 2014

You guys are putting way too much energy into this, but hey, it's better than the morality outrage that the Student-Teacher doujin brought onto this site, hindsight is a funny thing

Edit: fucking first on frontpage, this is cracking me up

last edited at Nov 6, 2014 1:09PM

joined Jun 6, 2014

Literally nothing wrong with incest. The only occasion it's a bad thing is if it involves infidelity or if used as a sexual outlet that should just be called rape, and both those incidences are terrible sovereign of incest.

Wait, what? Any incest involving an adult and child together involves a very unequal balance of power, which throws consent right out the window in almost all cases. Sibling incest where the ages are close, there's a lot less worry over that, although it still happens. Which is why, at least in my head, this is a couple that got together later in life after the daughter had become somewhat independent. She certainly looks to be at least in her mid-20's here so it's possible.

Ah, I thought as much was implied. As long as both parties not only have mutual affection, but both parties have capacity and the right to know what affection is and partake on it. But I just think that's a rule that just applies across the board, no matter who you are.

I agree as much though. There isn't a number persay to put on when you have the right to know, but the daughter is clearly aware of this.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Great story, I missed this Shuninta with her light hearted and funny stories.

As a side note, strictly speaking, there's nothing wrong with neither incest nor pedophilie. Nearly every fetish was normal at different points of time and there's no biological reason either. Any problem stems only from the (sometimes) strict social norms on modern society.

joined Aug 12, 2013

Plot: step mother x daughter incest
Plot twist: It's just roleplay
Plot twist plot twist: Actual real real mother x daughter incest

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

This. ^

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