Forum › NicoMaki Had a Baby With iPS Cell Technology discussion

joined May 17, 2014

Kyaaah, soooo cute!!!! Thank you so much NHFH!!!!! Lol gotta love the little cockblocker. Baby tsun tsun queen ftw!

joined Feb 11, 2014

Science babies remains best tag.

joined Feb 28, 2013

Science babies remains best tag.

So much this.

joined Oct 16, 2013

I'm liking the little brat already.

Omg the credits page was on point. Thanks GiB and NHFH! Please breastfeed us more :D

joined Nov 6, 2013

I loved this as soon as I saw the title.

joined Aug 1, 2013

Kyaaah, soooo cute!!!! Thank you so much NHFH!!!!! Lol gotta love the little cockblocker. Baby tsun tsun queen ftw!

In this case, wouldn't it be a clam jam

joined Dec 14, 2013

Little Nishikino is so cute XD Ooshima Tomo best NicoMaki artist <3

Shimapanda Uploader
Girls in Boxes
joined Oct 18, 2014

Kyaaah, soooo cute!!!! Thank you so much NHFH!!!!! Lol gotta love the little cockblocker. Baby tsun tsun queen ftw!

In this case, wouldn't it be a clam jam

I prefer the term beaver dammed, personally.

joined Jul 23, 2014

LOL. I laugh very hard. That baby sure have some grudge against Maki. Poor Maki. LOL. But still this is cuteeeee. Hey baby let your mamas have time alone together for a while will ya. XD

last edited at Nov 5, 2014 10:07PM

joined Mar 21, 2013

I love everything about this. XD

joined Apr 27, 2013

We even have a prequel

joined Jan 17, 2014

So damn cute.

joined Sep 5, 2012

She got Maki's dna on her, ofc she'll be shelfish with Nico-mama luls XD

Omg the credits page was on point. Thanks GiB and NHFH! Please breastfeed us more :D

Yes breastfeed us XD Sounds lewd.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Let this be cautionary tale for all couple in the world.
I still wonder why we let those damn lazy storks cut corners with delivering us babies rather than fully-functional human being. I'm pitching petition about this.

joined Oct 20, 2014

Let this be cautionary tale for all couple in the world.

I hope so.

joined Mar 23, 2014

HNNNNG The baby's face!!!! >< Been waiting for this to come out. Thanks NHFH and GIB.
That credit page though. Does that mean I'm you guys' baby? :3

joined Sep 2, 2014

I'm laughing soooo hard!!! That last page!!! XD

machigai kouhai Uploader
NHFH Scanlations
joined Sep 10, 2014

you guys are all fired for not appreciating nhfh's new logo

joined May 10, 2014

OH MY MADOKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! faints for a few seconds see an actual NicoMaki baby just nosebleed ugh I...can't talk anymore...good luck you 2 the REAL challenge begins now... I'm never having kids either

you guys are all fired for not appreciating nhfh's new logo

it's alright lol that credits page tho...

joined Oct 20, 2014

I just realized the author is Ooshima Tomo. I didn't know she wrote mangas as well as did drawings.

joined Sep 5, 2012

I just realized the author is Ooshima Tomo. I didn't know she wrote mangas as well as did drawings.

She got tons of NicoMaki. Check the site for more. Have fun :)

joined Oct 16, 2013

you guys are all fired for not appreciating nhfh's new logo

I did appreciate it! Although I thought it wasn't new :D

joined Nov 2, 2013

I got confused because Nico has Nozomi's hair style..

I do love science babies but I still don't get the gag of the baby hating one of their parents..

joined May 17, 2014

you guys are all fired for not appreciating nhfh's new logo

Sorry, Kohai I do appreciate it. I really love the Harasho!!!! (Didn't know it was new.)

joined Aug 30, 2013

LOL that baby smug look. I just love when the father/mother try to fight the affection of their partner from a baby.

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