Forum › The Feelings We All Must Endure discussion

joined Mar 14, 2014

Man i really feel bad for Asuna, honestly Fue was just an ass in their relationship. Granted Asuna was no angel either but i really do feel she put no effort into their relationship. I mean is Asuna really such a "nymphomaniac"? While need to have sex everday is a little to much but she had her feelings bottle up for most of her life(asuming she also had nobody to talk to about her feelings). Also the the day they black mailed that girl(correct me if im wrong) she had recently had broken up with Fue im sure breaking up with the person you love can lead to some bad dicisions. Liking the fact that she did something bad isn't also uncommon im sure we've all been there. In most of their scenes together i looked she was always trying to please Fue. I really dislike Fue, she way to selfish and looked like Asuna was the only one putting in the effort.

joined May 1, 2013

I think Fue should really go to a doctor and ask to get her Thyroid checked, because it's not normal to be so tired all day, and usually it means having a problem with Thyroid... nowdays there are lot of medicine that can keep it under check so with a little medical help she could go back to living a normal life.... wonder why no one of her friends give her that advice or noticed her problem....

joined Jul 26, 2014

That first page of chapter 10 sort of took me by surprise. For some reason, it turned me on like crazy to see Ruki on top of Sachi having her way with her like a perverted old man. And I hate old men. Perhaps I may have a fetish for perverted women.

joined Mar 9, 2014

That first page of chapter 10 sort of took me by surprise. For some reason, it turned me on like crazy to see Ruki on top of Sachi having her way with her like a perverted old man. And I hate old men. Perhaps I may have a fetish for perverted women.

Personnaly I hated that page... the only thing I saw was that Sacchan wasn't attracted at all by Ruki T_T

last edited at Oct 30, 2014 12:06PM

joined Aug 1, 2013

That first page of chapter 10 sort of took me by surprise. For some reason, it turned me on like crazy to see Ruki on top of Sachi having her way with her like a perverted old man. And I hate old men. Perhaps I may have a fetish for perverted women.

Really? That was a complete turn off to me to see one partner so disinterested in it.

joined Jul 26, 2014

That first page of chapter 10 sort of took me by surprise. For some reason, it turned me on like crazy to see Ruki on top of Sachi having her way with her like a perverted old man. And I hate old men. Perhaps I may have a fetish for perverted women.

Really? That was a complete turn off to me to see one partner so disinterested in it.

Well, I'm sort of into rape and necrophilia, so... it's not much of a problem.

joined May 17, 2014

I enjoy this series way too much. I agree the Fue is clearly depressed. Though she may just have a low labido, she has nearly every symptom of depression. I don't think that she is asexual though I don't really believe that any complex life is "asexual" unless due to a chemical imbalance.

For the person that said this was an over analysis consider the rest of the story: Asuna is hyper sexual, Meru has low self esteem and is bulimic due to severe bullying, and Saachan suffered domestic violence in an abusive relationship. The author went into depth on the feelings and mentalities of each character in response to their circumstances, as well as the effect it held on their personality and lives. This is an EXTREMELY psychological story.

I can sympathise for all of the characters, other people may not like them but i find them all interesting. Even the dark and twisted ones are well done.

Gotta feel bad for Ruki tho. I don't think I'd ever want to see someone again if they said thank you to an I love you. I'd rather get an I hate you. Either Saachan is really cold and disinterested, straight, or not letting her in (still damaged from the abuse.)

joined Nov 1, 2014

I don't really believe that any complex life is "asexual" unless due to a chemical imbalance.==

I'm sexual, therefore people who are "asexual" don't exist.

Is it so horrible that a manga character might actually be asexual? It's a thing, whether you believe it is or not. I'm impressed with Shuninta for attempting to depict a relationship involving someone that might identify as asexual, and I really hope she doesn't end up getting back with Asuna for the sake of pairing everyone off. Honestly, while I enjoy this manga, I hope none of the characters end up together.

Also, I'm tipsy and I may be over reacting to this comment. I totally signed up for an account just to reply.

joined Apr 15, 2011

I don't really believe that any complex life is "asexual" unless due to a chemical imbalance.==

I'm sexual, therefore people who are "asexual" don't exist.

Is it so horrible that a manga character might actually be asexual? It's a thing, whether you believe it is or not. I'm impressed with Shuninta for attempting to depict a relationship involving someone that might identify as asexual, and I really hope she doesn't end up getting back with Asuna for the sake of pairing everyone off. Honestly, while I enjoy this manga, I hope none of the characters end up together.

Also, I'm tipsy and I may be over reacting to this comment. I totally signed up for an account just to reply.

welcome to the frey. btw, watch out fer hangovers. they're a b!+ch

last edited at Nov 1, 2014 1:37AM

joined Nov 1, 2014

I made an account just to contribute to this. The theory that the girls resemble the seven deadly sins is just too interesting. I originally thought I had them all pinned down, but the more I read what each sin truly means and the more I thought about each character, I came to the conclusion that they each embody one or more sin.

Ruki - wrath - even from chapter 1, Ruki seems quick to be annoyed by rather trivial things, namely Sacchi constantly calling her boyfriend. The moments are few and far in between, and this is probably and honestly my weakest argument, but it's the closest and only one that truly fits. I could argue that she's pride as well, as shown by her inability to accept help unless it's thrust upon her (i.e. her confusion with maps and directions; not speaking up to her father when he told her to just go to her back-up school; making up with Fueko), but that seems weak too.

Fueko - gluttony, sloth - her lack of ability to be bothered by anything is an extreme case of sloth, but she deserves gluttony as well. Her overconsumption of sleep and simplicity leads to the waste of her relationship with Asuna. I agree that she may be depressed and asexual, but she avoids critical communication in favor of keeping her peaceful days - regardless if their relationship was doomed from the start.

Sacchi - sloth - I couldn't think of anymore that would fit Sacchi, but honestly this fits her the best. She may not be physically lazy like Fue but she's spiritually lazy. She seems easily lead to go with the flow, never speaking up unless the situation becomes dire. She stayed with an abusive boyfriend, and as noted with sloth, "evil exists when good men fail to act." Sacchi seems to be doing this same with Ruki too, placating her because she doesn't know or tries to do anything else.

Remi - lust, greed, wrath - I actually think Remi, Asuna, and Meru share lust, greed, and gluttony since they all participate in excessive behavior. Lust is an obvious reason considering her intense desire for sex, but greed (which can also be switched with gluttony) kind of off-sets that with her seemingly constant pursuit of "weak-minded" people in love. Wrath, in a way, neatly packages this all together with her self-destructive need to be drunk or having fun.

Asuna - lust, gluttony - again, lust is an obvious choice considering her hyper sexual needs, but I also thought of gluttony due to her kinda sorta "want the cake and eat it too" attitude. She knew Fueko couldn't satisfy her sexual needs but she loved everything else about her; she knew Meru could satisfy her sexual needs but there was nothing else to be gained. This overconsumption and borderline selfish action laid waste to her relationship by lack of communication. Honestly, since it seemed Fueko was fine with the cheating had it not been Meru, they probably could've had a satisfying polyamorous relationshi. Shrugs.

Meru - lust, gluttony, envy - Meru is proably the worst offender of the three when it comes to excess. It's physical and mental for her when it comes to gluttony, but her lust and envy for a thinner body, or riches like that of Maasa, or possibly the relationship between Asuna and Fueko makes her the ultimate "sinner."

Maasa - pride - and just like Sacchi, only one sin could really fit Maasa, and that's pride. She works hard, never seeking help from others, and while she may not come off as snobbish, she doesn't exactly go out of her way to conceal her riches either. Her pride in herself and her abilities, no matter how bad (i.e. her singing), seems to often lead to shower-less days and lengths of time not showing up at school. Problematic? If she wasn't rich, probably.

Alternatively, I do think my original connections could stand on their own as well.

Lust - Asuna - hyper sexuality
Gluttony - Fueko - need for sleep and simplicity
Greed - Remi - overconsumption of sex
Sloth - Sacchi - spiritually lazy
Wrath - Ruki - constant simmering irritation
Envy - Meru - envy of others (body, money, love)
Pride - Maasa - workaholic

TL;DR: these characters are amazing and the depth that's placed into them and can still be expanded on is outstanding. In a way, they balance, compliment, and fix one another, and I can see them constantly changing as the story goes on.

That was my piece - toodles!

joined May 17, 2014

I don't really believe that any complex life is "asexual" unless due to a chemical imbalance.

I'm sexual, therefore people who are "asexual" don't exist.

Is it so horrible that a manga character might actually be asexual? It's a thing, whether you believe it is or not. I'm impressed with Shuninta for attempting to depict a relationship involving someone that might identify as asexual, and I really hope she doesn't end up getting back with Asuna for the sake of pairing everyone off. Honestly, while I enjoy this manga, I hope none of the characters end up together.

Also, I'm tipsy and I may be over reacting to this comment. I totally signed up for an account just to reply.

It wouldnt be bad at all. I just don't interpret it that way. If she want depressed then there'd be no argument. But until there's more solid evidence I'm not going to believe it. Like, a lot of the symptoms of depression coincide with inattentive attention deficit disorder (adhd without the h) which is often not diagnosed in females due to the misinterpretation about hyper activity and how girls handle it. However however based on the way she describes her mental state and attitude towards life, ADD doesn't quite fit, though it's not impossible that it could be both. It's the same thing with the asexual theory to me.

joined Oct 6, 2014

To the person who says they dont believe asexuality exists, there are many people in this world who identify as asexuals. It is pretty arrogant to say their identity isnt a thing. It rings of homophobes and creepy men who have told me growing up that I "just havent found the right man yet." Please do not perpetuate this kind of erasure. Thanks.

joined May 1, 2013

I made an account just to contribute to this. The theory that the girls resemble the seven deadly sins is just too interesting. I originally thought I had them all pinned down, but the more I read what each sin truly means and the more I thought about each character, I came to the conclusion that they each embody one or more sin.

There's been plenty of discussion on this, but I think some of them are pretty clear:

Asuna: Lust

Fue: Sloth

Meru: Gluttony

Saachen: Wrath. This one actually adds a really interesting wrinkle to me, because she has these flare-ups. But Ruki puts her on a pedestal and can't see it, so the audience wasn't really exposed to it at first, either. It kind of won me over that the idealized love interest had this particular flaw.

The others are kind of ambiguous, at this point. The most probable breakdown is:
Ruki: Envy
Maasa: Pride
Remi: Greed

But, we don't know enough about Maasa or Remi yet, really. I certainly can't see Ruki as pride, but other than that, I think these three are kind of mysterious.

last edited at Nov 1, 2014 11:26AM

joined Mar 9, 2014

I'm with blahzicle for Meru = Envy
I don't see her as gluttonous. Whatever she does, she find herself unattractive, envy people who are and it leads to how she is now, wanting for people to like her in order to be able to like herself.

last edited at Nov 1, 2014 3:36PM

joined May 17, 2014

To the person who says they dont believe asexuality exists, there are many people in this world who identify as asexuals.

Maybe your right and I won't denied that. I won't try to stop you if thats how you choose to identify yourself and won't judge you for it, it's just I can't really believe you. It's not something that I can understand. But however I personally feel about the matter really doesn't affect you now does it? I guess it a sense it parellels to religion. I don't believe a god exists either. That is just as arrogant, and I'm fine with both.

Edit: Still doesn't have anything to do with the story

last edited at Nov 1, 2014 5:01PM

joined May 1, 2013

To the person who says they dont believe asexuality exists, there are many people in this world who identify as asexuals.

Maybe your right and I won't denied that. I won't try to stop you if thats how you choose to identify yourself and won't judge you for it, it's just I can't really believe you. It's not something that I can understand.

Besides the fact that believing other people's stated experience and understanding it subjectively yourself are two different things, it's hardly that bizarre a concept.
Sexualness is on a spectrum, right? That is, some people are highly sexual and other people are less so. That's... pretty undeniable. Some people have an urge for sex multiple times a day; other people are fine with having it once a week.
So, what's implausible about the idea that a given person could have a very low sex drive, to the point that they never really want it?

Fue's laziness is obviously presented as odd (but no more than Asuna's enormously high sex drive), but this series does a decent job of making it clear that neither of their NATURES is to blame for the relationship going sour.

joined May 17, 2014

^ True, true, but it was a contributing factor. And I undersatnd its extremely possible, and probably real, its just a foriegn concept to me. Im working on understanding but for now it just doesnt click. Though I do find Asuna's sex drive extreme as well, like she seriously needs help.

last edited at Nov 2, 2014 4:28PM

joined Jun 6, 2014

also, I am going to apologize to you if this ticks you off. it is not an attack on you. your response just sounded a little preachy and authoritarian like your response is the only valid one and we all should just shut up. now if this is a misrepresentation and mischaracterization of your reply, then I humbly apologize. if not, then make of this post what you will.

This was all the product of an uneditted message. So it pains me to say so, but you were not mischaracterizing my reply. I did the mischaracterization of my intentions. I apologize. You do not need to, but it speaks a lot of your character that you did.

I'll clarify some things for everyone...

1) I meant not to contribute my opinions as fact, I was more trying to help those who had many flaws and fallacies in their points to notice them.

2) I will standby that people are not animals. That's a semantics argument though, so I'll say this: homo sapiens are mammalia with instinctual, precoded genetics, but people, for whatever the reason, have the ability to think and choose and make decisions which an animal never would (because of their lack of upper-end intelligence).

3) Argument simply is simply a discussion with two differing opinions that have points that clash. Doesn't have to be some glass-throwing, voice-raising debacle that it connotates.

4) That last paragraph of mine was supposed to be the main point, contributing to the Asuna-Fue interaction. Soooo just look at that for what I was actually trying to contribute to the discussion.

Again, blame is on me.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Actual new post, not simply a clarification one...:

The argument of asexualism in this thread is kind of becoming a misconstrued debate of semantics, so let's clarify a couple things before we move on...

What are we defining as asexual? Is this an argument as to whether the possibility someone doesn't have the need to have sex with her love partner? Is this an argument as to whether someone doesn't have the desire of sex inspired in her when confronted in a - for efficiency's sake, let's just agree to not make me define what this is, just use it's denotative meaning - sexy situation? Is this an argument as to whether there can exist a human that doesn't ever feel 'turned on' and like having sex ever?

Let's define that before proceeding, otherwise we will get nowhere. I'm only asking this since I'm noticing differing views of the question.

To clarify my main point from before:

I think Asuna and Fue ended up breaking apart (for now...I can still see the possibility for a nice, happy end between the two) due to them both having complete opposite problems with the relationship. And I actually heavily disagree that the series makes it clear it wasn't their natures that were to blame...I'd go so far as to call that statement out as being completely incorrect. The series does the exact opposite, it is all about how people's natures that can pull us together or drive us apart. Plus, you can't just dismiss someone's nature from the chemistry in any sort of relationship.

-Asuna only knew how to express love through sex, and wanted to do it all the time. When Fue started actively (in a passive way, ha) pushing against Asuna, she didn't know what to do with all the pent up desire, so she wrongly flushed it from her system by having flings with other girls.
-Fue didn't know at all how to express love through sex. Whether that was because she didn't actually feel love for Asuna or because she didn't know how to selflessly lust (tl;dr - your desire is fueled by wanting to fulfill the other's desires) is not made clear to this point. So Fue let it build up in her system and did not talk with Asuna explicitly about it until it just drove a wedge not only between their relationship as girlfriends, but their relationship as communicative people.

joined Apr 8, 2013

Those two little girls in chapter 11 were so freaking cute. My first thought was "they start so young..." lol

joined Apr 16, 2013

The feelings I must endure reading this manga

joined Apr 8, 2013

"You're soft Inoue-san..."
"Like a pig??" >.<


joined Dec 18, 2013

I'm starting to hate Remi...

I don't like where this is going for Sacchi... I don't think it's long before she sleeps with those other girls. I feel bad for Ruki and I don't think that they'll end up together.

last edited at Dec 14, 2014 5:38PM

joined Sep 10, 2014

That's why when you say I love you to a girl who answers "Thank you", you should take the time to think about what's going on really.

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