Forum › A Kiss And A White Lily discussion

joined Aug 26, 2018

And here I thought discussing polyamory for 2 pages was the weirdest this thread could go.
@BV don't forget to use the edit button instead of double posting. Make it a New Years resolution.

It did seem to me like Canno intended to pair Chiharu with Ai at first… but then Izumi did appear in the first chapter's opening spread, albeit with her old, scrapped design…

Really? This is honestly surprising to me. I do understand that at first it seemed like Ai would be gay too and probably be paired up, I agree, but I never saw her being paired with Chiharu. From the set-up I assumed she was also in love with senpai, but then it turned out that there simply wasn't any evidence for that. Seems there is a lot of room for interpretation after all.

I agree that the way it turned out was pretty good.

last edited at Dec 31, 2019 10:55AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

@BV don't forget to use the edit button instead of double posting. Make it a New Years resolution.

Does it really matter if the posts are 3 or 4 hours apart AND completely unrelated?

But whatever, just because of all the people that used pyrotechnics while I was passing by on my way to my aunt's place AND my girlfriend choosing activity in the political party she joined over a date with me on NEW YEAR'S EVE has left me really frustrated, that doesn't mean I should let my frustration on y'all. I'll save the frustration for my GF tommorow. I really need to give her several pieces of my mind for all the planned dates that fell through because of her these days.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Lol. Seems like Canno drew a guest illustration and promotional comment on the cover of… Murciélago vol. 16 of all things. XD

joined Apr 17, 2015

So the first chapter of Yasakan is out in Japanese. Pretty good so far, although the artstyle looks somewhat more conventional than it did in Anokiss.

As for the story… Seeing that the first page narration says "who decided that you could only love one person?", that the private teacher is explicitly polyamorous and that Mayuki's senpai Akira is apparently Rin's girlfriend… it seems like we're going full poly for this one.

last edited at Jan 26, 2020 6:01PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

So the first chapter of Yasakan is out in Japanese. Pretty good so far, although the artstyle looks somewhat more conventional than it did in Anokiss.

As for the story… Seeing that the first page narration says "who decided that you could only love one person?", that the private teacher is explicitly polyamorous and that Mayuki's senpai Akira is apparently Rin's girlfriend… it seems like we're going full poly for this one.

Good, i rather hvae Poly from the start than having a triangle switching up to Poly.

joined Nov 26, 2019

So the first chapter of Yasakan is out in Japanese. Pretty good so far, although the artstyle looks somewhat more conventional than it did in Anokiss.

As for the story… Seeing that the first page narration says "who decided that you could only love one person?", that the private teacher is explicitly polyamorous and that Mayuki's senpai Akira is apparently Rin's girlfriend… it seems like we're going full poly for this one.

YESSSSSSSSSSSS. What's the age gap look like? how much is the difference

joined Apr 17, 2015

No more than one or two years.

igenetycs Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Aug 14, 2019

I initially picked this up when I had only read about a dozen or so yuri stories. Even then I could tell it was a good story, but at that time I was still blessed with being able to read incredible manga one after another. When it seemed like every story was on the level of Bloom Into You, Kisses, Sighs & Cherry-Blossom Pink, or Bocchi Kaibutsu, it didn't occur to me that it was pretty special in its own right. I guess I was a pretty spoiled reader at that point time. I ended up putting it on hold, as it seemed to be straying further and further from Ayaka and Yurine with each chapter, and the change in perspectives was throwing me off. Anyway, I decided to pick it back up as I've had a lot of spare time and increasingly slim pickings for series to read, and I'm really, really glad I did.

I think one of the things that impresses me the most about this series is that each couple comes with their own distinct character dynamics and concise, well thought out storyline (perhaps with the single exception being Ayaka and Yurine, who instead have a comparatively slow, meandering storyline over the course of the series). I think Canno really shows off their creativity and talent for storytelling throughout the series, by depicting the many forms love can take and all the muddy emotions that can get mixed in with it. Not a single couple fell flat for me in this regard, surprisingly enough. Even the ones I was most hesitant on initially still managed to pull off their stories in a way that resonated with me. Another thing that really impresses me is the art, though I don't have much to say about that. It's gorgeous and wonderfully expressive. Canno nails the romantic scenes as well.

This series would've been 10/10 for me if it weren't for the final volume leaving a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. I think I'm probably oversensitive to it, but having couples suddenly define themselves as "intimate friends" is so absurd, especially since it doesn't fit at all with their relationship (looking at you, Mizuki, what are you thinking). The bigger issue, to me at least, was Ayaka's "I've never heard of love" esque journey. The entire situation made her (and some of the people she spoke with) seem uncharacteristically dense. On top of that, the whole thing felt a little cobbled together, since Canno was trying to fit in every couple as a final send-off. Of course, closing out a manga like this is nothing short of a herculean task, so I can hardly be upset about some of the goodbyes feeling awkwardly forced in.

All in all, it was a pretty incredible ride. The characterization was always fantastic - there's not a single character I disliked. My favourite characters are probably Moe, Yurine, Ayaka, Izumi, Amane, Haine... yeah I could probably just list the entire cast. Really incredibly impressive how well written the everyone was. The poly trio was lovely, Mizuki and Moe were excessively adorable, Asuka and Mikaze were touching and heartbreaking, Aika and Haine made me feel all warm and fuzzy (I'd like to think they're in love the same way the other couples are). Ayaka and Yurine remain my favourite. Honestly, there's a lot I'd like to say about all the couples, but if I did, this comment would be really, really long. Anyway, it's a 9/10 story for me.

joined Jul 12, 2018

seriously am i the only one who completly hate towako?! she completly destroyed the gardening club and all her best friend hard work!! how could anyone forgive this bitch?! she really disgusts me! if someone can explain to me WHY yukine decided to forgive her please tell me because i DON'T understand i think i missed something it seems. also sc*w those tenis club a*******s! and what about the student concil?! am i the only one disgusted that there isn't any closure about this at all? nothing have change and they will continue to strike down the little clubs when the goal was to save them because of how unfairly the gardening club was destroyed ! those are really sour defeat! plus knowing tatsumi IS in the volley ball club she just destroyed the gardening club only because her club didn't want to share space with the tennis club and she became president by pure luck! how is that a good closure when the student concil president is an irresponsible ashole who will destroy the little clubs?! i want justice for the gardenig club a least!!

last edited at Feb 4, 2020 2:26AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

seriously am i the only one who completly hate towako?! she completly destroyed the gardening club and all her best friend hard work!! how could anyone forgive this bitch?! she really disgusts me! if someone can explain to me WHY yukine decided to forgive her please tell me because i DON'T understand i think i missed something it seems.

Because Yukina cares Hell of a lot more about Towako than the club, and the latter both realised the colossal contrafinal idiocy of and genuinely regretted her whole weird yandere period. Towako's whole arc was basically a classic study in "be careful what you wish for - you might actually get it" and the lesson wasn't lost on her.

The entire business does raise some eyebrows in-universe too - not in the least from the student council prez who got partially caught in the crossfire through no fault of her own - but clearly gets treated as their private business. "You're willing to forgive all that creepy shit she pulled? Huh, whatever makes you happy I guess."

also sc*w those tenis club a*******s! and what about the student concil?! am i the only one disgusted that there isn't any closure about this at all? nothing have change and they will continue to strike down the little clubs when the goal was to save them because of how unfairly the gardening club was destroyed ! those are really sour defeat! plus knowing tatsumi IS in the volley ball club she just destroyed the gardening club only because her club didn't want to share space with the tennis club and she became president by pure luck! how is that a good closure when the student concil president is an irresponsible ashole who will destroy the little clubs?! i want justice for the gardenig club a least!!

Schools have limited resources to support clubs so ones that don't meet minimum standards of membership and activity duly get axed to make room, simple as that. This is a pretty recurring topic in school-setting stories you know, case in point being Arata Iri's latest where it more or less kicks off the whole narrative.

joined Jul 12, 2018

Schools have limited resources to support clubs so ones that don't meet minimum standards of membership and activity duly get axed to make room, simple as that. This is a pretty recurring topic in school-setting stories you know, case in point being Arata Iri's latest where it more or less kicks off the whole narrative.

that won't change the fact that the closure was really dark and hoppless and nothing WILL change; in fact every student who belonged to a club just had it rough shiramine's cousin had a really heartbreaking defeat in the track club even with how hard she worked, the gardening club was destroyed and an asshole is now student council president just by DAMN LUCK also condemning the badminton club all that just prove that their efforts have just been pointless and a huge waste of time making it even more depressing knowing how hard they worked this isn't even a closure at all! because all was for's so frustrating and unsatisfying.

last edited at Feb 4, 2020 3:36AM

joined Nov 26, 2019

That's kind of just life. Trying really hard at something doesn't mean you'll succeed, and to pick yourself back up again afterwards is incredibly important. Also high school sports kinda don't matter in the grand scheme of things. And, the reason you feel like the gardening club deserves space more than the tennis club deserves a court is because that's the characters that we followed. It's about framing. If the story was framed as one following the tennis club and their attempts to get somewhere they can actually practice properly, and the lazy gardening club that keeps not turning in their forms and has almost no members was the opponent, you'd feel the other way.

joined Jul 12, 2018

That's kind of just life. Trying really hard at something doesn't mean you'll succeed, and to pick yourself back up again afterwards is incredibly important. Also high school sports kinda don't matter in the grand scheme of things. And, the reason you feel like the gardening club deserves space more than the tennis club deserves a court is because that's the characters that we followed. It's about framing. If the story was framed as one following the tennis club and their attempts to get somewhere they can actually practice properly, and the lazy gardening club that keeps not turning in their forms and has almost no members was the opponent, you'd feel the other way.

well thank you my shitty life has already told me that. making effort in real life is indeed pointless. i just didn't want to be reminded of that in a manga this is already frustrating enough IRL thank you . for the gardening club what makes me mad is that if it wasn't for this bitch towako the gardening club would have had more members and wouldn't have been seen as the "lazy gardening club" again the tennis club already had a place to train they just didn't want to share, for that they just unfairly ruined the gardening club who is left with absolutly nothing (if you call this excuse of a place the student council gave them "something"i find it almost insulting) well nevermind i just want to forget about those depressing chapters.

last edited at Feb 4, 2020 10:09AM

joined Nov 26, 2019

That's kind of just life. Trying really hard at something doesn't mean you'll succeed, and to pick yourself back up again afterwards is incredibly important. Also high school sports kinda don't matter in the grand scheme of things. And, the reason you feel like the gardening club deserves space more than the tennis club deserves a court is because that's the characters that we followed. It's about framing. If the story was framed as one following the tennis club and their attempts to get somewhere they can actually practice properly, and the lazy gardening club that keeps not turning in their forms and has almost no members was the opponent, you'd feel the other way.

well thank you my shitty life has already told me that. making effort in real life is indeed pointless. i just didn't want to be reminded of that in a manga this is already frustrating enough IRL thank you . for the gardening club what makes me mad is that if it wasn't for this bitch towako the gardening club would have had more members and wouldn't have been seen as the "lazy gardening club" again the tennis club already had a place to train they just didn't want to share, for that they just unfairly ruined the gardening club who is left with absolutly nothing (if you call this excuse of a place the student council gave them "something"i find it almost insulting) well nevermind i just want to forget about those depressing chapters.

I sure as hell didn't say making effort in real life was pointless, and it wasn't pointless in the manga. She made effort because she wanted to compete, and she's happy having done so, even though she lost, very explicitly. Sounds like you're just in a shitty mood and mad at fictional characters right now so whatever, rant away, I just don't know what you want to get out of this.

joined Jul 12, 2018

Sounds like you're just in a shitty mood and mad at fictional characters right now so whatever, rant away, I just don't know what you want to get out of this.

i wanted to knowhow towako could be forgiven so easily. random has already explained. that doesn't make her a likable character in my eyes though. the two only fictional characters that i'm mad at are towako (for obvious reasons) and tatsumi (same as towako) and why all characters (except for shiramine's cousin) took defeat so lightly. it didn't take long before yukina forgive towako for exemple.even hikari was like " oh i lost... nevermind." as if nothing happened as i said it's just frustrating and i think i'll just forget those parts of the story and just remember the ending at least it was a good one.

last edited at Feb 4, 2020 12:09PM

joined Apr 23, 2019

I haven't finished this work, but as I was reading Chapter 32 (Vol. 7), i couldn't help but wonder about why Kurokawa has trouble with other people and doesn't seem to understand when she likes or dislikes something... I suspect she may have low-spectrum autism of some sort. This is just an idea I had, and it probably isn't true, but my younger brother has low-spectrum, and he's very similar to her in many ways (maybe despite being good at sports, as everyone in our family has terrible asthma...), so I just thought that could be the culprit. Someone who's finished the whole series, I would deeply appreciate it if you could tell me if you think/know whether this idea was good, or true even!! Thank you very much!!

joined Nov 26, 2019

I haven't finished this work, but as I was reading Chapter 32 (Vol. 7), i couldn't help but wonder about why Kurokawa has trouble with other people and doesn't seem to understand when she likes or dislikes something... I suspect she may have low-spectrum autism of some sort. This is just an idea I had, and it probably isn't true, but my younger brother has low-spectrum, and he's very similar to her in many ways (maybe despite being good at sports, as everyone in our family has terrible asthma...), so I just thought that could be the culprit. Someone who's finished the whole series, I would deeply appreciate it if you could tell me if you think/know whether this idea was good, or true even!! Thank you very much!!

Oh autistic Kurokawa is a fucking amazing headcanon, thank you. I definitely like that, she reminds me of some of those traits in myself too in a lot of ways - I appreciate this a lot.

joined Jan 31, 2015

Time to update this with the last two volumes, I think.

With so many characters and about 4.5 years from first chapter to last, I can't always recall who they are or what their circumstances were. And it's a pain to have to reread the entire thing.

As before, I welcome suggestions, constructive criticism. Where chapters appear in parentheses, the relationships between those characters play a prominent side role. This is not intended as a comprehensive list of chapters in which each character appears but rather for use if you want to follow the arc of a particular relationship.

Shiramine Ayaka x Kurosawa Yurine (main couple)
1, 2, 5, 6.5, 11, 11.5, (12, 15, 18), 19.5, 22, 23, (25.1), 31, 32, 35, 36, 40, 43, 44, 46*, 47*, 48*, 49, 50*
* These later chapters revisit many of the side couples as Shiramine explores her feelings.

Senoo Mizuki x Nikaidou Moe (track)
3, 4, 16, 16.2, 17*, 20, 20.5, (46)
* alt-17 (pages 13-19)

Uehara Ai, Hoshino Maya, Kusakabe Chiharu, Akidzuki Izumi (stars and bicycle)
(5), 6, 7*, 8, 9, 10, 10.5, 25.5, 26, 27, (48)
* alt-7 (pages 6-9)

Ooshiro Yukina x Mita Towako (garden club)
12, 13, 14, 15, 15.1, (47)

Shikama Momiji, Machida Kaoru, Inoue Kohagi (unrequited, triangle)
18 (MK only), 19

Nishikawa Itsuki x Itou Sawa (childhood promise / photography)
21, 24, 25, 25.1, 30.5, 48

Hiruma Ryou, Asakura Amane, Yuunagi Nina (poly)
28, 29, 30, 35.5

Aoi Haine x Yukimura Aika (age-gap/incest)
(31, 32), 33, 34, (47)

Tatsumi Nagisa x Torayama Hikari (student council)
37, 38, 39, v8 Omake

Hagidzuki (aka Hagimoto Mikaze) x Asuna (aka Sakurada Asuka) (cosplay)
41, 42*, 45, v9 Omake, (48)
* Includes cameos from Shiramine and Machida Kaoru

Multiple Pairings
Valentine's - 15.5, 40.5
Internet Shorts
- Volume 6: Flower Garden
- Volume 7: Looking For

Relationship Chart

last edited at Mar 28, 2020 5:33PM

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ Thank

joined Jun 12, 2019

Binged this now I feel empty inside.. this was great

joined Jun 12, 2019

Binged this now I feel empty inside.. this was great

joined Nov 15, 2017

Just finished reading this after putting it off (dropped it to be exact lol) for so long and I’m glad I did picked it up in the end. I enjoyed having the ‘side characters’ possess some actual depth to them and brought it together in the end. Now I gotta go find some other wonderful pieces ;-;

igenetycs Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Aug 14, 2019

im confused by the disclaimer that this is seralized and has been removed from the reader. what does it mean exactly when its still here?

I've been advised not to look too closely at that. Licensed series aren't allowed on the reader (except when they are), with seemingly no rhyme or reason to it from the outside looking in.

joined Apr 2, 2017

Time to update this with the last two volumes, I think.

With so many characters and about 4.5 years from first chapter to last, I can't always recall who they are or what their circumstances were. And it's a pain to have to reread the entire thing.

As before, I welcome suggestions, constructive criticism. Where chapters appear in parentheses, the relationships between those characters play a prominent side role. This is not intended as a comprehensive list of chapters in which each character appears but rather for use if you want to follow the arc of a particular relationship.

Shiramine Ayaka x Kurosawa Yurine (main couple)
1, 2, 5, 6.5, 11, 11.5, (12, 15, 18), 19.5, 22, 23, (25.1), 31, 32, 35, 36, 40, 43, 44, 46*, 47*, 48*, 49, 50*
* These later chapters revisit many of the side couples as Shiramine explores her feelings.

Senoo Mizuki x Nikaidou Moe (track)
3, 4, 16, 16.2, 17*, 20, 20.5, (46)
* alt-17 (pages 13-19)

Uehara Ai, Hoshino Maya, Kusakabe Chiharu, Akidzuki Izumi (stars and bicycle)
(5), 6, 7*, 8, 9, 10, 10.5, 25.5, 26, 27, (48)
* alt-7 (pages 6-9)

Ooshiro Yukina x Mita Towako (garden club)
12, 13, 14, 15, 15.1, (47)

Shikama Momiji, Machida Kaoru, Inoue Kohagi (unrequited, triangle)
18 (MK only), 19

Nishikawa Itsuki x Itou Sawa (childhood promise / photography)
21, 24, 25, 25.1, 30.5, 48

Hiruma Ryou, Asakura Amane, Yuunagi Nina (poly)
28, 29, 30, 35.5

Aoi Haine x Yukimura Aika (age-gap/incest)
(31, 32), 33, 34, (47)

Tatsumi Nagisa x Torayama Hikari (student council)
37, 38, 39, v8 Omake

Hagidzuki (aka Hagimoto Mikaze) x Asuna (aka Sakurada Asuka) (cosplay)
41, 42*, 45, v9 Omake, (48)
* Includes cameos from Shiramine and Machida Kaoru

Multiple Pairings
Valentine's - 15.5, 40.5
Internet Shorts
- Volume 6: Flower Garden
- Volume 7: Looking For

Relationship Chart

Much appreciated. Only thing is the relationship chart is off, pretty much ever pairing/thruple is a committed romantic relationship save for haine's and student presidents.

joined Jan 13, 2015

I'm already done and I gotta say, this series introduces characters like there's no tomorrow. Geez. And I thought Comprehensive Tovarisch had a ton of couples. I would've liked to see like a volume or two dedicated to the main couple tho.

EDIT: Just finished it, that ending was good. Overall a pretty beautiful series. Was just sad that all the couples were shown to have been stabilized, then was shown them doing stuff as a couple. I always want to see the story of how a couple interacts after they're already dating. Wonder why most series' don't show that. Guess im just being greedy, but a series where the first half is them going through troubles of finding out what they really feel about each other, and the other half just stories about their time together (like those in Wife and Wife & Bright and Cheery Amnesia, etc). I think it would be cute to see those kinds of stuff.

last edited at Aug 16, 2020 6:11AM

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