when Ange on top

Which Ange?
Even to this day I still contemplate about that fact... When I saw that episode the rest of the series had me so confused even till the end.
Like So Ange is the real princess and the real Charlotte, but took on the role as Ange. While the real Ange became a princess and took on the role of Charlotte. But the real kicker here is that both Ange and Charlotte call eachother by their opposite names. So after learning that fact it should be 'Ange = Charlotte' and 'Charlotte = Ange', but the characters talk to each other like, 'Ange ≠ Charlotte' and 'Charlotte ≠ Ange'. Like my brain tells me one thing but the show and the characters tell me another. That just makes it confusing as hell for the audience. Like I understand why they do that but wouldn't it be easier if they called eachother by their real names?
last edited at Apr 16, 2019 1:02AM