Forum › Bloom Into You discussion

joined Nov 17, 2019

Well whichever you prefer, I think nobody with a hint of sanity left could deny that this scene was beyond amazing.
Minako Kotobuki can make me feel things with just a whisper that people acting their heart out can't in an entire speech.

I have ascended after hearing this glorious voice. (☉。☉)!

joined Oct 7, 2015

OMG reading this made so happy.
Yuu, touko and saeki were on my list of characters I wanted to be F'n happy and the series delivered it without mercy.
I'm truly happy for reading the first chapter here back when I started college.
This series feels so rewarding OMG.
Now excuse me while I spend my money buying 8 volumes in one go lol.

joined Feb 11, 2018

I just realized the first chapter was released in 2015... 2015?? What has happened to my perception of time?? It's just non-existent apparently

People compartmentalize experiences, and we carry multiple identities inside of us all the time. You can try to tell yourself you're an adult, but in reality the earlier incarnations of you are still around and affect you and your perceptions.

For example, if you have a popular TV show you follow, when you watch it you will feel like the kid you were when you first started watching it. Also, you will have a different view on a series if you watch it in a one go vs one episode per week. Emotional dependency and nostalgia over it are going to be too strong and you definitely won't be even remotely objective. This is why you'll feel like a kid every time you fire up that show and stop worrying about acting like an adult.

Reality is that only way to really experience a story like it was meant to be experienced is to only read or watch it once it is ready in one go. If you don't, your perception of it will get messed up. After all, if you stretch an experience that is just 1-5 days long to 5-10 years... Of course it will feel entirely different.

joined Apr 17, 2015

I'm pissed at the French translation of volume 4, which botched an absolutely crucial scene at the end of chapter 22 (the "how can you say you hate something I lo−YOU JERK"). Instead we just have "Don't say you hate yourself." with the bubble inexplicably hiding part of the text box. I almost want to sent them an email to complain. è___é

joined Jun 25, 2019

Yeah, it kinda lost the impact it should have.Although i almost choked when i see Sayaka saying "Senpai" when her Senpai appeared since the translation don't use honorifics at all to begin with.

joined Oct 22, 2018

At least y'all Frenchies are getting translations into your native language. cries in Serbocroatobosniomontenegrin

joined Aug 29, 2019

Interesting case for comparison between versions.
I don't know enough Japanese to comment on the exact phrasing of the original, but the four English versions I looked at for this scene right now all somewhat differ. (Edit: looked at the raws again. Interesting, the descriptor for the things ([x]-mono) is even more obscured than in the English versions. So I guess the translators were all "just assuming" that it would be "things that I love/like"? Even in the Japanese dub this one word is utterly unintelligible to me, as it perfectly coincides with Yuu starting to yell. I mean, it's clear enough from the context what she means, so I don't think actually knowing the words that were used really matters.)

4S Translation:
Page 29 last panel: Same goes for you, Senpai.
Page 30 first panel: How can you say you hate something I lo- // YOU JERK!

Official Kadokawa/Seven Seas release:
Page 29 last panel: Then I wish you wouldn't...
Page 30 first panel: say you hate something that I [illegible] either. // IDIOT!

Sentai's subtitles for the Anime adaptation:
You should do the same...
... don't tell me you hate the things that I like! // You idiot!

Sentai's dub for the anime:
You should do the same.
Don't tell me you hate all the things that I like about you // Idiot.

(Side note: the next line, which in the original and the first three translations I mentioned is just something along the lines of "Senpai, you idiot! // Senpai no baka!", has been altered to "You're wrong, you hear me?" in the dub. Personally I'd probably just have gone with "You're such a Jerk!", but I think the deviation doesn't diminish any aspect of the narrative, but to me rather adds to it as it fits very well with the character development at the time.)

The french translation lacks a relevant aspect, unfortunately, as translations are so often want to do.

By the way, how did the french guys translate the much-discussed clubroom-honorifics-scene if they generally omitted them?

last edited at Mar 7, 2020 8:05PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

By the way, how did the french guys translate the much-discussed clubroom-honorifics-scene if they generally omitted them?

You mean when Touko start changing from Koito to Yuu ? Fortunaly, even if we don't have the honorifics, we didn't have the characters on first name basis. Until then, Touko refer to Yuu as Koito and Yuu,well she still refer as Nanami.

last edited at Mar 7, 2020 8:06PM

joined Aug 29, 2019

By the way, how did the french guys translate the much-discussed clubroom-honorifics-scene if they generally omitted them?

You mean when Touko start changing from Koito to Yuu ? Fortunaly, even if we don't have the honorifics, we didn't have the characters on first name basis. Until then, Touko refer to Yuu as Koito and Yuu,well she still refer as Nanami.

Yeah, that's a good compromise.

Would you mind sharing the exact wording of the french version in chapter 22 you were talking about earlier? My french is rusty and far from conversational, but I should be able to read it well enough.

joined Jun 25, 2019

By the way, how did the french guys translate the much-discussed clubroom-honorifics-scene if they generally omitted them?

You mean when Touko start changing from Koito to Yuu ? Fortunaly, even if we don't have the honorifics, we didn't have the characters on first name basis. Until then, Touko refer to Yuu as Koito and Yuu,well she still refer as Nanami.

Yeah, that's a good compromise.

Would you mind sharing the exact wording of the french version in chapter 22 you were talking about earlier? My french is rusty and far from conversational, but I should be able to read it well enough.

If i take your point

Page 29 last panel: Mais toi, alors, Nanami...
Page 30 first panel: Ne dis pas non plus que tu te déteste // IDIOTE

Like Lyendith said the panel of Yuu's thought isn't cut at all by her shouting "Baka".Also like i said, there is no honorifics so Yuu use her name instead.

joined Aug 29, 2019

Thanks for that. Yeah, a bit of a bummer, as it puts way less stress on Yuu slowly becoming aware of her feelings. Giving detailed (what's the issue, why do you think it's an issue etc.) and constructive feedback to the publisher (assuming the translator/editor isn't directly available) seems like a good idea. It's easier to avoid flaws and keep growing if we're made aware of them.

last edited at Mar 7, 2020 8:59PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Although i almost choked when i see Sayaka saying "Senpai" when her Senpai appeared since the translation don't use honorifics at all to begin with.

And that's why I tend to keep "senpai" in my translations. Because unlike "-san" or "-kun", senpai is not just a particle but an independent word that can be used alone. And when "senpai" is the only way a character is ever refered to (like Sayaka's senpai) you don't really have a choice but to just… keep it − lest you have to bend over backwards just like when you put everyone on first-name basis. Since it has no direct equivalent, I basically treat it like a term of address like "mister" or "miss". In a purely Japanese context at least, it works (in a series like Beastars though, keeping it would be jarring). Depends on how lax the publisher's standards are though.

Now regarding the chapter 22 issue, I don't want to completely blame the translator, as maybe the proofreaders or the typesetter told her that cutting the sentence didn't work… there can be many causes for these kinds of fuck-ups. On my translation of ReLIFE for example, a proofreader made a "correction" that completely altered the meaning of a sentence without informing me, and we had to change it back after the chapter was already released. Thankfully it's a web publication so we could fix it quickly…

last edited at Mar 7, 2020 10:07PM

joined Jan 20, 2019

I am not surprised this forum is still alive kinda, wooooooo

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ And yuu are completely right not to be surprised.

joined Jun 28, 2016

We are all waiting for the second season of the anime. * Crosses fingers *

joined Oct 22, 2018

We are all waiting for the second season of the anime. * Crosses fingers *

A 2nd season of YagaKimi is (just like the remaining 9 episodes of the Second Chance) a relative uncertainty - we all know it's gonna happen, we just have no fucking idea when.

joined Oct 4, 2018

At least y'all Frenchies are getting translations into your native language. cries in Serbocroatobosniomontenegrin

I would be VERY happy if this never gets translated into my native language. Those local publishers would no doubt butcher this beautiful story like they did to every Tagalog translated manga I've ever had the misfortune of encountering.
Publishing YagaKimi here in English would be the best option.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Although i almost choked when i see Sayaka saying "Senpai" when her Senpai appeared since the translation don't use honorifics at all to begin with.

And that's why I tend to keep "senpai" in my translations. Because unlike "-san" or "-kun", senpai is not just a particle but an independent word that can be used alone.

The problem with the particles is that they don’t usually matter until they do, but then (as in this series) they really do.

I’ve been watching K-dramas for a long time, and while I still only recognize a handful of Korean words and phrases, I can tell when people are shifting their speech from one level of formality to another, and sometimes that can be one of the most powerful indicators of a relationship dynamic.

Of course, a serial translator can’t know that in the future episode an honorific (plus or minus) is going to be significant, so if you haven’t been using them all along, you have no option of dropping or changing them.

As I’ve said before, there are so many other inescapable social and cultural differences in manga that remind me that a text is not created in my home idiom that I’d (personally) prefer that in most honorifics stay in.

joined Aug 10, 2015

Although i almost choked when i see Sayaka saying "Senpai" when her Senpai appeared since the translation don't use honorifics at all to begin with.

And that's why I tend to keep "senpai" in my translations. Because unlike "-san" or "-kun", senpai is not just a particle but an independent word that can be used alone.

The problem with the particles is that they don’t usually matter until they do, but then (as in this series) they really do.

I’ve been watching K-dramas for a long time, and while I still only recognize a handful of Korean words and phrases, I can tell when people are shifting their speech from one level of formality to another, and sometimes that can be one of the most powerful indicators of a relationship dynamic.

Of course, a serial translator can’t know that in the future episode an honorific (plus or minus) is going to be significant, so if you haven’t been using them all along, you have no option of dropping or changing them.

As I’ve said before, there are so many other inescapable social and cultural differences in manga that remind me that a text is not created in my home idiom that I’d (personally) prefer that in most honorifics stay in.

that reminds me of the tsubasa chronicles spanish dub where they had to come up with a surname for syaoran to show how sakura losing her memories of syaoran made them drift apart (on the original they didn´t have surnames and they show how close they were at the begining through the non use of honorifics)

joined Mar 20, 2020

This is hands-down the best yuri manga ever. Nakatani is really something. All the little details, and how you can see the movements of the characters after every panel. Amazing. Whenever Touko and Yuu have those moments when they're alone together, there is just so much love in the scenes, like how, Yuu plays with Touko's hair when they were laying on her bed, or in one of the scenes where Touko grabs Yuu's hand and holds it near her face. It's just so amazing, there isn't even a yuri manga that comes close to the story and detail(art) that Bloom Into You has.

Also, I like to believe that they're both switches.

last edited at Mar 20, 2020 10:54PM

joined Dec 18, 2016

2nd antho is gonna be out next week on the 26th in JP. Here're the Amazon and CDJP links for those interested.
Participating artists include Nakatani herself, Yutaka (cover artist), Canno, Moke, Yodokawa, and some others.

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ Neat.

joined Jun 28, 2016

Mini chapter from the new anthology :-

joined Dec 18, 2016

TL for Nakatani's antho chap:
These two are so cute, I miss them.

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ What you said... And also:
That credit page lmao.

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