Forum › Bloom Into You discussion

joined Oct 22, 2018

There is no accounting for taste.

Except when it concerns that line. YOU ARE WRONG. How dare you? I've built a religion around Touko whispering to Yuu in a way too seductive manner.

You can take my dislike for the agitation I feel at that line from my COLD. DEAD. HANDS.

This may set the “Too Much Information From BV” record.

Oh please! You haven't had the (depending on how much you like history, either the fortunate or misfortunate) opportunity to have me recite a whole history documentary from memory.
Or spoilers for any of the mapping I've planned but am yet to make, either would work...

You all know you want to know more about the Rojavan yuris from season 2 of Alternate Distant Future of the World, don't try to deny it.

Edited once again to make it easier to read for every single one of us.

last edited at Jan 10, 2020 7:05PM

joined Aug 29, 2019

It's a fantastic scene in either version and I think it shows how adding animation and the right palette of colour can enhance the experience.

Speaking of anime enhancing the experience: Episode 2, Heating Up, from 14:15 to 14:55 notice how the score precisely follows the scene's dynamic, reaching a major cadence at Yuu realizing that her first kiss was actually not bad, which could serve as a "upbeat" ending, but then slightly diminishing and returning to its contemplative minor motive and eventually leaving it unfinished, without a proper ending chord, just as she feels unfulfilled by the kiss she's thinking about. That's by far not the only scene in which I found the score to be really good at enhancing a scene.

Also: There is a home video dub selection on Sentai's stream now, for the first three episodes only so far. The rest will release weekly until March 15th.

For one thing it provides subtitles for on-screen graphics like book, movie and song titles. Don't think that was necessary. The cellphone texts were resubbed as well. In terms of the dub I haven't noticed any changes (obviously), especially not with regards to something as substantial as how they address each other. I'll definitely go and see if they somehow altered the hotly-debated clubroom scene once it's released, but considering they haven't made alterations to earlier episodes I don't think they turned that one on its head yet again. Or maybe I'll just rewatch it entirely once the home video release's dub is fully available in March. That sounds like a good plan.

last edited at Jan 10, 2020 7:00PM

joined Aug 26, 2018

When talking about goosebump scenes there is even more Touko goodness.
Touko is the kind of whisperer that can make the words "I hate myself" sound tantalizing.
How is this even possible? How can she make this terribleness sound seductive?! Mortal ears may never comprehend.

I ain't touching that dub ever again, thanks.

last edited at Jan 10, 2020 7:16PM

joined Aug 29, 2019

Hot damn Jesus Touko's amazing in that scene in the Japanese dub, incredibly soft. I like how Luci Christian does it, but this is on another level, props to not only the actress, but also the recording staff. Not everyone would so confidently go to ASMR-levels of whisper. Makes me want to pick up my Japanese lessons again, because I also noticed that reading along did allow me to understand what they were saying. Which is nice. Maybe I'll make it two rewatches, one for each language version ;)

One of the scenes that earned YagaKimi my top spot. We far too rarely see actual intimacy in romantic anime.

Not being bold enough is incidentally still the biggest issue dubs in German and English face (IMO): they aren't bold enough in being confidently imperfect, aside from maybe being not accurate enough, depending on who you ask. Especially in German dubs everything must always sound unnaturally properly pronounced, no unclear pronunciation, far too little idiomatic omission. Writers, actors, directors, technicians and especially producers should take a few more notes from their book.

And don't worry, you don't have to ever watch that dub, or any other, ever again. I'll gladly catch that bullet for you and most likely tell you how they didn't change a thing.

last edited at Jan 10, 2020 7:39PM

joined Jul 12, 2012

Here I am looking for posts regarding how they finally did it, but I see these threads and yuu puns

Lol same.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Here I am looking for posts regarding how they finally did it, but I see these threads and yuu puns

Lol same.

Sheeesh... it touko yuu this long of a time for yuu to notice it?

joined Jun 27, 2018

Anyone knows what Nakatani-sensei has been up to lately? I know she said she was "done" with yuri, but I have no idea if she has already announced any new stories or series.

joined Nov 26, 2019

Wait she said she was done with yuri? That stinks. What about that little oneshot she did, Double Bed.

joined Jun 27, 2018

Wait she said she was done with yuri? That stinks. What about that little oneshot she did, Double Bed.

If I remember right, she said that with YagaKimi she had achieved what she wanted to with yuri romance, and that she'll probably not go back to the genre. It's not like none of her future stories will have any gay stuff in them, especially since she has done a number of very gay one-shots for Eclair since YagaKimi started. But I think she meant she's looking for a new direction for her future stories.

joined May 7, 2017

Anyone knows what Nakatani-sensei has been up to lately? I know she said she was "done" with yuri, but I have no idea if she has already announced any new stories or series.

citation needed or is not true

joined Jun 27, 2018

Anyone knows what Nakatani-sensei has been up to lately? I know she said she was "done" with yuri, but I have no idea if she has already announced any new stories or series.

citation needed or is not true

Actually, I've read that in this very thread, ages ago. It was in an interview with Nio, I think. I'll try to find the specific piece where she says that, and I'll post it here if I do.

joined Jun 27, 2018

Found it.

– Will you also draw a yuri manga for your next work?

Nakatani: I feel like I should say this early on, although actually I think I’ve said this before. I want to write, not yuri, but a different genre for my next work. I already wrote the manga I would want to write for the yuri genre, Bloom Into You, after all. If I don’t build up a lot inside me, or go through more changes, I don’t think I’d be able to write another yuri series. And if I did, it’d be pretty far in the future. Well, that’s what I’m thinking as I stand at the foot of this next flight of stairs, anyway. Even if I write for a different genre, I think there’s a possibility that it will still have a girl-girl couple in it, haha.

Link here

joined Oct 22, 2018

Anyone knows what Nakatani-sensei has been up to lately? I know she said she was "done" with yuri, but I have no idea if she has already announced any new stories or series.

citation needed or is not true

Actually, I've read that in this very thread, ages ago. It was in an interview with Nio, I think. I'll try to find the specific piece where she says that, and I'll post it here if I do.

You are aware that by "being done with yuri" she (Nakatani) meant "being done with stories which have the yuri as the main focus", right?

joined Jun 27, 2018

You are aware that by "being done with yuri" she (Nakatani) meant "being done with stories which have the yuri as the main focus", right?

That's why I put "done" between quotes, and also why I wrote later that "It's not like none of her future stories will have any gay stuff in them, [...] But I think she meant she's looking for a new direction for her future stories."

joined Nov 26, 2019

Okay, well that's a different matter. Being done with writing in the genre of yuri (after you wrote what many consider one of (if not, imo, the most) genre-defining piece), makes a lot of sense, I thought that meant she was done writing anything f/f. Well I'd love to read a different genre of work that still includes f/f romance from her, that sounds great.

joined Jun 27, 2018

Well I'd love to read a different genre of work that still includes f/f romance from her, that sounds great.

Which brings us back to my question: are there any news about her future projects?

Edit: by the way, thanks for pointing out "Double Bed", because I had totally missed that one.

last edited at Jan 13, 2020 1:13PM

joined May 7, 2017

Yeah Cecile, I don't wanna sound rude, but you need to learn to interpret things better:

"I want to write, not yuri, but a different genre for my next work" = HER NEXT WORK will be a different genre.

"I already wrote the manga I would want to write for the yuri genre, Bloom Into You, after all. If I don’t build up a lot inside me, or go through more changes, I don’t think I’d be able to write another yuri series" = This new work is something I need to try before returning to yuri, in order to write a better and greater story than I did with BIY.

"Even if I write for a different genre, I think there’s a possibility that it will still have a girl-girl couple in it, haha." = obviously, because is her cup of tea.

All in all, she's basically saying I need to try this new thing for personal growth as an artist, otherwise I might wind up on a stalemate and never get better (I'm looking at you Saburouta) but she warns, as she loves yuri so much, even though in a different direction, it might wind up with yuri anyway. Totally different that your initial statement "I'M DONE WITH YURI".

joined Jun 27, 2018

Oh, for heaven's sake, it was just a comment. Someone read that differently than what I intended, so I clarified later on. Let's move on.

Given nobody mentioned it, I take it there are no news from Nakatani, right? Okay, thanks and goodnight.

last edited at Jan 13, 2020 5:57PM

joined Nov 26, 2019

Oh, for heaven's sake, it was just a comment. Someone read that differently than what I intended, so I clarified later on. Let's move on.

Given nobody mentioned it, I take it there are no news from Nakatani, right? Okay, thanks and goodnight.

I'm the one who misread it, I really don't blame you. You had a half-remembered comment from her that you were expressing onwards, and you went on to correct my misunderstanding quite nicely and find sources for it. I thought you did well.

But hey, being wrong on the internet in any way is a great sin, or something, I guess.

joined Apr 17, 2015

I'm pretty sure there's a second Yagakimi anthology planned actually? Or is that already out?

joined Dec 27, 2014

I just realized the first chapter was released in 2015... 2015?? What has happened to my perception of time?? It's just non-existent apparently

last edited at Jan 28, 2020 8:43AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

What has happened to my perception of time??

Old age. :/

brb chasing kids off my lawn

joined Oct 22, 2018

What has happened to my perception of time??

Old age. :/

I'm not sure what you define as old age, but I have the same problem with my perception of time in terms of YagaKimi, and I'm 18.
So... I seriously doubt old age is the problem here.

last edited at Jan 28, 2020 10:26AM

joined Jul 26, 2016

I'm not sure what you define as old age, but I have the same problem with my perception of time in terms of YagaKimi, and I'm 18.
So... I seriously doubt old age is the problem here.

You're just precocious is all. Literally ahead of your time. :U

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

I just realized the first chapter was released in 2015... 2015?? What has happened to my perception of time?? It's just non-existent apparently

Wow it was really released that long ago? I started reading halfway through the series, so it's been two plus years. Holy shit.

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