Not to mention the idea that a human being getting wet involuntarily causes an immediate severe cold.
Like who the fuck invented that? I know it's a myth, but it has been engrained in my psyche from the earliest days of my childhood that I (mostly) still act acording to that myth.
Er, BV, I think Blastaar was refering to the Japense anime cold that strikes the moment one is unfortunate enough to be assailed by a single raindrop. So... you were raised somewhere were this myth exists?
Yes, that, and in addition the idea that the default cold involves being prostrate with a high fever for days, unable to feed oneself or even to get out of bed.
Heavy (like blind, staggering, vomitous, memory gap, pass out) drinking, on the other hand, rarely involves more than a mild headache the next day, treatable with an over-the-counter medicine/energy drink of some kind.