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joined Oct 22, 2018

I expect either or both to confess by the next time we see these two.

joined Mar 29, 2019

I really wish they could make each chapter 10 pages long instead. This chapter length is killing me!

joined Oct 22, 2018

^ I can say from experience that re-reading takes some of the edge off.

joined Nov 6, 2018

"That's what chief said."
Was that intentional?

joined Nov 6, 2018
joined Aug 26, 2018

Chief is a clingy person and gives out lap pillows for free. Maybe she was more dangerous than the initial readings suggest?

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 5:19AM

joined Apr 19, 2018

Chief pulled a sneak one

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, since she's sober, it's time to keep your promise and let her kiss you as much as she wants.

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 6:13AM

joined Oct 22, 2018


Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.

joined Oct 1, 2014

Well, since she's sober, it's time to keep your promise and let her kiss you as much as she wants.

Very important, we can't forget about that!

joined Aug 19, 2018

I hope the next chapter on the second sister continues the night

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, since she's sober, it's time to keep your promise and let her kiss you as much as she wants.

Very important, we can't forget about that!

Chief sadly did...

joined Jan 31, 2015

Love this series. I just wish there were a way to read each sister's arc as a stand-alone.

Sex does not make people prettier and is not good for the skin. That is one of the weirdest rumors I see in Asian culture for some reason.

Well, not sex per se, but being in love does cause hormonal changes that are associated with clearer skin and pheromones that make a person more attractive. (Not that those effects last more than the first couple months of a new relationship.)

Sex is also no replacement for workouts...

Yer doin' it wrong. ;)

joined Aug 26, 2018

Well, not sex per se, but being in love does cause hormonal changes that are associated with clearer skin and pheromones that make a person more attractive. (Not that those effects last more than the first couple months of a new relationship.)

Minor effects at most. Pheromones will make even really ugly people seem more attractive to those affected, but that doesn't really affect their actual appearance much.

Sex is also no replacement for workouts...

Yer doin' it wrong. ;)


joined Jul 29, 2017

As usual, BugDevil is weirdly butthurt about a simple joke. It really shouldn't be this hard to understand what's a joke and worth whining about, but nope.

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 10:28AM

joined Jan 31, 2015

Minor effects at most. Pheromones will make even really ugly people seem more attractive to those affected, but that doesn't really affect their actual appearance much.

Not saying you're wrong, just that, as with many such beliefs, there's a kernel of truth to it. I guess my point is that I get how such a myth, silly as it seems, could come about.

joined Aug 26, 2018

As usual, BugDevil is weirdly butthurt about a simple joke. It really shouldn't be this hard to understand what's a joke and worth whining about, but nope.

As usual, the Pope doesn't have the simple social understanding required to tell when someone is butthurt or not. Even less so what constitutes "whining". My friend, you really need to work on that.

Is it too much to ask that you not assume what people think or joke about?

Not saying you're wrong, just that, as with many such beliefs, there's a kernel of truth to it. I guess my point is that I get how such a myth, silly as it seems, could come about.

Yeah I get what you mean. Such believes never come from out of nowhere.

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 10:50AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Minor effects at most. Pheromones will make even really ugly people seem more attractive to those affected, but that doesn't really affect their actual appearance much.

Not saying you're wrong, just that, as with many such beliefs, there's a kernel of truth to it. I guess my point is that I get how such a myth, silly as it seems, could come about.

Not to mention the idea that a human being getting wet involuntarily causes an immediate severe cold.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Minor effects at most. Pheromones will make even really ugly people seem more attractive to those affected, but that doesn't really affect their actual appearance much.

Not saying you're wrong, just that, as with many such beliefs, there's a kernel of truth to it. I guess my point is that I get how such a myth, silly as it seems, could come about.

Not to mention the idea that a human being getting wet involuntarily causes an immediate severe cold.

Like who the fuck invented that? I know it's a myth, but it has been engrained in my psyche from the earliest days of my childhood that I (mostly) still act acording to that myth.

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 11:36AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Not to mention the idea that a human being getting wet involuntarily causes an immediate severe cold.

Like who the fuck invented that? I know it's a myth, but it has been engrained in my psyche from the earliest days of my childhood that I (mostly) still act acording to that myth.

Er, BV, I think Blastaar was refering to the Japense anime cold that strikes the moment one is unfortunate enough to be assailed by a single raindrop. So... you were raised somewhere were this myth exists?

The kernel of truth as it were is that wet clothes cool you down immensely especially paired with wind, which can cause colds. Though typically it only happens if you are more soaked than a sponge in the ocean for a long time and the wind is heavy enough to blow your top off.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Not to mention the idea that a human being getting wet involuntarily causes an immediate severe cold.

Like who the fuck invented that? I know it's a myth, but it has been engrained in my psyche from the earliest days of my childhood that I (mostly) still act acording to that myth.

Er, BV, I think Blastaar was refering to the Japense anime cold that strikes the moment one is unfortunate enough to be assailed by a single raindrop. So... you were raised somewhere were this myth exists?

Yes, that, and in addition the idea that the default cold involves being prostrate with a high fever for days, unable to feed oneself or even to get out of bed.

Heavy (like blind, staggering, vomitous, memory gap, pass out) drinking, on the other hand, rarely involves more than a mild headache the next day, treatable with an over-the-counter medicine/energy drink of some kind.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Yes, that, and in addition the idea that the default cold involves being prostrate with a high fever for days, unable to feed oneself or even to get out of bed.

Heavy (like blind, staggering, vomitous, memory gap, pass out) drinking, on the other hand, rarely involves more than a mild headache the next day, treatable with an over-the-counter medicine/energy drink of some kind.

Hehe, well as usual I simply assume that the "cold" in question is closer to what we consider a flu and that the Japanese tend to be so overworked and exhausted that a sinlge drop of rain makes the difference between healthy and barely alive.

Japanese people tend to be lightweights. So even low amounts of alcohol have those disastrous effects (I'm not saying everyone's like that. One Japanese friend of mine can drink more vodka than a Russian).

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 12:09PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Yes, that, and in addition the idea that the default cold involves being prostrate with a high fever for days, unable to feed oneself or even to get out of bed.

Heavy (like blind, staggering, vomitous, memory gap, pass out) drinking, on the other hand, rarely involves more than a mild headache the next day, treatable with an over-the-counter medicine/energy drink of some kind.

Hehe, well as usual I simply assume that the "cold" in question is closer to what we consider a flu and that the Japanese tend to be so overworked and exhausted that a sinlge drop of rain makes the difference between healthy and barely alive.

I did as well until I read one manga (3-Gatsu No Lion, I think), where the patient (near-comatose, feverish, etc.) was taken to the doctor specifically to determine if it was a cold or the flu, and it was "just" (as we would say in the US) a cold.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Not to mention the idea that a human being getting wet involuntarily causes an immediate severe cold.

Like who the fuck invented that? I know it's a myth, but it has been engrained in my psyche from the earliest days of my childhood that I (mostly) still act acording to that myth.

Er, BV, I think Blastaar was refering to the Japense anime cold that strikes the moment one is unfortunate enough to be assailed by a single raindrop. So... you were raised somewhere were this myth exists?

Well, kind of, but no where near as exaggarated as in Japan.
It's just that, we assume that if we find ourselves out in the rain without an umbrella or without any sort of jacket that lacks a hood that we could put on head, and if the rain is strong enough, we'd get a cold unless we get home and take a hot shower ASAP. And by that I mean just the common cold, so really only thing we'd get is some annoying nose running, sneezing and caughing, with a light fever being added to the mixed in extremely rare and... well... extreme circumstances.

The kernel of truth as it were is that wet clothes cool you down immensely especially paired with wind, which can cause colds. Though typically it only happens if you are more soaked than a sponge in the ocean for a long time and the wind is heavy enough to blow your top off.

last edited at Dec 18, 2019 12:40PM

joined Jul 27, 2019

How did we go from talking about asking her to kiss her chief as much as she wants, to arguing about whether or not sex or hormones can cause someone to become attractive???

last edited at Feb 26, 2020 11:15AM

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