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joined Jul 29, 2017

Wait, are people saying that when a couple is living together and sleeping together there’s something wrong with fondling a lover in their sleep?

That seems like a basic feature.

Depends on the people involved. I think most couples that are at a Living Together stage aren't gonna say boo if their partner cops a feel when they're sleeping. It's taking it beyond that that CAN be questionable for some. Me personally if I'm in a stable relationship I am not gonna give a single frick-frack if my girl wants to touch while I'm snoozing. But if it's enough that it wakes me up, gotta be prepared for me to say "yeah, no, I'm sleeping here, go take a cold shower" if it ends up being how I feel about it in the moment, lol....

Well, yeah, no means no.

But sleeping with a lover is inherently a hands-on experience . . .

joined Oct 7, 2017

Wait, are people saying that when a couple is living together and sleeping together there’s something wrong with fondling a lover in their sleep?

That seems like a basic feature.

Depends on the people involved. I think most couples that are at a Living Together stage aren't gonna say boo if their partner cops a feel when they're sleeping. It's taking it beyond that that CAN be questionable for some. Me personally if I'm in a stable relationship I am not gonna give a single frick-frack if my girl wants to touch while I'm snoozing. But if it's enough that it wakes me up, gotta be prepared for me to say "yeah, no, I'm sleeping here, go take a cold shower" if it ends up being how I feel about it in the moment, lol....

Well, yeah, no means no.

But sleeping with a lover is inherently a hands-on experience . . .

there's a very clear difference between just cuddling and going, uh, all-out with it.
being in a relationship with someone is NEVER an all-purpose unlimited consent card in any context. yeah it's going to vary from person to person; if they're fine with it then they're fine with it, but that consent does need to be established.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Wait, are people saying that when a couple is living together and sleeping together there’s something wrong with fondling a lover in their sleep?

That seems like a basic feature.

Depends on the people involved. I think most couples that are at a Living Together stage aren't gonna say boo if their partner cops a feel when they're sleeping. It's taking it beyond that that CAN be questionable for some. Me personally if I'm in a stable relationship I am not gonna give a single frick-frack if my girl wants to touch while I'm snoozing. But if it's enough that it wakes me up, gotta be prepared for me to say "yeah, no, I'm sleeping here, go take a cold shower" if it ends up being how I feel about it in the moment, lol....

Well, yeah, no means no.

But sleeping with a lover is inherently a hands-on experience . . .

there's a very clear difference between just cuddling and going, uh, all-out with it.
being in a relationship with someone is NEVER an all-purpose unlimited consent card in any context. yeah it's going to vary from person to person; if they're fine with it then they're fine with it, but that consent does need to be established.

Golly. Thanks so much for informing me that there’s a difference between fondling and penetrative sex.

A lifetime’s worth of intimate relationships, and there’s still something to learn from the experts.

joined Mar 3, 2019

Terumi, you sly fox lol.

joined Jan 27, 2016

Wait, are people saying that when a couple is living together and sleeping together there’s something wrong with fondling a lover in their sleep?

That seems like a basic feature.

Depends on the people involved. I think most couples that are at a Living Together stage aren't gonna say boo if their partner cops a feel when they're sleeping. It's taking it beyond that that CAN be questionable for some. Me personally if I'm in a stable relationship I am not gonna give a single frick-frack if my girl wants to touch while I'm snoozing. But if it's enough that it wakes me up, gotta be prepared for me to say "yeah, no, I'm sleeping here, go take a cold shower" if it ends up being how I feel about it in the moment, lol....

Well, yeah, no means no.

But sleeping with a lover is inherently a hands-on experience . . .

there's a very clear difference between just cuddling and going, uh, all-out with it.
being in a relationship with someone is NEVER an all-purpose unlimited consent card in any context. yeah it's going to vary from person to person; if they're fine with it then they're fine with it, but that consent does need to be established.

Golly. Thanks so much for informing me that there’s a difference between fondling and penetrative sex.

A lifetime’s worth of intimate relationships, and there’s still something to learn from the experts.

There's also a difference between cuddling and groping but you seem to think they're at least comparable so maybe you do have something to learn. Cuddling is generally to be expected when sleeping with a romantic partner. Groping is not.

joined Jul 29, 2017

There's also a difference between cuddling and groping but you seem to think they're at least comparable so maybe you do have something to learn. Cuddling is generally to be expected when sleeping with a romantic partner. Groping is not.

Like I said, always something to be learned from hair-splitting know-it-alls.

last edited at Jul 22, 2019 7:58AM

joined Jan 27, 2016

There's also a difference between cuddling and groping but you seem to think they're at least comparable so maybe you do have something to learn. Cuddling is generally to be expected when sleeping with a romantic partner. Groping is not.

Like I said, always something to be learned from hair-splitting know-it-alls.

Kinda concerned if you think the difference between cuddling and straight up grabbing your partner's crotch is splitting hairs.

joined Jul 29, 2017

There's also a difference between cuddling and groping but you seem to think they're at least comparable so maybe you do have something to learn. Cuddling is generally to be expected when sleeping with a romantic partner. Groping is not.

Like I said, always something to be learned from hair-splitting know-it-alls.

Kinda concerned if you think the difference between cuddling and straight up grabbing your partner's crotch is splitting hairs.

Not remotely what I said, but far be it from me to deprive you of the opportunity for a self-righteous lecture.

Everyone needs a hobby.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Just gotta say Blastaar, you're usually so on point but I think you're way off the mark on this one. She makes it clear from the start that even fondling her boobs is something she'd hate and get angry at her for, so there's zero implied consent there.

Getting to feel your partner's breast while cuddling is one thing, but come on now. outright fondling them for an extended time while thinking about how much your partner would hate it is quite another, even before we get to the crotch grab. Don't see how you can really justify it.

joined Apr 27, 2014

Fondling your gf who is living with you should be mostly ok! Well I find it weird people are arguing over that, but then again, that's what people do in the manga comment section so!

joined Jul 29, 2017

Just gotta say Blastaar, you're usually so on point but I think you're way off the mark on this one. She makes it clear from the start that even fondling her boobs is something she'd hate and get angry at her for, so there's zero implied consent there.

Getting to feel your partner's breast while cuddling is one thing, but come on now. outright fondling them for an extended time while thinking about how much your partner would hate it is quite another, even before we get to the crotch grab. Don't see how you can really justify it.

I take your point, but the story-specific situation was not the argument most people were making, but rather a general principle about boob-fondling between lovers living and sleeping together.

As to the “hating it,” the basic principle of this particular relationship is that these two get along by fighting like tigers—if one wants something, the other is going to make it hard to get it. I’ve known—although never completely understood—more than a few couples who worked by this thwart-struggle-concede dynamic that we see here. (Therapists call it putting the other person in the “one-down” position.)

But a fair cop—I can get impatient with categorical pronouncements about what is or isn’t OK, and will try to avoid engaging unnecessarily.

joined Jul 22, 2018

I already read some chapters on another site but I don't mind for another round

joined Feb 9, 2019

Great story. Pretty sad that it's already completed. Need more of Delinquent x Delinquent.

joined Dec 4, 2017

This is gold, now i can have a nice weekday

joined Dec 4, 2017

And please author i beg you dont stop making story about them :)

joined Jun 27, 2019

And please author i beg you dont stop making story about them :)

Yes, please.

joined Oct 1, 2014

It's always good to see these two.
Good sigh. Watered my crops. Cleared my skin.

riverFlower Uploader
The Golden Orchid
joined Jan 19, 2017

Why does this say completed? Is it not continuing?

joined Nov 13, 2018

First time reading this, it was pretty good, surprised I missed it

joined Jan 18, 2016

awww yesss

joined Dec 15, 2016

I love delinquent yuri

joined Aug 31, 2014

Terumi is a fucking demon! D:

joined Jul 25, 2019


joined May 1, 2017

How the hell did i miss this?
Damn, this was so good!!

joined Dec 27, 2014

Yes yes yesss!! Best thing i've read in a while on here. So refreshing. Definitely a new favourite hehe

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