Forum › Beloved Jennifer discussion

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

Splatterhouse yuri school life. Dowman Sayman is the best.

joined Jul 23, 2013

Uhhhhhhhh.............I LIKE IT!

joined Feb 8, 2013

Now... that was something I never would thought to exist in this universe...
Well. People are amazing. Somewhat

joined Apr 14, 2013

Lol the fuck

What the ffffffffffffffffff…?

joined Jan 31, 2013

I want to know how she made that thing. With her feet?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I hope chainsaw hands finds love someday...

Or at least indestructable nipples.

joined Jul 4, 2012

Why she wanted to see her pee tho? Why not watch her change clothes of whatever? XD

joined Jan 31, 2013

Why she wanted to see her pee tho? Why not watch her change clothes of whatever? XD

Don't ask, enjoy the ride.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Ah, what a heartwarming story. Chainsaw-hand-girl puts aside her feelings for girl-with-a-mask and gives her the confidence to confess to her sempai! A true story of love and friendship right here.

joined Apr 25, 2014

lost it at the slide practice LOL. so much nostalgia.

never did i imagine that i would read a yuri splatterhouse doujin or any splatterhouse doujin for that matter. dowman sayman is a delightfully insane dude.

joined Jul 6, 2012

Classic Dowman

joined Jul 13, 2014

I know Dowman Sayman's works always make us want to raise some questions, but we don't.
We just don't question Dowman Sayman's works, okey.

joined Jun 22, 2013

Why she wanted to see her pee tho? Why not watch her change clothes of whatever? XD

Am guessing maybe cause that's one of her fetishes?!

joined Jul 4, 2012

Why she wanted to see her pee tho? Why not watch her change clothes of whatever? XD

Am guessing maybe cause that's one of her fetishes?!

Everything's possible with Dowman, i must say that i like that there's so many possibilities :3

joined Apr 15, 2011

I just want to know wtf Dowman is on, and can i get some too?

joined May 7, 2016

i have many questions

joined Jun 12, 2015

What the heck is this?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Why is there a Gender Bender tag on this? I don't see anything in the art or dialogue to suggest any of them are anything but 100% orthodox girls. I guess "Rick" isn't a typical girl's name in the rest, but it could originally have been "Riku" or "Rico".

joined Aug 16, 2014

Why is there a Gender Bender tag on this? I don't see anything in the art or dialogue to suggest any of them are anything but 100% orthodox girls. I guess "Rick" isn't a typical girl's name in the rest, but it could originally have been "Riku" or "Rico".

Probably because Rick is a guy in the source material.

joined Mar 9, 2014

Why is there a Gender Bender tag on this? I don't see anything in the art or dialogue to suggest any of them are anything but 100% orthodox girls. I guess "Rick" isn't a typical girl's name in the rest, but it could originally have been "Riku" or "Rico".

Probably because Rick is a guy in the source material.

Biggy is a dude too in the game apparently

joined Jan 18, 2017

Shouldn't this have a "what the fuck am I reading" tag?

joined Jun 13, 2016

Uhhhhhhhh.............I LIKE IT!

uhhhhhhhh.......ME TOO!

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