^That's pretty surprising, considering one of the 3 main characters that appears in almost every meme as well is a girl. Poor Kagura.
last edited at Mar 26, 2019 5:31AM
I used to usconscientiously do that too, coz my sister had the same name as my schoolmate, so I'd just pre-clarify that, only to be called out.
maki nishikino here to steal yo girl
Maya initiating the kiss in the end... priceless hahaha! I can just imagine Kuro's relief there.
This is so sweet. You can just feel the love emanating from this art!
Woah. Nice power top there, Junna.
everythink changes ever so slightly ...
OH MY //
I love how Tomoko is either a top (Nemo) or a bottom (Asuka) depending on who she's with.
i definitely had a vibe of "She's cute as can be, but too much trouble ..." TOSS
Yandere so angry she breaks 4th wall without noticing.
ASPECT that's my favorite Dynasty quote of the year so far.
I cannot picture tall OR top/tachi Mokocchi. Cannot. Even with, or especially with, Yuri. Heck, even with Ucchi.
I cannot tell this from canon, either. If seen in isolation I would just assume it was, and move on. It's perfectly done and 100% consistent.
You quite cheeky.
last edited at Mar 26, 2019 10:31PM
So great.
I'm starting to like both this author and this pairing
Don't worry, Hinata, Mya-nee will freeload off of you for the rest of her life when you grow up!
We need much much more of this delightful pair.
best girls with the best set make the best picture
Grossly Hot!!!
A witch x maid couple? I’m into it!
Winter Love... <3
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