MrL Mar 7, 2019 10:47PM

Everything is good in the world

sorathecrow Mar 7, 2019 11:06PM

That cross hatching.

Sweet Dangus McGee Mar 7, 2019 11:24PM

So cute! what a gorgeous picture, there needs to be more of these two always.

katewarner Mar 7, 2019 11:35PM

Carry her away to the land of sweet loving, Asuka.

last edited at Mar 8, 2019 11:01AM

Clueless1 Mar 8, 2019 12:37AM

Second place! Man, it was a close call between 1st and 2nd for me. I have a soft spot for color and shading, but the technical expertise with cross-hatching here impressed me a bunch. Text book stuff here! Great work.

Homura E.N.D Mar 8, 2019 12:59AM

Where is my fanfiction of this?

katewarner Mar 8, 2019 1:40AM

^ Get writing.

BugDevil Mar 8, 2019 3:18AM

^What would that even be called? "Its not my fault that Me and my Mom got sent back in time to Rennaissance France"?

ChippedIce Mar 8, 2019 3:29AM

Power lesbian Asuka will not hesitate in carrying her target in bridal style!
Fr tho, Asuka has felt like she's been hitting on Tomoko hardcore in the latest chapters, I wonder if it's intentional or just accidental?

katewarner Mar 8, 2019 4:26AM

^^ That would be great! I'd read it in a heartbeat.

last edited at Mar 8, 2019 4:35AM

BugDevil Mar 8, 2019 5:03AM

^Haha. I'm not confident enough with the series to write it myself though, so whoever is mad enough to do it, be my guest. You already got two readers here.

last edited at Mar 8, 2019 5:04AM

katewarner Mar 8, 2019 11:21AM

^ Because I'm unpopular, I may try to write this.

Kisa Mar 8, 2019 11:25AM

I love this so much I want to go there.

Random Wanderer Mar 8, 2019 4:34PM

Best ship.

BiohunterX Mar 8, 2019 9:42PM

i want more!

Esu-chan Mar 10, 2019 4:08PM

Shweeet T♡T

sorathecrow Mar 10, 2019 6:18PM

Aw, just noticed Tomoko has heel sores. Must be why Asuka decided to carry her.

Rainendant Mar 11, 2019 12:25AM

is this france ?

Drnise Mar 14, 2019 10:09AM

what turns me on is the background and the shading

bubbleteabird Mar 20, 2019 2:46AM

asuka: i love you tomoko
kuroki: i love you too, yuri
asuka: throws kuroki over the wall in a fit of rage but immediately regrets it
asuka: looks over the wall in fright and worry
ucchi: catches kuroki from below and runs away with her

last edited at Mar 20, 2019 3:08AM

Marion Diabolito Mar 26, 2019 9:14PM

i definitely had a vibe of "She's cute as can be, but too much trouble ..." TOSS

nio_neka Jan 6, 2020 9:56PM

I can't help but match this artwork to this song from James Bond's "You Only Live Twice" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDD3Qi23BX0

to me fits for them perfectly on this getaway romance vacation.