Forum › Bloom Into You Comic Anthology discussion

joined Dec 11, 2017

I don't object to the line--it just struck me as a little on the nose as compared to Nakatani's own scripting. Now that I think about it, I'd have to go back to see if Yuu ever tells Touko that her feelings are other than what they actually are.

Geez, I said that horribly. I guess I mean that we definitely see Yuu making statements to herself about how she feels that readers perceive to be untrue ("It's just because I'm a pushover," "I'd have done the same for anyone," etc.). But do we see her telling Touko things that Yuu knows are not how she actually feels?

(Putting aside the "I promise not to fall in love with you" thing--the poor dear has only intermittently been convinced that that's even possible for her, even when--or maybe especially when--she was head over heels in her particular Yuu-esque way.)

Well, the biggest lie Yuu ever told Touko was that she didn't -want- to fall in love with anyone. She did. She new she did. We knew she did. Maki knew she did. Hell, she explicitly thinks that she wants to fall in love with Touko. But she told Touko she didn't, because she knew that "she can't fall in love with me" was a point of comfort for Touko and she was afraid of what would happen if she admitted that she wanted to.

Aside from that, there were some moments where she said she wasn't in love when she definitely was, but most of the times she expressed her feelings to Touko, she was usually being honest to her but lying to herself.

That's how I see this. Like she's convincing herself that -she- doesn't want to kiss while also reminding Touko that they were gonna, and, y'know, because you wanted to but not because I want to or anything...

last edited at Jan 26, 2019 1:48PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Aside from that, there were some moments where she said she wasn't in love when she definitely was, but most of the times she expressed her feelings to Touko, she was usually being honest to her but lying to herself.

That's how I see this. Like she's convincing herself that -she- doesn't want to kiss while also reminding Touko that they were gonna, and, y'know, because you wanted to but not because I want to or anything.

I’d never quite thought of Yuu in explicitly tsundere terms before, although her self-deceptions are classic tsundere tropes. I guess since being tsundere functions to keep the character’s own feelings at arm’s length from themselves, it fits pretty well.

Now I’m imagining Touko (whose character design screams “tsundere”) and Yuu as both tsunderes split down the middle like in the original Star Trek “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield” episode, with one screaming, “Can’t you see that I’m tsun on the right and she’s tsun on the left? We’re nothing alike!”

Next YagaKimi anthology, I suppose.

joined Jul 13, 2018

Chapter 12
Tachi (Sakura Trick author)
Only a single kiss, and it's NOT French Kiss

W H Y - A R E - W E - S T I L L - H E R E - ?
J U S T - T O - S U F F E R - ?

joined Jul 29, 2017

The last chapter of this is out elsewhere (soon here, I suppose), and it's a killer.
The "change" theme resonates with the current chapter so strongly that . . .I'm sorry it's Monday because I don't want to work, just sit here and re-read them both.

joined Mar 18, 2018

All of these have been a real treat~ To bad its completed, I wouldn't mind seeing more.

joined Sep 6, 2018

Now that this anthology is complete, which chapter is the best?

I vote for chapter 10.

Who else wants to vote their favorite chapter?

joined Mar 18, 2018

Now that this anthology is complete, which chapter is the best?

I vote for chapter 10.

Who else wants to vote their favorite chapter?

I'd probably say chapter 1, 7 or 9...

joined Dec 31, 2015

Now that this anthology is complete, which chapter is the best?

I vote for chapter 10.

Who else wants to vote their favorite chapter?

I like chapter 9 the most, followed by 10.
1 is pretty cute and 3 is pretty funny though.

joined Apr 17, 2015

I would vote 10, 8 and 11 for my three favorites, with 2 as a close fourth.

Most of them are lovely anyway. I'm just not a big of fan of 6 and 12; and 13 has kinda grown on me as I translated it. =O

last edited at Jan 30, 2019 11:40AM

joined Jan 24, 2018

Lol at tmNr's afterward comment. Heapsa big Yuri mangakas on this anthology... it was a blast!!!!!

joined May 7, 2017

I'm super disappointed in this anthology, very weak.

last edited at Apr 6, 2020 9:10AM

joined Dec 16, 2014

hey so, what did senpai said? what does it mean?

joined Feb 11, 2018

hey so, what did senpai said? what does it mean?

Touko was being a tease. First invoking "mono no aware" or "cherishing impermanence" through chanting those poems and then saying that "Yuu wouldn't change" and giving her a fragile flower ornament that crumbled as soon as she touched it. It's pretty mean thing to do to her in context of the series.

joined Apr 17, 2015

hey so, what did senpai said? what does it mean?

If you mean the translation of the poem, it's in the page right after.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Chapter 13 was quite beautiful. It felt very different from the usual Nakatani style, but the theming made sense.

Touko is superhuman isn't she? Noticing a breaking hairband, tying petals into a hairband that actually last all the way until Yuu reached home... Magic I say!

joined Mar 3, 2019

Great art!

joined Mar 3, 2019

Chapter 2 is hella cute and funny, chapter 12 has the cute and naughty streak haha.

joined Mar 3, 2019


LOL. I just Imagined Sayaka screeching like Mills did.

joined Mar 19, 2016


Hmmm... I expected a plot like that from Itou Hachi.

joined Apr 23, 2019

love this series

joined Apr 6, 2020

Aries and a pisces..

joined Jul 6, 2020

Isn’t there a volume 2 that should be uploaded here too?

joined Apr 30, 2018

why wasn't the 2nd volume translated?

joined Jul 30, 2020

The second volume WAS translated and on Mangadex. IIRC it was done by different people, who haven't uploaded it here.

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