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joined Jul 29, 2017

Questions about Chapter 2:

What is the import of Mei calling out to Yuzu with the name "Aihara-san"? The whole school already knows they're step-siblings, and it's not even like Mei is in her "official" mode scolding Yuzu for violating some school policy. Isn't she being exceptionally formal there?

When Harumin crushes Matsuri by saying, "If you got it, get lost," what does the "it" refer to? I can think of several possibilities, none of which seem to fit exactly.

joined Mar 8, 2019

Questions about Chapter 2:

What is the import of Mei calling out to Yuzu with the name "Aihara-san"? The whole school already knows they're step-siblings, and it's not even like Mei is in her "official" mode scolding Yuzu for violating some school policy. Isn't she being exceptionally formal there?

When Harumin crushes Matsuri by saying, "If you got it, get lost," what does the "it" refer to? I can think of several possibilities, none of which seem to fit exactly.

I think Mei’s probably trying not to get people to talk about them more so she’s in President mode. She calls everyone by their last name and Yuzu should be no different, regardless of their connection.

The ‘it’ could refer to Harumi’s previous statement about how it’s fine to exert effort to make your friends happy. She just imparted some wisdom that Matsuri’s supposed to absorb.

I’m curious what are your other interpretations though?

joined Jul 29, 2017

The ‘it’ could refer to Harumi’s previous statement about how it’s fine to exert effort to make your friends happy. She just imparted some wisdom that Matsuri’s supposed to absorb.

I’m curious what are your other interpretations though?

I don’t know, there’s just something a little off-kilter about the way the whole thing is staged that makes that line either fall a little flat, or else there’s something I’m not quite getting about the specific phrasing.

There’s the two-shot page where Matsuri asks what she intends to be her Armor-Piercing Question. Then it cuts to an extremely long overhead shot for a beat, Harumin pops open her umbrella, she turns away, and only then does she give her stock “Perfectly normal—no yuri to see here” answer.

But the “if” (which implies a “then”) form of Harumin’s intended brushoff statement doesn’t make complete sense to me since Matsuri never said anything that suggested she “got” (i.e., acknowledged in any way) what Harumin said. (In other words, it would be clearer if it had gone Haru: “Friends—perfectly normal.” Matsu: “Yeah, yeah, sure.” Haru: “If you got that, get lost.”)

The whole point being that the “if” also implies, “If you didn’t get that, then stick around” (which we know Matsuri is going to do anyway, but that’s obviously not what Harumin intends).

As for alternate meanings, I briefly considered the possibility that Matsuri had actually bought the manga that Yuzu wants, but that makes even less sense on a number of levels, not the least of which being that Harumin would have had to have seen Matsuri buying it.

On a slightly different matter, I want to read Peach Sisters.

last edited at Mar 22, 2019 4:11PM

joined Jan 1, 2019

I want to read Peach Sisters.

I want to see Yuzu and Mei reading it together.

joined Mar 8, 2019

But the “if” (which implies a “then”) form of Harumin’s intended brushoff statement doesn’t make complete sense to me since Matsuri never said anything that suggested she “got” (i.e., acknowledged in any way) what Harumin said. (In other words, it would be clearer if it had gone Haru: “Friends—perfectly normal.” Matsu: “Yeah, yeah, sure.” Haru: “If you got that, get lost.”)

Yeah, it would have made more sense if Harumi said something like ‘Now get lost’ because it would flow better contextually, not to mention it demonstrates her dynamic with Matsuri better, than ‘If you got it, get lost.’

But I guess if you want to really read into Harumi and not just her words, maybe she really just wants company because she’s miserable about the YuzuMei thing and she knew Matsuri was never going to accept her “no homo” explanation because Matsuri’s long suspected HaruYuzu so that’s why Harumi phrased it like that.

It could also just be a translation thing, not that I’m saying they did a bad job, but sometimes translations get iffy if you try to word for word it.

As for alternate meanings, I briefly considered the possibility that Matsuri had actually bought the manga that Yuzu wants, but that makes even less sense on a number of levels, not the least of which being that Harumin would have had to have seen Matsuri buying it.

When I first read through it, I thought Harumi got it and Matsuri told her to get lost because she was upset that Harumi was being extra.

On a slightly different matter, I want to read Peach Sisters.

I too want to read Peach Sisters.

joined Feb 10, 2016

This sequel is already a lot more enjoyable than 80% of the original story

joined Jul 29, 2017

It could also just be a translation thing, not that I’m saying they did a bad job, but sometimes translations get iffy if you try to word for word it.

Always true, but I prefer to start by trying to parse out what’s on the page rather than assume the translation’s to blame, since the translators are giving me a gift by doing something I could never do in a million years.

joined Mar 12, 2019

Mei is still a robot...even Rusia isn't that cold than that character...

Omg best comment

joined Mar 8, 2019

Always true, but I prefer to start by trying to parse out what’s on the page rather than assume the translation’s to blame, since the translators are giving me a gift by doing something I could never do in a million years.

I’m very grateful for translators so I hope no one gets offended by my previous comment. If not for wonderful these translators, I would have to wait for manga to be licensed before I could read!

I also don’t blame translation right off the bat. I take stock of the drawings, the composition, the character expressions and try to discern what’s happening from that.

What I’m getting from the tone of that whole scene is:

Harumi- “I’m not in love with Yuzu. If you don’t believe me, get lost.”

Matsuri- “Who you trying to fool?”
joined Apr 19, 2012

This sequel is already a lot more enjoyable than 80% of the original story

with 80% less drama

joined Jun 12, 2017


joined Mar 4, 2014

This sequel is already a lot more enjoyable than 80% of the original story

with 80% less drama

drama or angst. you decide.

joined Jan 24, 2019

What is love? baby don't hurt me

joined Feb 8, 2019

Why is Matsuri so cute? It's weird how side characters end up stealing the show so often in anime and manga

So far I've kinda failed to see the point of this Citrus+, but I'll always take more content about those goofballs. I think that somebody should shake Mei and bring her to the 21st century... I seriously doubt that even growing up in a household like Aihara would make your views of romance resemble that of 1700th century or something. I don't like how the sexual tension was made so apparent so early on and now when they've finally resolved their issues they start acting all shy xD

At least there hasn't been any angst caused by random characters popping out of the blue

joined Jul 26, 2016

Why is Matsuri so cute? It's weird how side characters end up stealing the show so often in anime and manga

Not particularly restricted to them ofc. Take good old Tintin who's himself rather boring but surrounded by a cast of colourful eccentrics, not in the least his life partner (no homo) Captain Haddock.

that of 1700th century

"In the grim darkness of the far future there is only prudes"...? (The 17th century meanwhile tended to be pretty flippant about such matters.)

joined Oct 21, 2017

Chapter 4 is out,& it's good.

joined Feb 21, 2019

Aw Matsuri isn't there?? That means no HaruMatsu this month -_-

joined Mar 21, 2019

God please don't make harumin gay for yuzucchi too, I don't wanna more drama

joined Feb 9, 2019

Wait. I don´t know if it´s just me overthinking things but I feel like Mei is a bit disappointed that Harumin was able to help her (Return Yuzu to the old Yuzu) and that she wasn´t able to do that by herself. I mean like Mei was worried about Yuzu but couldn´t say it that directly to her and that´s why she asked Harumin to tell Yuzu that she shouldn´t overwork (or overdo things) herself for Mei´s sake. Uh. I still liked the chapter. Gonna wait now 1 month for the next one. I really hope that we get to see what score Yuzu got on that test. Mmm. ~Hazmat

joined Mar 16, 2018

Every chapter I have some stupid hope that we will finally get to see the story from Mei's perspective but each time that hope is dashed and it's just meibot again

Harumin is really the only reason I still follow this

joined Apr 20, 2013

page 01
lol silly Yuzu, that's not how to wear airpods X)))

sometimes u gotta fuck a person to make the open up

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

This series has all of the sweet and none of the sour. I feel like I'm racking up bad yuri karma here.

joined Jul 29, 2017

The Mei-bot continues to struggle with its programming when attempting to communicate with the human designated Yuzu.

joined Feb 18, 2018

HaruMatsu when?

Meibot should just put out or get out. She is otherwise irrelevant to the story at this point.

last edited at Apr 19, 2019 10:26AM

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