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joined May 2, 2018

What? Romance?!

joined Feb 23, 2016

Interlocked finger( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) moka and koruri are so freaking cute man...

joined Jun 4, 2015

Nice placement of the whistling kettle as sakurako mentions warming each other while naked. Also very cute with the earrings but koruri's reason to go out with her so she doesn't lose interest is kinda sad.

joined Jun 4, 2015

I just want to point out that Koruri and Moka have made more progress in their relationship in one chapter than Sakurako and Kasumi has made in almost 50... -_-'

I'd say sakurako and Kasumi are doing fine, Kasumi just doesn't show her love as openly as sakurako does, and dang does that girl need to let the world know of her love.

Ephemeral Dreamer
joined Aug 27, 2015

I just want to point out that Koruri and Moka have made more progress in their relationship in one chapter than Sakurako and Kasumi has made in almost 50... -_-'

To be fair Sakurako and Kasumi basically went from 0 to 100 within the first few chapters.
If you skip all the early stages and go right to happily married there's not much more progress to make^^

Being more serious the impresion I get is that Kasumi is simply Asexual and just not interested in more than cuddling.
If you look at it from that perspective their relationship makes a lot of sense Sakurako would probably be fine and willing to go further but she can tell that Kasumi isn't really interested in it.
They're relationship is clearly romantic something that is acknowledged by basically everyone arround them but it doesn't have to be sexual for it to be vallid^^

joined Jan 7, 2019

I'm having a hard time telling who's who on the Sakurako girls......

joined Dec 20, 2018

I just want to point out that Koruri and Moka have made more progress in their relationship in one chapter than Sakurako and Kasumi has made in almost 50... -_-'

I'd say sakurako and Kasumi are doing fine, Kasumi just doesn't show her love as openly as sakurako does, and dang does that girl need to let the world know of her love.

I have to agree. It was once again visible when they were discussing possibly moving after college and Kasumi had no objections, just leaving things to Sakurako. Pretty much an old married couple already.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I just want to point out that Koruri and Moka have made more progress in their relationship in one chapter than Sakurako and Kasumi has made in almost 50... -_-'

I'd say sakurako and Kasumi are doing fine, Kasumi just doesn't show her love as openly as sakurako does, and dang does that girl need to let the world know of her love.

I have to agree. It was once again visible when they were discussing possibly moving after college and Kasumi had no objections, just leaving things to Sakurako. Pretty much an old married couple already.

Yeah, I think Koruri and Moka are basically author’s gentle trolling of the readers—“Progress? You want progress? Here—have some progress. And notice how our ‘progress’ couple’s relationship is on significantly shakier ground than the OTPs.”

(The highlighted “interlocked fingers” was a major tell in that regard.)

joined Jul 3, 2015

Side pairing gets more yuri in one bonus chapter than main pairing in the whole series?!

Little Red Rum
joined Mar 6, 2015

I think the definition of intimate relationship between Kasumi/Sakurako is just different from Moka/Koruri. The two have been so chilled with each other they're pretty much married, plus Kasumi doesn't seem to know or being experienced with any romantic feelings before. Though, Kasumi does rarely show that she cares and can be affectionate towards Sakurako.

Sakurako is obviously smitten but girl never once actually asked Kasumi out, instead she's happy to just live and spend her life with Kasumi.

Also, there's probably a thing about the artist's publisher, they usually try to stretch out the story as much as they can to print out as many manga volumes.

last edited at Mar 15, 2019 10:06AM

joined Feb 23, 2014

I feel like I'm going crazy or something here because everyone else is questioning their romance.
Despite the fact that Kasumi is just casually been accepted by Sakurako's family, is ok with 90% of her suggestions, wants to live together with her for the rest of her life and doesn't even contest it when people say they're married.

You don't need a big confession scene to be in a relationship, in fact forcing one in case make a series worse sometimes (see Sakura Trick)

joined Dec 20, 2018

Looking at the early chapters again, Sakurako being often very vocal and over the top about her attraction seems to overshadow everything else in our view of the series and their relationship. Sure, she was smitten from the first time she saw Kasumi, but while the first indication of any feelings on either side may have been her buying the couple mugs and thinking how it feels like being newlyweds, it's actually Kasumi who first says something like this out loud (or possibly even here, if you want to take it this way).

last edited at Mar 15, 2019 10:59AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

So much stuff once again, so little time.

Sakurako's dad looks so freakin' huggable. It's really too bad that he has the anime dad disease of [always away for work]. I love how easy-going he is, just like most of that air-head family. Speaking of which, they already treat Kasumi like an in-law and don't question that they will live together post graduation. If the family treats her like this, then it's more than solidified.

Because I really have no need to point out that they are a couple anymore, I instead will just point out scenes when Kasumi shows affection/support.
Notice that Kasumi said on the previous pages that she doesn't even want to touch snow and was so averse to the cold that she would rather skip classes. But when Sakurako's hands are freezing she will gladly and without hesitation take those hands in her own to warm them up.

PS: Koruri and Moka have a far sweeter relationship than expected. Moka did kinda come off as the "player" archetype, but she seems to be serious about Ruri-chan~

last edited at Mar 15, 2019 11:26AM

joined Jun 27, 2017

... it's actually Kasumi who first says something like this out loud (or possibly even here, if you want to take it this way).

But this stuff is the bread and butter of comedy manga and anime since, I don't know, roughly 1970. So some people say it's more meaningful here than the typical throwaway gag. Alright. But those who says it's just the same as always have just as much of a point.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I feel like I'm going crazy or something here because everyone else is questioning their romance.
Despite the fact that Kasumi is just casually been accepted by Sakurako's family, is ok with 90% of her suggestions, wants to live together with her for the rest of her life and doesn't even contest it when people say they're married.

You don't need a big confession scene to be in a relationship, in fact forcing one in case make a series worse sometimes (see Sakura Trick)

Really—the essence of Kasumi’s character is that she’s not really motivated to do much besides eat and sleep, but the vast majority of other things that she’s willing to do are done with or for Sakurako.

I mean, two young people have more or less agreed that they want to be together for the rest of their lives and have become lesbian role models for their cohort. I’d say, “What more do you want?” except I know what more people want. It’s fine to want that.

But if they were any more together Sakurako would be wearing Kasumi as a suit.

Which may happen yet.

joined Aug 26, 2018

But if they were any more together Sakurako would be wearing Kasumi as a suit.

Which may happen yet.

Great, now I have an image in my head of Sakurako sewing a Kasumi body suit and wearing it while talking to herself in the mirror: "I love Sakurako the most in the whole world!"

Needless to say Kasumi walks in on that scene and the next day the suit mysteriously got caught in the incinerator...

joined Jul 29, 2017

But if they were any more together Sakurako would be wearing Kasumi as a suit.

Which may happen yet.

Great, now I have an image in my head of Sakurako sewing a Kasumi body suit and wearing it while talking to herself in the mirror: "I love Sakurako the most in the whole world!"

Needless to say Kasumi walks in on that scene and the next day the suit mysteriously got caught in the incinerator...

Would Kasumi really care that much? I'm envisioning a standard, "Do you even realize what you're doing?" response.

Besides, I doubt that a certain little sister would allow such a thing to be trashed.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Great, now I have an image in my head of Sakurako sewing a Kasumi body suit and wearing it while talking to herself in the mirror: "I love Sakurako the most in the whole world!"

Needless to say Kasumi walks in on that scene and the next day the suit mysteriously got caught in the incinerator...

Would Kasumi really care that much? I'm envisioning a standard, "Do you even realize what you're doing?" response.

Besides, I doubt that a certain little sister would allow such a thing to be trashed.

Kasumi is oddly ruthless with any kind of object that involves Sakurako's worship of her. Case in point:

Hina can't stop her if she isn't around~

last edited at Mar 15, 2019 12:48PM

joined Dec 11, 2017

Nice placement of the whistling kettle as sakurako mentions warming each other while naked. Also very cute with the earrings but koruri's reason to go out with her so she doesn't lose interest is kinda sad.

Eh, she seems pretty obviously serious about it, though. I took it as more "I was nervous about starting a relationship, but my fear of losing her got me past that" rather than "I will enter a relationship I don't want because I'm afraid of losing my friend."

joined Dec 20, 2018

... it's actually Kasumi who first says something like this out loud (or possibly even here, if you want to take it this way).

But this stuff is the bread and butter of comedy manga and anime since, I don't know, roughly 1970. So some people say it's more meaningful here than the typical throwaway gag. Alright. But those who says it's just the same as always have just as much of a point.

Oh, it certainly is a common comedy element, I agree. Which is a big reason for why we overlook this, especially at the start of the series. Probably didn't even take her talk with Sakurako's mom too seriously, at least at first. But seeing them now acting still pretty much the same, but at the same time clearly not intent on separating ever, it's quite reasonable to at least suspect she may have been even just a little bit serious back then as well.

And I just realized it's not just the words... Kasumi is also the one to start clinging to Sakurako first, not the other way around, even if she may say it's for warmth. :D

But whether there's more to this or not at that point doesn't even really matter. It just shows that they have had this very comfortable relationship from the start and probably not even they can clearly say when exactly it became something more serious. It's clear on the first Valentine's Day that they don't see themselves as a couple yet, but it is the moment they notice they're not that different from one. In the end their current relationship is something that just naturally came to be over time, slowly growing during their time together. Often between chapters, as already the next month on White Day we see things escalate again.

last edited at Mar 15, 2019 3:14PM

joined Dec 25, 2018

yes an update!
we got our first fully fledged couple!
(I'm considering fully fledged as actually asking to go out and saying yes not just super obvious but no confirmation)

joined Aug 26, 2018

yes an update!
we got our first fully fledged couple!
(I'm considering fully fledged as actually asking to go out and saying yes not just super obvious but no confirmation)

So Shouko and Seri wasn't confirmed enough through their kiss and saying they want to stay together?

joined Jun 12, 2015

At this point I'm pretty sure the last page of the manga will be them going: "We are dating since high school and we are living together since then, let's get married""Ok" I don't except any kind of "confirmation" beside that

Because I really have no need to point out that they are a couple anymore, I instead will just point out scenes when Kasumi shows affection/support.
Notice that Kasumi said on the previous pages that she doesn't even want to touch snow and was so averse to the cold that she would rather skip classes. But when Sakurako's hands are freezing she will gladly and without hesitation take those hands in her own to warm them up.

I thought I was the only who noticed this. Talk about smooth

Kasumi is oddly ruthless with any kind of object that involves Sakurako's worship of her. Case in point:

Hina can't stop her if she isn't around~

You know, rereading this and some other example, I realized Kasumi is kinda possessive of Sakurako in a way

Ephemeral Dreamer
joined Aug 27, 2015

Let's also not forget the one time Sakurako tried to kiss Seri while drunk Kasumi was very quick to pull her leash so to speak ; )
I can understand people getting frustrated because their relationship has developed very gradually without a lot of drama and neither of them has really felt the need to give it a name or really talk to much about it.
Their comfortable and intimate with each other and are dedicated to sharing their live with each other. That is the important part and both of them understand this.
I'm sure, Sakurako at least, wouldn't mind going "further" but Kasumi has made it fairly clear that she isn't really interested and Sakurako understands that and doesn't push the issue to much.
For all that she can be clingy and occasionally a bit stalkerish, Sakurako is actually pretty good at respecting Kasumi's space and backing of anytime things get to much for her.

joined Jun 12, 2015

Look like it wasn't the first time Kasumi warmed Sakurako cold hand up

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