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Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

It would be nice to have manga examples of femme/butch, femme/femme, and butch/butch relationships. Here’s my contribution:

Sasameki Koto: femme/butch.

Hold on, which one was but butch in Sasameki Koto? The feminine girl with the long hair and fragile feelings who happened to be good at martial arts? Or the forthright, openly lesbian pretty blonde girl? They both came off pretty femmey to me.

Perhaps the beta couple? Tomoe seemed like a soft butch to me while Miyako was a short princess.

I guess the aggressive karate girl who got in trouble near the end and got together with her childhood friend in the epilogue?

joined Aug 15, 2018

LOL why did they made senbei?

joined Jan 2, 2019

I agree to an extent. Most yuri I find on here (and other places) the couple is femme/femme. And really, same with most lesbians in movies, tv, etc etc.

I feel like manga and especially anime are particularly guilty of a hyper-focus on femininity in both romantic and non-romantic scenarios. "Cute girls doing cute things" didn't become a... "thing" for no reason.

Like even when there is a character that's not feminine, she often has an arc about her insecurity over being "boyish" or "not cute", often resolved by assurance that even if she isn't girly in the same ways as her friends, she's just as cute!~ As opposed to sometimes accepting that maybe she really isn't the same, and that's okay.

Also can we stop thinking every lesbian couple needs to be femme/butch? thanks

I agree to an extent. Most yuri I find on here (and other places) the couple is femme/femme. And really, same with most lesbians in movies, tv, etc etc.

This is true. There is nothing wrong with 2 femmes but I feel it is overdone and depending on who is writing it, it's probably to appeal to straight men and not actual gay women. Still I see more people make a fuss over 2 butch women in a relationship and I wish it would stop. Butch women do not need to be stereo typically pretty to be valid and loved.

Fucking THANK YOU. Everyone just seems to hate letting tomboys be tomboys. Does this character have short hair or is she even the slightest bit not hyper feminine? Better add an entire arc about her ACTUALLY wanting to wear frilly clothing and be super girly. Madokami forbid she not be a hyper submissive bottom either.

joined Feb 1, 2013

Love the [[not yaoi]] tag.

But seriously they look like dudes ngl

I can't believe I'm seeing what you're saying... I thought dynasty was a place where we were free of labels and gender designations based on physical appearances. Why do people always insist on dividing up and placing characters into predefined roles, rather than just treat them as people? Why can't we be better...?

joined Jan 11, 2019

What will they do in the event of a princess carry? They're both princes, it's a paradox!

They will exist in a state of quantum superposition in which each is both simultaneously carrying and being carried until they are observed, at which point the observer will collapse the wave function and the winner will be decided by a coin toss.

joined Jan 11, 2019

Honestly, I'd take "some stuff happened and now they're dating" over "they've been in love with each other for dozens of chapters yet nothing's allowed to happen" (like in the artist's other manga) any day.

Doesn't "some stuff happened and now we're dating" adequately describe about 90% of highschool relationships?

joined Jan 11, 2019

Also, my sense of humor is objectively the worst.

joined Nov 28, 2017

Also, my sense of humor is objectively the worst.


Hey I was going to make two prince joke...

last edited at Feb 14, 2019 4:39PM by Nezchan

joined Jul 22, 2017

critical support for tomboys and butches

joined Jul 23, 2017

Never seen rice crackers for valentines before

joined Nov 8, 2017

What ever happened to this?

joined Aug 19, 2018

I hope the author didn't cancel this. I really like it so far

joined Feb 24, 2019

This is absolute gold and I am so happy to have been able to read it. Even if this is it (and I hope it's not) these few pages made me incredibly happy to read.

joined Nov 17, 2016

This is a masterpiece. Not only we need more tomboy x tomboy content, but the way they're both trying to protect the other is so funny and cute.

joined Nov 8, 2017

I agree to an extent. Most yuri I find on here (and other places) the couple is femme/femme. And really, same with most lesbians in movies, tv, etc etc.

I feel like manga and especially anime are particularly guilty of a hyper-focus on femininity in both romantic and non-romantic scenarios. "Cute girls doing cute things" didn't become a... "thing" for no reason.

Like even when there is a character that's not feminine, she often has an arc about her insecurity over being "boyish" or "not cute", often resolved by assurance that even if she isn't girly in the same ways as her friends, she's just as cute!~ As opposed to sometimes accepting that maybe she really isn't the same, and that's okay.

Also can we stop thinking every lesbian couple needs to be femme/butch? thanks

I agree to an extent. Most yuri I find on here (and other places) the couple is femme/femme. And really, same with most lesbians in movies, tv, etc etc.

This is true. There is nothing wrong with 2 femmes but I feel it is overdone and depending on who is writing it, it's probably to appeal to straight men and not actual gay women. Still I see more people make a fuss over 2 butch women in a relationship and I wish it would stop. Butch women do not need to be stereo typically pretty to be valid and loved.

Fucking THANK YOU. Everyone just seems to hate letting tomboys be tomboys. Does this character have short hair or is she even the slightest bit not hyper feminine? Better add an entire arc about her ACTUALLY wanting to wear frilly clothing and be super girly. Madokami forbid she not be a hyper submissive bottom either.

I hate Itsuki's arc from Heartcatch Precure because it's this but even worse. Itsuki THOUGHT she had to "be" a boy fot the sake of her family, because her older brother was constantly sick and she thought she had to inherit the family dojo in his place, but she actually wanted to be feminine. The most annoying part is her family was completely fine with her being feminine and not inheriting the dojo and just never bothered saying anything.

joined Nov 8, 2017

I still wonder what happened to this

now that's my dose of serotonin

joined Jun 12, 2023

I'm a big fan of tomboy x tomboy and butch x butch... I really like this one, they're so cute to each other <3

joined Nov 13, 2022

Some of the best ideas are so short-lived :')

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