is this actually het or did we just put it there?
So far we have nothing more than an MC who appears to be about as interested in romance or sex as watching paint dry and some confused friends that could at best be described as having a crush on him. Is there even such a thing as a Het Crush
tag? Also if it has a Het Crush
tag it needs a Yuri Crush
one as well since we have a mirror of the situation with a girl now as well.
There has always been a really odd double standard here when it comes to het
and yuri
tags. If a guy so much as makes one off handed comment about the indifferent female mc being attractive etc. the het
gets stamped all over it yet conversely if you get a girl showing constant romantic interest in the same indifferent female MC at best it might get a subtext
or possibly a yuri crush
designation after like 6 chapters of it.
last edited at Dec 31, 2018 7:38PM