So much anime discussion in a single picture, I love it. Gonna throw in my unsolicited opinions too. The art is adorable, they look younger here and it’s just cute.
NTR is okay, not great, but not terrible either. Never really understood why people continually bash Kodama Naoko, maybe they’re that strongly against cheating? I would’ve fully liked NTR if there was more character and relationship development (between Yuma and Hotaru).
I was satisfied with the ending of Kuzu no Honkai (because I detest Mugi), but would’ve preferred Hanabi and Sanae together. Sanae legitimately had feelings for Hanabi, though she went about it the wrong way. Hell, the series itself went about yuri the wrong way. It felt like the yuri route was never even an option. Instead of Hanabi and Sanae actually trying to see if they can be compatible lovers with mutual feelings, Sanae is all “I love you, you don’t love me. We can’t ever be together so just use me for sex” uhhh ok.
Citrus is everything and Mei is my goddess, that is all.
Lastly, I’d argue that Yuma’s boyfriend and Himeko’s wannabe boyfriend aren’t very decent human beings because they’re consumed by selfish desires and don’t really consider their bae’s feelings. Like, who the hell gets severely butthurt because someone doesn’t want to have sex with you?
last edited at Oct 27, 2018 7:26PM