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joined Jul 29, 2017

Hmm, what was that series? ^^"

It was a chapter of Kuzumi-kun, Can’t You Read the Room?

And let me say that not only am I tremendously grateful to all the translators, but I’ve always been incredibly envious of multi-lingual people. I love to study my own language, and I’m intensely interested in vocabulary, nuances of connotations, the history of idioms, etc., but I’ve learned just enough of several other languages to know that if I worked very hard I could maybe get to the level where I would just sound like an idiot in those languages instead of a newly-arrived space alien.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Oh yeah, Can't You Read the Mood? I did translate a few chapters a year or two ago.

last edited at Sep 27, 2018 4:07PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

After some unplanned issues, there will be no AnoKiss chapter this month. BUT the anthology Éclair Rouge came out today, with the 4th entry of "Mushoku to JK" in it.

Also, Canno posted this as an apology.


Itsuki has already baked the cake, bought the dresses and sent out the invitation cards.

last edited at Sep 27, 2018 4:14PM

She even started thinking about children lmao

joined Aug 26, 2018

That is a great apology actually. My favorite dysfunctional couple!
Your Saa-chan is a bit dense, so you gotta put that ring on her yourself...

joined Apr 17, 2015

I'm sure she could legalize gay mariage in Japan and make Sawa pregnant by sheer strength of will.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I'm still in with all the side couples. But is irritating that most of them aren't seen again after their chapters are over.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Well, they reappear in the bonus chapters and volume extras, so there's that. It'd indeed be nice to have more of them reappear once in a while in the story proper though. Like Sawa and Itsuki in the Haine-Aika arc.

joined Apr 17, 2015

The volume 9 omake is up on Mangadex.



joined Apr 20, 2013

Finaruuuuuu Staaaaaageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I wonder, does this mean one volume left ? or just the main couple ending?

joined Dec 18, 2013

There's a main couple? :P

joined Apr 17, 2015

^^ Dunno, I think we got a couple more volumes left… At any rate, it'd be weird to have the series continue without Ayaka and Yurine. =O

On another note… I really have a strange soft spot for Kaoru. She's a background character, but I can't help but find her adorably dorky every time she appears. <3 I almost wouldn't mind an arc where she gets a girlfriend.

joined Jun 12, 2015

Finaruuuuuu Staaaaaageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I wonder, does this mean one volume left ? or just the main couple ending?

Yep. Voleme 10 will be the last one.

joined Oct 15, 2016

Finaruuuuuu Staaaaaageeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I wonder, does this mean one volume left ? or just the main couple ending?

Yep. Voleme 10 will be the last one.

Noooooo!! And i was so hoping that this would get an anime soon. Oh well, at least i hope we get a chapter for every couple before the end and a whole 2 or 3 chapter arc of the main one to wrap things up.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

You know, when we applied to send our daughter to Seiran Academy, we wondered the whole time riding back home why they paired the girls up for "kissing exams."

joined Apr 17, 2015

Yep. Voleme 10 will be the last one.

Is there a source for that?

joined Aug 17, 2017

Volumes 1 and 2 took place in first year, 3-9 took place in second year, so it'd be awful sudden to spend only five chapters in third year.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Chizumi Fan posted:

Volumes 1 and 2 took place in first year, 3-9 took place in second year, so it'd be awful sudden to spend only five chapters in third year.

Is just that there isn't much more to say and third year is full of study anyway

joined Aug 17, 2017

Yurine doesn't have to study though, and Ayaka has been constantly studying since this all started. And those gardening club members had all kinds of time to dig in the dirt and sabotage their own club and punch each other out and stuff during their third year. It'll be fine.

Me, I want to see how the relationship works out - dates, intrigues, misunderstandings, romantic rivals, etc. I don't think these two are going to get together and then just shrug their shoulders at the viewer and stand in silence, not knowing what to do. Sure, the "are they ever going to get together?" question will be gone, but we all knew the answer from the first chapter, so it's not that big a deal.

And yes, I'm aware of how in denial I sound, lol I don't want it to end!

joined Jul 29, 2017

Sure, the "are they ever going to get together?" question will be gone, but we all knew the answer from the first chapter, so it's not that big a deal.

Just to be a (entirely hypothetical) party-pooper, let’s not forget that the Shiramine/Kurosawa relationship is not yet officially official—Shiramine still has to decide what she wants to do about her newly acknowledged feelings.

Granted, although Shiramine has been in denial about those feelings since Day 1, now that the scales have fallen from her eyes I think there’s no real chance of her backtracking—that just doesn’t fit her character.

Technically, though, a full relationship requires not only an exchange of mutual “I like you”s, but also a ratified “Will you go out with me?” And that last part we have yet to actually see.

joined Apr 17, 2015

I don't know if we'll get a straightforward "will you go out with me?" scene… The only time Canno has ever done that the conventional way was with Asuka and Mikaze; the others didn't need that.

Which is why I'm curious to see what spin she'll put on it in AyaYuri's case. A Big Damn Kiss seems like a given, but seeing that the yuriness has become increasingly explicit over the course of the series, I wonder if she will dare have them go further… It's the Comic Alive, there's room for audacity I think.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Oh my, that old hat again. Whether it will end or not, we will see. Content would be there, only Canno knows if she wants to dive into it.

More importantly, that Omake had several pages from previous chapters? How weird.
Poor Kaoru. It's hard to get over your old crush when you have a new crush on the same person for different reasons lol

last edited at Oct 14, 2018 5:52AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

^ The chapter 41 pages weren't exactly an "omake", Canno just added a splash page at the end of the chap, that wasn't there in the magazine version. But if I had just reuploaded the chap everyone would have missed it, so…

And yes, Kaoru is a peach. =3

joined Jul 29, 2017

I don't know if we'll get a straightforward "will you go out with me?" scene… The only time Canno has ever done that the conventional way was with Asuka and Mikaze; the others didn't need that.

I meant that as figurative shorthand for any fulfillment of the two-step process of “We like each other” + “We’re together.” (I believe Ayaka actually hasn’t literally said “I like you” to Yurine yet, either. But Ayaka likes Yurine.)

Has their been anything, explicit or implicit, beyond kissing in this series? I keep thinking there has, but I’m not calling it to mind at the moment.

joined Apr 17, 2015

There's some vague implication that Asuka and Mikaze did more than just sleep during their night together, especially with that bonus page someone posted here a while ago…


last edited at Oct 14, 2018 6:30AM

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