Cracks Knuckles
Alright, let’s begin. First of all, this is a really cute story. The characters were adorable and the romance was really nice and enjoyable to read. It was overall a sweet story and it’s hard not to enjoy it.
Now, here are some issues with the story. I liked the beginning, how she said she would develop feelings gradually, which is pretty realistic and interesting, but that was traded out for love at first sight, a trope I’m not a big fan of.
Also, while I like the characters, they felt flat. They didn’t extend far beyond their age. Simply put, it didn’t feel they had a personality. And man, did they not act their age. The “20” year old maiden may as well have been 14 with how she acted, and the “30” year old maiden went somewhere from 17 to 40 with how she acts.
I might be reading too much into it for a simple romance between two maidens, but I take my Yuri seriously. Also, the 20 year old felt too much like a Mary Sue, and tbh, you cknow joe stop reminding us of the age gap. We heard you the first 800 times. I know it’s the plot, but still, it’s repetative, and doesn’t go anywhere half the time.
Overall, pretty nice story for casual reading, but pretty lacking in depth and analyzed seriously, is pretty blah to meh. Since this is Dynasty though, I recommend it.