Forum › Sugar wa Otoshigoro discussion

joined Jan 21, 2015

^ I was referring to Honda, specifically, but you remind me that I forgot to mention something.

Technically the story ended with Asami in a horrifying situation, but I'm almost certain that the mangaka wasn't planning to end it on a tragic note. The weird hypothetical scenario in the last chapter could be seen as what actually happens some time down the line, but that couldn't be included as such without explanation. And in Hatanaka's dream, Asami is very adamant that they will see each other again. She was meant to get out of there eventually. The story got cut short before it could happen and the ending is vague, but it's hopeful. I think the author tried to show that Asami would be all right with the amount of pages she had left without writing an abrupt cheesy ending.

So, no, I don't see it as a het end or a prostitution end. But I have decided to be optimistic about this one, so feel free to disagree.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

I normally don't read dropped manga but this one's pretty interesting

joined Apr 12, 2018

I'm really not sure what to make of this one, but it's definitely an interesting read. Hoping to see some sort of conclusion eventually.

joined Nov 26, 2016


read the spoiler. it have shit end!

Can you point me to that spoiler? I've been looking for info and can't find it.

I just read this and thought it was really good, and then saw it was abandoned. (Unobservant, that's me.) And so I was thinking that, depending on how this story turns out, I might want to pick it up or volunteer as translator for it at Animexis. (They list the series as on hiatus due to lack of a translator.)

Here are spoilers for the ending. I figure if the series finished its run years ago and people want to know...

Short version: not a het ending, but not really yuri either. Kinda open-ended I guess? The dude is definitely out of the equation in any case.

Long version:
The manga obviously got axed before the author could give it the conclusion she wanted (or even any sort of conclusion that made sense) because the ending is seriously rushed.
At the end of chapter 12, Asami goes missing. It's implied her past caught up with her. Hatanaka and Honda spend the last volume looking for her. They don't find her. Neither the characters nor the reader find out what happened to her. Months go by. The last chapter is mostly an imagined scenario about what could happen when Asami comes back: 15 pages of the two girls hanging out and growing up (and cutting all ties with Honda, thank fuck). Then there's a text box that goes "Sorry, all of that was a lie".
In the actual timeline, Hatanaka has a dream about Asami who tells her that they'll definitely see each other again. This is just me speculating, but it seemed like we were expected to believe that Asami would say the same things if they were having the conversation in person. So she's probably not dead.

The last sentence: Dream-Asami saying "I love you" (aishiteru yo) to Hatanaka.

For what it's worth, I remember really enjoying this one.

Thank you for that, I bought the third volume from otsuki, before reading your comment, i have mixed feeling about the ending, maybe the point of the manga was that we never are gonna really know asami, its kind of sad that she is not even in the half of the last volume

joined Sep 21, 2015

maybe asami being homeless now has something to do with her disappearing like the spoilers say, i just hope i ever get to see the end of this one i loved it so much bacck in the years and now i had the pleasure of finding it again and re-reading.

last edited at Jul 13, 2020 2:57AM

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Looking for a translator to help me finish this. I am slow, but I can do everything besides translation. Please review some of my past work here. Thank you!

joined Jul 23, 2017

Asami sure is confusing. Is she a prostitute or what?

joined Apr 21, 2020

This is such an interesting coming of age manga. I loved seeing Hatanaka's poor understanding of her desires and attempts to put various labels on them to understand them. I don't know that her relationship with Asami ever got to be romantic, and I think it was more realistic for that (despite the occasional goofy "is this love???" speech bubble shoved in). She wants so badly for this closed person to open to her, and has no idea how to support her, and can't change her past anymore than Asami can to suit her. I wish that this had gotten a proper continuation but I find the ending of volume two a good place to stop anyway.

joined Nov 16, 2021

i can't believe this is back, i love you dearly

joined May 18, 2021

Gouma-den swinging in to pinch hit one to completion

joined Nov 19, 2020

Woah holy shit I had given up hope ty so much TT_TT

joined Jun 19, 2018

!!!<3 love and hype <3!!!

joined Jan 20, 2020

Woooah thank god I don't remember the spoilers I read years ago

joined Sep 10, 2021

Ah shit, here we go with 5 miles long tags again

joined Jun 19, 2014

omg another resurrection! I'm pretty sure this one was mostly subtext but it was interesting at least. Time for a reread!

joined Jun 27, 2017

Mhhh, I vaguely feel like I had read the end of this already somewhere? Ah, who knows. Brain weird. ^^

joined Sep 6, 2018

I didn’t think this would be completed… and judging from past comments in the thread, I don’t think I’d like to finish reading this… the manga just dragged on and on. No wonder it was axed. The editors made a good call on this one.

Dynasty Reader
joined Sep 7, 2021

This one had me bouncing all over the place. I don't know if I loved or hated it, it was just a weird read. It was interesting, it did manage to hook me, I kinda liked and didn't like, that nothing was really fed to us, we had to kinda navigate and infer what was fact from fiction. I liked the way they were portrayed to be figuring things out. Perhaps what I have questions over is the fact, that the story never really goes anywhere, it remains in this weird fluctuation for me and I just don't know how to feel about it. Reading the spoilers only kinda just proves my point.
I wanna give it a 7/10 but I think given what I know overall, it's more like a 6/10

joined Jul 22, 2018

the non logic manga is back

joined Mar 4, 2018

Man vs crows: The road to victory.

joined Oct 14, 2014

R.I.P. Wings of Yuri/Horobi no Michi.

last edited at May 4, 2022 11:50PM

joined Mar 20, 2014

What a boring ending....

joined Jun 3, 2014

I love the MC's energy
Thank you Gouma-den for picking this up, I pretty much binged read this, I can't wait for more

last edited at May 6, 2022 6:00PM

joined Apr 17, 2017

Gouma-Den, THANK YOU TEAM FOR PICKING IT UP AGAIN!!<3 I can't wait to see where it goes its been years.

joined Apr 17, 2017

Gouma-Den, THANK YOU TEAM FOR PICKING IT UP AGAIN!!<3 I can't wait to see where it goes its been years.

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