I like the post-amnesia Arisa better than the pre-amnesia one, because the first one is kinda perverted, the new one is just so cute. Well, hopefully no more post-post-amnesia Arisa, her brain is going haywire from too much happiness.
There is no explanation more fitting for Arisa's amnesia than happiness overload. In fact, it must be contagious because I can't stop smiling whenever I read this manga.
Is that it Arisa YOU STUPID LESBIAN OMG and here I was like "lol they finally had "sex" hahaha and then you throw a plot twist like that this series i swear .... Jesus Christ
And then she lost her memories...again.
Or, maybe, we will see a new Arisa, with the memories of the old and the new mixed together...
A super cute/lewd Arisa. :)
I like the post-amnesia Arisa better than the pre-amnesia one, because the first one is kinda perverted, the new one is just so cute. Well, hopefully no more post-post-amnesia Arisa, her brain is going haywire from too much happiness.
How do you know that pre-amnesia Arisa didn't start off as cute as post-amnesia Arisa is? Besides, post-amnesia Arisa is kinda as perverted as her pre-amnesia self is, she's just crippled by her amnesia-induced lack of experience/memories and the resulting vulnerability to emotional overload.