Forum › Missing Link Side:Shuri discussion

joined Oct 25, 2016

It's slowly going down a long mountain of insanity. And that mountain has different insane viewpoints of stupidity. It's weird how I fast I clicked on this after pressing refresh on 'recently added'....I don't even like it, maybe.

joined Jun 12, 2015

Autoparody. Bravo!

joined Jan 4, 2017

Oh, this school Santa Barbara. I still feel bad for Rina. I hope she will find someone faithful ans sane.

joined Jun 17, 2014

kek. slow clap

joined Jan 11, 2018

Wow that girl is crazy.

Maybe the girl getting jerked around and the teacher getting jerked around will end up together? Likely this will just be angst.

last edited at Feb 2, 2018 4:31PM

joined Oct 26, 2016

Oh dear. She might be the stabbing type. Keep an eye on that girl. No way she isn't dangerous.

joined Nov 19, 2017

oh shieeet we have a yandere on our hands , this is getting interesting !!

joined Aug 28, 2016

At least Shuri isn't cheating on anyone and has good intentions underneath all the insanity... kinda.

joined Feb 28, 2013

Poor Saki.... her life is so screwed at the moment.

joined May 15, 2014

it could have ended nicely....

last edited at Feb 2, 2018 6:01PM

joined Sep 6, 2015

Is confirmed now, that teacher fails so fucking miserably at being a teacher. Shuri, on the other hand, I quite like her.

joined Oct 16, 2016

Considering this one ended with a "fin" and the last one ended with "to be continued", I guess this is the last part. Guess Ayumi really was just a two-timing bitch.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I still feel bad for Rina. I hope she will find someone faithful ans sane.

Rina is a selfish bitch. The way she acted during their voting bullshit was just awful. She doesn't deserve happiness.

joined Oct 28, 2017

Oi... This got dark.

joined Feb 14, 2016

So the punchline is every single one of them is gay huh

joined Aug 22, 2013

Considering this one ended with a "fin" and the last one ended with "to be continued", I guess this is the last part. Guess Ayumi really was just a two-timing bitch.

Aww hope that’s not true about it ending. I was hoping to see the story from everyone’s POV, and how each viewing angle would have revealed another layer of the complicated love square pentagon thing lol

joined May 28, 2012

I understand everything now....
I change my mind about this one.This is actually not that bad,but adding some boats would made it alot better.

last edited at Feb 2, 2018 9:45PM

joined Aug 24, 2015

shuri > ayumi.
at least shuri aint giving anyone false hope by kissing them(she stopped midway, girl actually still now how to be manipulative AND loyal)

while ayumi, is a fucken two timing beeyotch who cant even be upfront about her side bitch. honestly, the one im most mad at is ayumi. cheaters always give me bile

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

The kind of weird thing is the chronology. Shuri didn't find out about Rina and Ayumi's relationship until after the voting had started. So was she the one who asked the teacher to start the vote in the first place? Or did she have nothing to do with starting the vote, and just adopted it for her scheme part-way through?

If she did pressure Eriko to start the vote before even knowing about Rina and Ayumi, then for what purpose? She said she was the source of the rumors about a lesbian couple in the swim club—was she just trying to get Saki kicked out? I feel like this story would've made a lot more sense if the vote had only started after Shuri found out about Rina and Ayumi. The way it's presented now, it looks like she just randomly tried to get any two people kicked out of the club for no real reason, and then only decided during the vote that those two people should be Saki and Ayumi.

joined Nov 14, 2016

I'm not sure who should I be cheering for, but it would be interesting to see how the story develops.

joined Feb 25, 2013

A yandere flag has been raised.

joined Jul 3, 2017

I don't trust manga from this author....

joined Dec 16, 2014


joined Apr 12, 2014


joined Aug 20, 2016

The kind of weird thing is the chronology. Shuri didn't find out about Rina and Ayumi's relationship until after the voting had started. So was she the one who asked the teacher to start the vote in the first place? Or did she have nothing to do with starting the vote, and just adopted it for her scheme part-way through?

If she did pressure Eriko to start the vote before even knowing about Rina and Ayumi, then for what purpose? She said she was the source of the rumors about a lesbian couple in the swim club—was she just trying to get Saki kicked out? I feel like this story would've made a lot more sense if the vote had only started after Shuri found out about Rina and Ayumi. The way it's presented now, it looks like she just randomly tried to get any two people kicked out of the club for no real reason, and then only decided during the vote that those two people should be Saki and Ayumi.

I think because she knows who the Two Lesbians are, and because she and Rina hates Saki she wanted to kick her out.

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